Ehh, I've been acting kinda careless, and
reckless I might even say.
I haven't been too moody, but confused lately.
Mishy, if you're reading this,you probably guessed it. It has to do with a boy.
That's all I'm saying.
I don't really feel comfortable talking about these kind of things for some reason.
It hardly ever happens.
I know, I'm confusing you, but...maybe later on
I'll be able to talk about it more openly, I guess. Highly doubt it.
And one of my teachers is making it much worse.
Odd huh?
I mean, I don't think they can really intrude on your personal life. I'm the kind of person who likes to think teachers have no life, other than teaching. I dunno, I'll just kinda freak out with I see them at the movies or at an arcade wearing shorts,lol.
Well, anyways, my speech teacher, is trying to pair me up sooo badly with a kid named Armando.
Since we both did a same topic, and we kinda dress alike, (meaning style), she keeps asking me, "Have you met him??" or "Isn't he just adorable?". XP haha.
I find it amusing really, doesn't piss me off.
I guess it's cause she's one of my fave teachers =), and I don't have too many at that.
And I must admit, I do find Armando rather cuute <3, BUT, I won't admit it to my teacher, hehe.
He likes anime and cosplayed as Kakashi once, oh squee, lol.
But, I won't give too much thought into him or anything relating to THAT.
I should befriend him though, he'd make a lovely friend =3
*sighs* But the boy problem thingy doesn't
invovle him. Someone else that I really care about...but...I'm rather confused.
I neeeeedd to hear from a close friend sooo badly. I don't want them to like, give me advice,I won't force em, but it's nice when you have someone who is willing to listen to you, no matter how tedious it might be, right?
(I'm deciding to do this only for today):
1-Have you ever lied just so you
won't hurt another person's feelings?
2-Which do you think is better, loyalty or honesty?
3-Do you like your name?
(No, but I've learned to live with it.)
4-How old are you?
(14, I might've forgotten peoples ages
around here XD.)
5-If the world were to end right, who would
be that ONE person you'd want beside you?
(Pfft, I dunno. Someone who really matters
to me I guess.)
That's about it, I'll visit some sites today,kay?
take cares and have a great day =3
(Sorry if it was a bit long).
Mood:Apathetic, I might say.