Hello everyone and welcome to my new and imporved site!
I'm Mokubakaiba, but I perfer to be called Mokie thanks.
I haven't been on this site for a good 2 years, but I plan on making some kind of comeback! Hence this major update. Not too into anime anymore, but I still watch it from time to time when I can. ^_^
Please sign my gusetbook and leave comments!!!
*Theme by
Blue Eyes* (Unfortuantly, Blue Eyes deleted her blog, but I still feel it necessary to mention that she wrote the script for all of this)
~ Blue was here! 2007 ^_^ ~
Ohayo mina!!!
I noticed a lot of you enjoyed my picture of Tatsuha yesterday.
For all of you who saved that picture I hate you D:<
lol jkjkjk hehehe your welcome to take it!! (not like its mine anyways xD)
School was a major drag.
What i mean is it went by so slow! All we did was review rules and regulations that everyone knows!!! When I got home i was so tired!
But i did get to everyones sites, I think i popped a vein because i was so frustrated with my goddamn internet. The comment boxes wouldn't load for a lot of the sites and I just about had it.
Tired and frustrated is not a good combination with me, or for anyone. But no worries like i said, i got to everyone!!
And great news!!! I GOT MY LOCKER! :DDD No thanks to security, I just snipped the little lock tab they hand on it with sissors (actually a friend did ^^)
Knightwolfgirl I did add you as a friend! I don't know why it's not showing up but i do have you on my friends list i promise ^^.
Koma-kun I swear you are as dense as can be. A chocobo, as seen in a varity of Final Fantasies with the exception of a few that don't feature them, are pretty much giant chickens you can ride. I'd say since FFVII is a big thing right now, you can see Chocobos in that game. Here is a picture of a chocobo:

Take note- that chocobo is NOT my Vinny, my Vinny is much more cuter ^.^
Lately, I've had an unhealthy obsession with Kisame chibis. He's so busted in the anime but this adorable widdle thing as a chibi :3 I have pictures of him all over my planner xD
And one of Jiraya hugging a giant bottle of Sake.
Umm...so yea!!
ASK ME MORE QUESTIONS!!! (they're fun in da sun w00t)
Quote of the day:"...and the guy just fucking punches the shark in the face and the shark is like ALRIGHT!!!!"
-Dane Cook, a great comidan xD
Just youtube Dane Cook Shark, its so funny you have to watch it!! HAVE TO!!! hehe :3
PS. I don't hate Tatsuha, I tye him up cause its kinky ^.~ (i'm pretty sure he likes it too lol) I'll untie him next post and let Vinny out of his cage.