Yesterday..was also fun,lol.
We went to some waterpark called Aqua Coco.
There wasn't much sun, but I still go sunburned for some reason,lol.
Our aunt left us there and thought we'd have fun spending a WHOLE day there,
After 2 hours we started acting weird again, and on one waterslide we all went together..I don't think we were suppose to...but there wasn't anybody watching.
But I think they got mad, cuz in one part my cousin and I were going to go together, on our backs, and when we went on, (at first) it went really fast, then..the water kinda stopped O.O
So pretty much we had to push our way out,lol, it was still fun ^^.
Well, I'm probably going back home, and they're going to Housten, i think,lol.
Yes indeed,lol....
awwww!! Kitty's coming!!! Franchesca!! lol, omg, she's on me,lol, she's sooooo cute and fat! XD, well no.
Okay, I'm gonna go play with the kitty, so bai bai^^