Birthday • 1992-10-01 Gender •
Female Location • There's no penguins in Alaska. Member Since • 2005-11-22 Occupation • Arrogant Pirate/Ninja Real Name • Raeza :D
Anime Fan Since • I was a tiny kid[: Favorite Anime • LOTS. Just ask:) Goals • the end toward which effort is directed? Talents • Ehh;;ModestFace;; mocha-chan
Thursday, April 13, 2006
my week was Ok....what the hell am i talking about, it was fucking awesome!!!!
i went to the RBD concert, and was in the front row seats!!!!! MY PONCHO WAS SO CLOSE TO ME!!!!! aND YES, ferny, ur christian looked hot as well.
Christopher looked so amazing without a shirt, i'm sorry Poncho!! i still luv u more.
Anahi, Dulce and Mayte all looked so pretty.
They looked even better than on TV, teehee.
The concert lasted for about 2 hours or so.
It was so incredible!!! It started out with this sheet covering the entire stage and then, it like blew off!! and there they were, all six of them stading, so awesomelyness...Uh?? yeah.
The first song they sang was Rebelde, they always do. Then Liso Sensual, which was an awkward song.
The place was freaking packed!!!! with people from monterrey mainly. and old guys...around 22.
Creepy. But what scared me the most were the fat, 39 year-old looking lards that attended!!!! They were probably just there to take their kids...and for the food.
I hated it though, i saw these girls from ages 6-20 (around) wearing the Rebelde uniforms!!
I was so jelouse!!! I didn't care if i stole one from a little girl, i needed a uniform to look cute!!! O.O...yup.
My Poncho!! I already miss you!!!!!!
I LUV U!!!!!! Well, G2G.
Bai Bai.
PONCHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -.- ack.