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Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Hey there! I am updating in my Word Processing class.
Pretty uneventful. I just finished typing up a bazillon words so my hands hurt..
very badly I must add.
My day has been pretty dull. Did nothing in my first period, after Word processing I have (lunch) English then Biology.
And guess what?!
THURSDAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! (i expect presents guys! lol jkjk)
Yesterday was (ugh!) boring too! I got TONS of homeowork from World History, and I still don't get Geometry that much either. It's amazing that I am get passing Geometry!!! (I DONT KNOW SHIT!)
Then my printer wouldn't work yesterday for my older brother and he got all PMSy on me and stuff, like i know what to do?! seesh man
then i had to move all my iTunes music from one computer to another MANUALLY now i just have to update my windows media player and download DivX then I can transfer a lot of my anime over.
So much to do in so little time....
Love you guys! Ja
PS please go review my fanfiction! It's my first fic so it's not that good...It's a Leon(Squall)xCloud My fic!
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Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Sorry for the late update!
I suppose enough of you guys begged for pictures, so i will put them up :D
I did get to everyones site by the way.
At least those who updated in the afternoonish time.
Onto the piccys!
I don't have the pictures uploaded to my photobucket,
and I dont have them saved to this computer.
^_^;; SORRY! Next update I will have them I promise!
so uh, Love you guys!
PS please go review my fanfiction! It's my first fic so it's not that good...It's a Leon(Squall)xCloud My fic!
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
October 30, 2007
Well here is post 2/2! A day before halloween too, aren't i just fantabulos?
Tatsuha: no
...well I think I am. So how do you guys like the new theme? it's xxxHOLIC ;D
Tatsuha: should've been me
well to bad so sad. oh and for anyone else who has noticed/read the gravitation manga, Tatsuha's name changed from Tatsuha to Tatsuho. so which is his real name? we shall never know...
Tatsuha: but i am right here
...well if you want me to get all realistic on you tech-
Tatsuha: nope i totally get it. I understand when i am not wanted *walks away*
*silene* w-wait!!! no no come back! i am going to finsh my post without you then! *waits* ....he's really gone *blood splatter*
Ahem well okay! Onto my REAL post. For the past oh *counts of fingers* few week? 3 i think a lot has been going on. I finally cut off ties with a friend who I no longer like, my grades are still okay for the most part, and i've just been over all enjoying myself :D
I am working on an art project, its of Axel and Roxas, I will scan it once I am done with it. The anime convo was a blast!! umm but that was last month (still people still) and I do have the pictures. if you guys beg enough I will try and post them tomorrow.
anyways, I may or may not comment on sites. I have been keeping up lately though, just never commenting. scrictly reading :( i will try sometime today or tomorrow though.
well i love you guys, but Tatsuha/Tatsuho is probably half-way to China by now! luv you all! *runs like lighting off to find Tatsuha*
Quote of the day: "Damn you Hiro, you're best friend gets raped and you just go to work?" -Shuichi S.
-Mokie, and Tatsuha
PS please go review my fanfiction! It's my first fic so it's not that good...It's a Leon(Squall)xCloud
My fic!
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Friday, October 12, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
*hugs everyone* Welcome to my 1 of 2 posts for the month :P
Tatsuha: you're horrible
...Am not! Listen it's not that I don't like you guys
Tatsuha: (lies)
*glares* its just that I have so much pileing up. Call me the worlds biggest procrastinator! I am horrible at getting all my homework done because I am always
Tatsuha: Online talking to your friends on Messenger or on Myspace
....Well yea that's true. It's just that I have tried to keep up with your blogs
Tatsuha: (lies again)
but I mean lately it's just seems so much like a chore to visit everyones site and comment on their day ya know? I mean I want people to comment on my life, but...ugh I dont know! I mean its not that I dont care its just that
Tatsuha: you're a horrible person :D
*cloud over head* I suppose it's true. I know what you guys are going to say to, but I mean now you just dont mean what you are saying! I have every ability to get to your sites and comment, but I just don't because
Tatsuha: you don't care
No no! I care its just that, I don't want to. *sighs* I understand if you guys dont come around as much anymore, I mean I only update once or twice a month.
Tatsuha: and even when you do update, all you're doing is apolgising and getting nothing accomplished.
*digs self into ditch*
Tatsuha: Mission accomplished!
Quote of the day: "This shit is da bomb! Well take your fucking bomb back to Iraq you terrorist!"
~Mokie and Tatsuha
PS: thinking of changing the site theme
Comments (3) |
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Oi! I am so sorry for not updating. School has started and everything just seems to pile up! (that and i lost my password ^^;;)
dont get me wrong though, i've gotten to everyones site at least once, its just i dont have time to leave a comment.
Just enough time to read your post (depending on how long it is)
So for right now I guess I am on break? I'll try updating like a few times a month but no promises.
I luv u all so much!!!!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Hey Sorry I havent posted lately, last week I wasn't too happy and I was majorly depressed and in pain. There were so many things wrong with my body I kinda cracked so yea, sorry about that. I'm all better now!! I'll probably be updating once a week cause...
Tatsuha: Because your lazy
Exactly! But don't worry during my repression from the otaku, I did get to sites and read most of your blogs, I just didn't comment on any of them cause I didn't want to but I did read them I promise
Vinny: *pokes me with his beak* Squwak!
Oh right! Well tomorrow I am going to audition for a part in a drama play. I don't know what the play is called, but I do know its a comedy. We didn't get scrpits so I just got a skit from Kenen & Kel (a skit show on All That! from that early 90's to early 2000's) its pretty funny, I only hope that I don't mess up.
Tatsuha: You'll do fine you've been praciting a lot.
*looks at him weird* ...Are you being, dare i say, nice?
Tatsuha: I have my moments *crosses arms and huffs* you're an ungrateful brat.
You're just like that brother of yours *rolls eyes* Well guys that's all i've got. I'll get to everyones sites withen the week and expect an update next Sunday~Mondayish next week :)
Tatsuha: Eiri? I am not like him...hey don't walk away from me! COME BACK HERE *chases after me*
Vinny: ??? *confused and runs with us ^o^*
Quote of the day: "Who likes orange soda? KEL LIKES ORANGE SODA!"
~Mokie, Tatsuha, Vinny
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Ohayo mina!!!
Tatsuha: long time no see everyone
Vinny:SQUAK!!! ^.^
*pats Vinny* For those of you who don't know this is my cute little Chocobo Vinny...and the other guy.
Tatsuha: HEY! I think i desirve a little apprication here.
Psh, for what? You're always mean to me.
Tatsuha: Cause your mean to me!
Ya whatever. It's not nice to lie, liar.
Tatsuha:*whispers to you guys* dont listen to her what i say is true!
*ignores him* Well my weekend has been very uneventful to say the least. I finally got the book i was supposed to read for English, sadly I have to be half way trough with it by today, which I am not >_>
Tatsuha: Slacker.
For once you speak the truth *pokes his forehead* OH OH! I also got my Gravitation Backpack with Shuichi on it ^^ I'll take pictures one i get a camera, and also got my Naruto Jacket! *dances with Vinny*
Tatsuha: hmph *glares at vinny*
Vinny: SQUWAK! *is dizzy from the dancing*
So i believe a few of you had questions for me, sadly I dont remember them ^^;; I wrote them down on a note card but have seem to misplaced it so next post I'll get to them.
In the mean time ask me more questions! There fun ^^
Tatsuha: Shouldn't you be reading your book instead of updating your blog you procrastinator
Vinny: *pecks at Tatsuha* SQUWAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
Tatsuha: DAMN GIANT CHICKEN! GET BACK HERE I'LL MAKE A SANDWICH OUTTA YOU *Chases Vinny all around the room*
Vinny: *distressed squwak*
Quote of the day: "Hey! Hey dude I-I think i hear a car!
Yea a fucking car great, get used to them there all a around you dumbass. Now if you hear a fucking whale tell me that shit. Otherwise shut the fuck up."-Dane Cook
Mokie, Tatsuha, and Vinny
(I love Dane Cook ;D)
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Saturday, August 25, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
*walks in*
*shifty eyes*
G'day!! *waves*
No, I'm not Mokie!!
I'm Blue! Yeah, I'm the one that did this theme for her. *nods* Alot of hard work!
Okay okay, I lie. It wasn't really.
And Mokie (when you read this), don't you dare say what I think you'll say!!! >_<
Annnnnyway, Mokie asked me to post for her today! She said...
"Just update for me telling everyone I'm sorry for not getting to sites but I might get to them today or sometime tomorrow."
And I said sure.
So now I've told you what she wanted me to tell you. Which means I can wreak havoc!!
Wreak havoc... I love that! Whoever thought of saying that in the first place is a bloody genius!!
Anyway, I'm gonna go now. ^_^;;;
Byye!! *waves*
- Blue
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Ohayo mina!!!
I noticed a lot of you enjoyed my picture of Tatsuha yesterday.
For all of you who saved that picture I hate you D:<
lol jkjkjk hehehe your welcome to take it!! (not like its mine anyways xD)
School was a major drag.
What i mean is it went by so slow! All we did was review rules and regulations that everyone knows!!! When I got home i was so tired!
But i did get to everyones sites, I think i popped a vein because i was so frustrated with my goddamn internet. The comment boxes wouldn't load for a lot of the sites and I just about had it.
Tired and frustrated is not a good combination with me, or for anyone. But no worries like i said, i got to everyone!!
And great news!!! I GOT MY LOCKER! :DDD No thanks to security, I just snipped the little lock tab they hand on it with sissors (actually a friend did ^^)
Knightwolfgirl I did add you as a friend! I don't know why it's not showing up but i do have you on my friends list i promise ^^.
Koma-kun I swear you are as dense as can be. A chocobo, as seen in a varity of Final Fantasies with the exception of a few that don't feature them, are pretty much giant chickens you can ride. I'd say since FFVII is a big thing right now, you can see Chocobos in that game. Here is a picture of a chocobo:

Take note- that chocobo is NOT my Vinny, my Vinny is much more cuter ^.^
Lately, I've had an unhealthy obsession with Kisame chibis. He's so busted in the anime but this adorable widdle thing as a chibi :3 I have pictures of him all over my planner xD
And one of Jiraya hugging a giant bottle of Sake. yea!!
ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS!!! (they're fun in da sun w00t)
Quote of the day:"...and the guy just fucking punches the shark in the face and the shark is like ALRIGHT!!!!" -Dane Cook, a great comidan xD
Just youtube Dane Cook Shark, its so funny you have to watch it!! HAVE TO!!! hehe :3
PS. I don't hate Tatsuha, I tye him up cause its kinky ^.~ (i'm pretty sure he likes it too lol) I'll untie him next post and let Vinny out of his cage.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
First and foremost, i will get to the questions:
1. Who is Tatsuha?
*flips out* WHO IS TATSUHA?! LIKE THE SEXIST MAN WHO HAS EVER EVER BEEN DRAWN!!! *grins* He's from the BoysLove Gravitation, he's Yuki Eiri's younger brother. I'd say he's more of a sex slave then a boyfriend ^.~ here's a pic!!
2. Who is Vinny?
Vinny is my chocobo that I just made up ^_^ No pictures on my cutie yet sorrie :(
asahi dream
1. What is my favorite food?
Hmmm *taps head* I'd say Bacon and Rice ^^ I can live on that for the rest of my life!!!
1. How did you discover yaoi??
*grins and rubs hands* Well thats a grrrrrrr~eat question!!! Well you see i first got into anime about 5th grade, then in 6th grade I got really into it and decided to look into local anime stores around me. I'd say my first ever "yaoi" (actually its a boyslove) was Gravitation. The art caught my eyes as pretty (that and Yuki Eiri was on the cover O.O He's pretty good lookin' ^.~) so I rented it unaware of what it really held in store ^_^. Well ya, that's how I got into it. So if you ever need refrence sites on where to see reviews of BoysLove/Yaoi just ask me! Or if your curious about anything else ^_^
Now for the real post!!! I am really sorry I didn't get to sites!! But i mean, myotaku wasn't loading because they were doing matience so you can't get mad at me for that!! I was at school all day and had no way to visit anyone. And now I'm updating and JUST NOW reading everyones comments at 5 in the morning.
*cries* I'M SORRYYYYYYY!!!
(I'll get to them today! PROMISE!)
As for my first day of school, it was alright i guess. I have no classes with one of my BFs (best friends you dirty people!) Lizzie :( So i hardly see her. Same with Kimberley and Jessica.
And the fucking security wont open my locker for me D:< bastards...
That's it for today ^^ and Kakashi- I will be updating TOMORROW AND THE REST OF THE WEEK! *evil grin*
It will be my longest streak eva!! lol
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