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Friday, November 10, 2006
Well, It's About Time...
I promised you kids more of me since my scedule changed, and I haven't quite lived up to that. Bad Molly!
I painted my bathroom on Wednesday. It is now a lovely shade of yellow. What's funny is I wanted to paint it Blue (Jordan's favorite color) and Jordan wanted to paint it yellow. Everyone knows yellow is my favorite color. It's a little backwards. I alost painted it blue until my friend said she liked the yellow and too many people have blue bathrooms. That was the turning point. Now I have a yellow bathroom, and I am pretty happy with it.
Jordan and I went and saw the movie The Prestige. Directed by Chris Nolan. I can't tell you how much I love Chris Nolan. If you haven't seen Memento or The Following Watch them today, I command you! He even did a pretty damn good job directing Batman Begins. Anyway, back to the new one... Very Excellent performances by all involved, but I love virtualy everyone in this movie, and the look of the film is gorgeous and authentic.
Two rival magicians trying to out do each other and exact revenge... and in excellent Nolan style, you don't know the whole story until the end. One of the things I love about Nolan, who directed and co-wrote the movie, is that he's so fluid. he give you a twist, but you aren't looking for one. It's nopt like M. Night Shamalan, where you ignore the movie looking for the twist. Nolan presents a compelling story, and you think the you got it figured out from the information presented, then boom, it all actually comes together, and then you look back and see all the clues. I have actually been thinking a lot about the movie since I saw it on Tuesday. Oh, and for those who look closely, what out for David Bowie!
So, I bought my car from my dad a week ago, and I went to go and get it tagged the other day... My father did not include the lien release with the title, so cannot buy tags for my car, and now he cannot find the letter, so I'm a little lost. I'm driving around on an expired tag, afraid of being stopped and what not... Ridiculous, stupid beaurocracy.
Jordan and I decided last night that we are not going to exchange Christmas gifts this year. Have so many other things that take priority right at the moment... I don't feel bad about not getting anything, but there are a couple of things I'd like to get him, but I can't really afford what I want to get. I think that it's probably out gift to each other to get the house painted the way we want. Maybe we'll be done around Christmas.
I'm sure there are other things I meant to include here when I started, but now I can't think of any of them.
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Has it been long enough that I qualify as "prodical"?
What's going on, Kids? My cat makes my entire house small terrible, I hate him. Would you like to have him? I'll pay for shipping.
Well, it's gotten to that point. I have to go to the dentist. One of the HUGE, gaping holes in my teeth has become infected and it's causing me great pain. Anyone want to contribute to the Molly has a fortune in dental work fund? Man, I wish we had socialized medicine.
I started my new schedule this week. I guess it's ok. I miss having people I know to sit with at lunch or dinner, whatever meal I take while i'm there. Oh well.
I hear a rumor from Jordan that he may be losing his job to budget cuts soon... I'm really kind of worried about it, more than he exhibits, though I'm sure that he's plenty stressed about it. His band played publicly for the first time on Saturday. I've never met his bandmates, so they thought I was a myth, but I met them and now they adore me. How could they not, really? What's better is I invited my friend to the show, and since I did that, they were invited to open for his band in December, so... I got them another gig. Good for me, let me toot my own horn.
Halloween is coming up, I don't work, and I have no plans. That sucks and is also kind of fine with me. Whatever. I never think of good costumes anymore anyway. I just don't wnat to give out candy to kids... Yeah, I'm one of those people. Stupid kids.
My mouth hurts, I'm going to take a hydrocodone and go to bed.
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Monday, October 9, 2006
lalalalala... I have no train of thought today.
I am no longer a Blockbuster employee. Yesterday was my last day. Five damn years of my life being a video slave. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it a lot of the time. I met a lot of people I love working there too. I really wonder about a lot of aspects of the future of the video store in general...
I'm sitting her listening to a news story about adjustable rate mortgages. It's pretty sad, interest is going up now, and now all these people who bought houses when rates were low now can't afford their payments. Really, people, I understand that yes, the loan officers need to tell you about your loan, but if you don't know what an ADJUSTABLE rate means, you may be too stupid to own a home.
It's in the 50's today. I love it! I made a pot of chili and some corn bread! COme on over, we'll watch Monday Night Football. I hate that it's on ESPN. You should not need cable to see football.
Amazon, my rubber tree, id dying. I've had it for years. It was 8 inches tall when I got it and now it's a little taller than 3 feet. It's leaves are curling and falling off, and I'm not sure why. I'm not over or under watering it, I've moved it to get more or less sun, neither has helped. If any of you know much about plants, do you have any tips?
I'm thinking of volunteering some of my time to the public radio fund drive this fall. They need people to answer the phone and take pledges. It would be a refreshing change to talk to nice, educated people on the phone.
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Sunday, October 8, 2006
Coming soon!
In a land where time and space are all taken, a light appears. Coming soon to a myOtaku near you...
Look for it soon.
My days a a part timer are number either today or next sunday is the last one. I'm off from all my jobs tomorrow, so I'm gonna tell you all about it!
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Friday, October 6, 2006
rljghghlafn;jbn;orh vo;q
That's the best title ever.
So, what's happenin'? I'm back, I'm dedicated... I'm going to POST.
A week or two ago, I went to Colorado. It was for my cousin's wedding, and I had such an excellent time. Isn't it weird how a person can have more fun with her family than her friends sometimes... I love my friends, but some of us are getting boring in our old age. Hanging out with a bunch of 50 and 60 uear old folks who just happen to be related to me. Of course There were young people there too. I mean the couple is in their mid to late 20s.
I did so much better in the mountains than I normally do,though. I used to have to sit on the floor and not be able to see out the windows... I used to cry. Now I'm pretty ok. I was pretty proud of myself.
I'm pretty unaccomplished lately, so I don't know what else to post about... maybe later.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Really quick, before work.
The last post I had said holy shit it September and now it's october. Where is 2006 going? Hell, that's where.
I wrote my title and had a dirty little giggle.
My work schedule change to second shift on oct 22. I'll probably be around more then.
Love ya tons
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Monday, September 4, 2006
Holy Shit, It's Septmeber.
The Crocodile Hunter Died today.
Sorry I haven't been around for a bit. We'll got to that a bit later. This is gonna be a long one.
I missed my anniversary. For some reason, I thought it was the third, not the first. No matter, I have had this site for three years now, and I am proud to say that it has actually significantly changed the layout of the life of Molly. Some of my very closest confidants in life I have met through this site, and while some have drifted out of communication, I plan on keeping you guys, I hope you fir on a shelf. I took a couple of night a few weeks ago, and just re-read my myO entries. It is a journal, after all. Journals are meant to be revisited. I must say a couple of things about that... First of all, I'm really too cryptic sometimes. A lot of stuff, I don't even remember what I was talking about. Secondly, I'm glad I did it. There are so many things that I had forgotten about that made me happy to read. I was kind of sad though that comments from people whose sites are deleted are not there anymore. It used to be that their name just disappeared and they got a generic picture. Oh well. I was so funny before we all got each other's IM and before the PM system. We would all end up with 50 comments because that was where we'd chat. Speaking of that, my IM info, if you don't already have it is as follows
MSN (the one I'm on the most) epsavage@hotmail.com
Yahoo molettas
AIM molettaS
Yahoo and AIM I'm not on very often, as I really only have a couple of contacts on each of those, who never seem to be on at the same time as me.
Everyone did lovely tribute posts for people last month. I am not eloquent, or all that sentimental to my fault. Anyway, I'm going to list some of my very favorite myOers EVER and some stuff about them. Some of them aren't around anymore, but I still love 'em. Now, In no particular order, some nice things about a bunch of people.
SomeguyThere are so many things I can go on and on. I love that you are a rock for so many people, including myself. You care so deeply for people, it's incredible. you're logical and intelligent and you gave me swords for my wedding! An excellent gift, but not nearly so excellent as your presence! I hang on every word of your posts.
Heero You call my babydoll and I love that. You've grown up since we started here. I loved you as an angsty 15 year old and I'm incredibly affectionate for and proud of the person you're growing into. Your talent is incredible, whether you're drawing or writing songs. I'm always glad to see you on MSN. You make sure I know that I am loved in the world, and that's one of the most important things anyone has ever given me.
Alan Doesn't have his myO page up anymore, but that's ok, I still know where to find him, at least most of the time. I haven't been there in a while though. Sorry, Alan. I have rarely met someone who gets it like you. You have an incredible intelligence and sense of humor that gets me.
Beckles! GOOD LUCK AT COLLEGE!! You're so sweet and it's due to you that I know several of my myO friends, I think.I don't catch you on enough, and we'll do something aobut that, I promise.
RED Thank god there is someone else as violently minded as I am. Summer sucks when you're gone for so long.
DUO! My homie! Everyone is jealous of me because I get to hang out with you in person! You're incredibly driven and you help center my moral compass.
Holy crap, I've been working on this for over an hour. I have so much shit to do today. This is important though, so we carry on. I don't think I'm going to link anymore though. You can find all these fine people on my friend's list!
MolotovCocktease-you're eloquence inspires jealousy in me. I love to read your posts, being asI want to know what's up with you and I just love the way you write, whether it's something of great importance or mundane everyday things, it's wonderful to read.
Shinmaru--you may not know it, but I lurk on your site a lot! you're indescribable in the best of ways!
EVIL, ENIN, and PETIE. I met this trio all at about the same time, right when I had internet installed in my house when I was pregnant. You three deviously fun people brighten my days and the world.
Lady Lea--The incredible personality and strength I have had the honor of seeing in you leaves me speechless. I think of you often, though I haven't talked to you in a long time.
SHANNY--I love you, doll. I'm sorry we don't talk as much as we once did. You are still very dear to me, and I am constantly checking up on you.
Schultzie--What girl doesn't dream of her own superhero, and you are mine. We haven't ever really chatted, but I visit your site when I see that you've posted.
If you didn't make the list, it doesn't mean I don't love you tons, I just have to get on with stuff today, I have a week's worth of work and 1 day to do it. I love you guys, here's to another 3 years at least!
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Sunday, August 27, 2006
I'm an attention whore
I posted yesterday and I want to bring attention to it
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Holy Hell!
Gods! I haven't touched mycomputer in over a week, I don't think. Sorry, guys. I know you att wait with baited breath for every word I write. I think this might be a long post, not because I have all that much to talk about... I just think it is. *wink*
Alright, so what's up with me? I'll tell you, if I can remember.First of all, I guess we have a new dog? Jordan called me yesterday and asked if he can bring home a stray. It's an old female dog he found at work. She's realy nice, right now we're calling her "other dog" Jordan took out a bunch of ads about a found dog, is it yours? I think she has dog asthma...
Oh, hell's bells, kids, what else? I don't remember what I posted aobut last. Let's see, Last week I had to actually work with Clint for the first time. He's such a fuck. I can't even think of a creative name for him. My friend Ann told me I was scary after I was talking about him this week. It's been a long time since I wanted to murder someone so desperately. I want to know him down and sit on his chest and throttle him with my bare handss until the light goes out of his eyes. Really, I'm serious. If I were less afraid of prison, I would kill him. See, it IS a deterent.
Anyway, what makes Clint a douchebag? Let me tell you. I'm sure I've mentioned some of it before... Clint is a condescending self-rightous prick who is under trained and told me to my face that I had been bad at my job and that he's a better assistant manager than I was. I know, it's a stupid job, but I take pride in doing a good job, even if my job is stupid. I was fucking good at my job and how dare he. Not to mention, he's dating a 16 year old at the age of 22 and he talks just as much shit on me as I do on him, but he's dumb enough to think my friends who work there aren't going to take my side. So, I also hate him because he's stupid.
So, anyway, Jonathan was on vacation for the last two weeks and so Monday, instead of jonathan and me, it was Clint and me. Five hours, by ourselves... It's a wonder I'm not in jail. The first week, was kind of ok, I guess. He called in and said he was going to be late, I thanked god. Any way I was practically done by the time he got there, then we didnt' talk to each other, and he claimed to be sick and went home early. Yippee! Monday was a retarded day though. He got there before me and it all went downhill from there. I asked how he wanted to split up the work, he said he'd do it all. "what the uck am I doing here then?" that's all I said to him all day. He left to deliver the paperwork and go to lunch with some other store managers, came back at three. I had been planning on leaving when he got back since he took a 3 hour lunch basically, while I ran shit to the back room, he told Mayra he was going home early. She told him I wanted to go home and he said too bad and left before I got bak to the front....... and then!!!!! I was stuck at blockbuster until 5, when I was supposed to go home at 4. I work ed a 10 hour shift on my day off of my real job because Clint is an ASSHOLE. I made sure everyone knew it too, including Teresa, the district manager. I'm going to kill him, then you can all send letters to me in jail.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Molly and Amy's trip to the ZOO
We both forgot our cameras, and therefore had to buy a shitty disposable. That leads to SHITTY PICTURES. Just a warning.
I love the Zoo. I can go everyday, if it weren't $9. Today the zoo was even better because Amy was with me! First, we went through the chimp paddock, and there was this baby chimp tormenting all the others. It made me realize how like people they were. One little shithead, ya know?
Then we were walking around, and out of nowhere, "How're ya doin'?" Some freakin' bird is our new best bud. We named him Henry. I figured a manly name for a pink bird. Then we saw a little bird that was missing the upper half of his beak. I still feel very sad thinking about him. We took a picture of him, but it's so litte, you can't even make him out. Here's a different bird, though. I hope you can see him in this awful picture.

Then was the African section. The Lioness was not out because she just had cubs! But there were meerkats!

And SG, they moved it, it's not such a mystery now.

They Gorillas were awesome, but not in good places for pictures.
The Leopard was up and about...

But my favorite pic is this:

Yes, Amy and the bird got in a squabble. I fed a giraffe as well.

YAY for a day at he ZOO!
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