lilanimegirl10 (12/07/06)
I love your site!!! I saw your e-cards they are really good!!! Im adding you as a friend!!!!!!!!
AhiruKawaii (10/23/06)
Thanks so much for the comment!^^ It's much appreciated!
Glad you like my E-cards!
I like yours too. It looks like yours are pretty popular. It says the your six e-cards have been sent 100 times! That's awsome!^^
Also, nice wallpapers!
Kiki-tink (09/20/06)
Hey Mokuba Kagome! Thanks for signing my GB. I've added you to my friends list too. I hope we can become good friends. Oh! Thanks for letting me know about the makona e-card. I'll edit it as soon as I can. Kiki-tink =^_^=
mr.cookie (09/14/06)
hi nice place u got here.drop bye my site some time.
Animated Girl 2 (08/24/06)
Hello! Nice site you have. I like the
colors,the pictures and the avatar. I even like your wallpapers they�re
so cool. You really do a good job with them. I�ll add you as a friend by the way. Ok? See ya
Forever Gone (08/15/06)
oh I love your wallpapers you do such a great job with them ^^
Auska-104 (07/30/06)
hey i realy like ur yugioh wallpapers ^_^ there cool!!
johnnytremain123 (07/26/06)
hey I really like all of your wallpapers good job! lol