New it?
Well, school starts Monday the 14th, and honestly, I don't want to go back XD.
It's funny though, just as summer was starting, I REALLY wanted school to start, now, I don't want to wake up at 6:30 (only on the first day), and get ready for school,bleh.
The good thing though, is that I went to San Antonio!! Yay, but only for shopping.
My mom was tired of all the clothes they had here, so we decided to take the 4 hour drive to San Antonio,lol, but it was worth it.
I bought a ALOT of prettyful shirts, and shoes.
My pretty shoes!! lol,I'm sure ALOT of people have them though, they're black and white, checkered flat Vans, but I still like em.
I bought a few shirts, one of them being an awesome Hello Kitty one!! lol, and...lots and lots of pants...yup.
Ooooh..and a new purse ^-^...yesss.
I'm almost done with my summer reading, but I still need to finish the stupid projects.
Nikki, Mishy, Nadia, friendz from school...PLEASE tell me you're done with yours!!
No it's not's called helping..ehehe, really.
I'll try visiting those who posted today ^^, okay then...bai bai :p