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Sunday, December 30, 2007

How Long??

~How long has it been
Since I saw the sun
Through these righteous eyes,
And smiled for the first time?
How long does it take
To take all that away?

How long could I go
Without you, without it,
Do you know what I'd miss
If I never saw you again?

It's doubtful that you think of me
I left you with such a bad ememory
It's doubtful that you still love me
I want to check so badly,
But now, how long has it been
Since I last saw your smile?

How long does it take
For one to travel the world
And see things unheard of
While doing the unthinkable?
How long is it
For a broken heart to mend?

How long can it be
Before I can see you again?~

...random poem. For Death Note. All for Love, by Nirah. READ HER STUFF PPL!!!!! http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3235356/1/All_For_Love
(just...copy that and paste it into the bar thingy...)

anyways, what a time. I just got Deat hNote: The Last Name for christmas along with Avatar: Book 3 vol. 1, Death Note vol. 1, and Death Note the Movie (teh first one). wow. I've never been so spoiled in my life.

...how was your ppl's christmas? did you have a good one? (sorry I haven't gotten on in FOREVER, though...truly, I am...)

Has started a hundreds fic, though. Reand it. I got four more comming, to... (here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3874055/1/Dont_Care_if_You_Die )



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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

OMG, Me is posting...

Heh, to Len23 who was the last person who commented. YOU ROCK DUDE!!!!! XD
More to the point, school has started again, I can't keep up with my rp on the guild I'm in, I have to update my fics really badly, my laptop is broken and in Arizona, and I have passed the fun run, which means I don't have to run it this week or next week, but I will still work out because I have to practice my Kung-Fu.
wow, that was a lot. Sorry to dump all my troubles here, but it just seemed like a me thing to do. Also, if you don't want me to start writing about the things that the people in my head comment on (there are now about 23, just if you were keeping count), then there's nothing else to do then tell you how I've been.
oh yeah. Death Note. I got into it, and I mean REALLY into it, and I've seen the second movie, Death Note: The Last Name. Other than that, I've read the manga 1-2, 4-6, and only seen episode one. But I do happen to read a lot on it and look at all the fan art. Hee, I'm impossible.

Not that I've given up on Ouran, Shaman King, and FMA yet. They all still hold a close place in my heart, especially because Kaoru, Hikaru, Ren, and Spi are the ones I talk to first in the morning.

Oh, and one more thing. Lord of the Flies is still cool, too. (Just for those who want to know, I'm working on that second chapter. The first one was kind of cut-off since it got way long, and I need to finish outlining the characters I plan to add, like my sister's Auron...) And we've been WindWakering, if you've seen Aya/Icesapphire recently. I still need to write out the first chapter of that, too. And work on the second chappie of my Death Note fic, and get the fight out between Ren and his dad for my Shaman King fic. Ugh, work...

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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Found this thing on Kake-chan's site...

L - A - S - T
01. Last hug: ...my mom, most likely...
02. Last kiss: um...with who?
03. Last Cry: Can't remeber really...
04. Last Library Book: "A Child Called 'It'"
05. Last Movie Seen: At the latest, My Big Fat Greek Wedding
06. Last Book Read: Lord of the Flies
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: Hell or Shit
08. Last Beverage Drank: Milk?
09. Last Food Consumed: Something with chocolete...
11. Last TV Show Watched: Heroes (still watching, too)
12. Last Time Showered: ...
13. Last Shoes Worn: My shoes.
14. Last CD played: FF6 soundtrack
15. Last Soda Drank: Sprite
16. Last Thing typed: Sprite
17. Last Words Spoken: AAAAGH!! I can't remember thaqt either!!
18. Last Annoyance: Sarah, my step-sis
19. Last Time Scolded Someone: ...?
20. Last Web Site Visited: This one.

L - A - S - T * A - G - A - I - N :
02. Movie you bought: Hasn't bought a movie, ever
03. Song you listened to: Discover (SK)
04. Song that was stuck in your head: A mix of Inyou no Chigiri, Through the Night, and some tune from the TV
08. Person that called you: Mom
10. Person you were thinking of: Hint hint: K-k-r-
11. Friend you made: None??

T - R - U - E * O - R * F - A - L - S - E :
01. You have a crush on someone: Do anime characters count?
02. You wish you could live somewhere else: True
03. You think about suicide: ...heh
04. You believe in online dating: No.
05. You want more Piercings: HELL no...
o6. You sleep alot: kinda.
07. You like cleaning: I'm a neat freak who hates to clean.
08. You like roller coasters: All but Colossus
09. You write in print: What does that mean?

H - A - V - E * Y - O - U :
01. Ever cried over a guy: ...no?
02. Ever lied to someone: Yeah, every day...
03. Ever been in a fistfight: No, not yet...
04. Ever been arrested: Nah.

W - H - A - T :
01. Favorite color: Black
02. Shoes do you wear: Black and purple New Balance
04. Whats your favorite flower: A Lily?

N - U - M - B - E - R :
01. Of times you have been in love? Can I not answer this?
02. Of times you have had your heart broken? 0
03. Of hearts you have broken? 0
05. Of people you consider your enemies? about 50, at least...
06. Of scars on your body:
07. Of things in your past that you regret: too many to list in a number...

((that's it. all I got. besides the fact that the wired dream I had last night shall never be known...))

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm BaaaAAAaaack!!

Hah! I am here, looking (and possibly drooling) at all the Shaman King pictures. Er, fanart. Hee, I lurve most of them, and I realized that I have to draw more. But have no scanner...>.> <.<
Anyways, this posting here is...mostly just for the point of posting. I have nothing to really say. Well, now getting random,
Ren: ...you are a baka.
Me: *gonk* My own Master Ren called me a baka...okay. I can deal with that.
Ren: ...you are lucky that Roger will leave you alone as much as MoonBeam will.
Me: Horo-chan~! Master Ren is saying that you like to bother me.
Horo: Do I? I haven't noticed!
Ren: *twitchtwitch*
Me: ^.^" Well, now that the talk is over, kinda, I will retire to TRY and write more and draw more. I get very distracted...^w^""

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Saturday, April 7, 2007

total randomness (better then just randomness)

omg!! I just got something WAY AWSOME that's RHPS related!!! the OFFICIAL Rocky Horror Picture Show Audience Par-Tic-I-Pation Guide!!! XDXD yay!(heh, too many swear words, though...)
...heh, that's really all. besides the fact that I HAAVE JUST GOTTEN TWENTY (COUNT EM!!!) CHAPPIES ON MY SK FIC!!!!! >w< yay! the guide thing is AWSOME!!! yay, I is happy right now. and meh friend, PandaYumi7 (from ff.net), is teh ALMIGHTY RANDOMNESS GOD!! (of course right up there with AYA!!! XD) so...dats it, kinda. heh, that's all. (read and review my fics plz!!!!)
oh and btw, HAPPY EASTER!!!! (early or late...heh)

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Monday, February 19, 2007


hey everybody! I got sick again...for five whole days I was bedridden with a fever and a cold...
the doctor says I have a sinus infection! (is that good?) and now my fever is gone! but I gave it to Aneko-chan...that's not good...
I have to fly tomorrow, and I STILL have a clogged up nose! it's like the sickness will never leave me!!
I ran the two-mile recently as well. right after I came back to school, too. my time was really bad, but at least my teacher understood. not like he helped in anyway...
sorry, I'm complaining. I have a laptop so I can type up my stories, and I'll get to tomorrow because I have to get my braces tightened tomorrow! I have at least five hours on the comp! Yatah!
...so, other than that, Vash joined my party. and he knows how to get in and out when he pleases... O.O that's so wired...he knows my head better than I do...
the other party goers (I can never get to sleep!! argh!!) are Horo-san, Master Ren-kun, Yoh-san (I think...wait, he makes 18!), Kaoru-kun, Hikaru-kun, Cloud-san, Hao-san, and the other ten regulars. My head is too crowded now... @.@
Spiral has a bar in my head...huh? wait, why? where did it come from? damn you!!
eheh...sorry, I think I'm going crazy...my head has become really crowded...
no, Hao and Yoh aren't incest no matter what anyone says. But it is arguable that Ren may be gay...
(wait, what? huh? I can't keep up...@.@)

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Sunday, January 28, 2007


yesterday from like eleven in the morning to eleven at night we were working out with the dragon society (I think that's what they're called...). It was alot of kung fu and...hard work! hah, but now I'm all sore and I can barely eat anything since I just got my bottom braces in...that was yesterday as well...
wellps, it's been a fun weekend. beating up eachother with padded swords, doing a hundred thunderbolts (I couldn't...heh), playing with the cat toy, learning new ways to beat people up, it's all fun and games, right? yeah, I thought so.
btw, I still have my cold, and I have to fly again today. I hate illnesses, they like me too much.
I hope you all had as much fun as I had this weekend...without the soreness...

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Friday, January 26, 2007


or...something like that...it's friday, but I don't have school because I have to go to the orthadonist tomorrow...yay...?
I flew here with a stuffy nose, that was my first mistake. my head still tingles, but I slept most of it off. (thank you nyquil!!) when I arrived, though, it hurt like hell. I'm never doing that again...I sware I won't if my cold will just go away. (I've had it for a week now)
17 dragons...hah. it's whiskey and alchohol mixed, good for your immune system (?!?!), and you can only drink a capfull at a time. but it tastes like shit and it burns your throat. heh, yeah...
for the last time, Ren and Horo will not do yaoi! (unless it's for my story) and Hao is there too, but just no. Kaoru and Hikaru send their regards to you ppl, and cloud stares at you all. (told you I was crazy!)
and that's it. sorry for ranting...

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Sunday, January 21, 2007


yes, i saw lord of the flies...the 1990 version. my family said it sucked, but i liked it. in comparison to the book however...
(heh heh...) anyways, i am working on my fic for it because i hit a major jackpot in it. AND i have the complete shaman king series!!!!! (i think...) kakeru-chan and i watched the whole first box set one day at a sleepover, and it was translated very weirdly (by the Chinese, so Master Ren was Lian) Horo was called HongLong...what a bizarre name...
enough of me rambling, im glad I could get back on. sorry for the useless knowledge, though...
and I have officially gone crazy. there are sixteen people in my head...
(Horo and Ren included...)
(no, they will not do yaoi, because i said so and they're in my head, so it would be like...O.O)

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry (late) X-Mas! and a Happy New Year!

hallo! XD beens gones fer awhiles cuz of skool... (-_-) school. it's...not allowed on computer part of the year. welps, now that that's over wit...
(XD, ahah, kidding...) I had a good X-mas! did any of u? I hope ya all did! right now is baking a cake and working on watching rest of Redwall. (I FOUND it!!! OoO) I hope all a yas got what you wanted fer X-mas! and a happy new years to ya all!!!
(a little late, but here!

Twelve Darks a-slashin�!

Eleven Jaks a-talkin�,

Ten Poopsie Bears,

Nine Krews a-floatin�,

Eight Eco Treatments,

Seven Guards a-runnin�,

Six Metal-Heads dyin�,

Five Seals of Mar!

Four Morph-Guns,

Three hot chicks,

Two Jet-Boards,

And an Ottsel on my shoulder just for me!

the twelve days of christmas, j and d style! wheee! the author of this is...someone, i can't remember now, but they wrote it, and i didn't)

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