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KK / K-S / MomijiKK
I write things that I like and others tell me they like as well.
Anime Fan Since
Does this even need answering?
Favorite Anime
Shaman King, Ouran High School Host Club, Fruits Basket, Full Metal Alchemist, Naruto, .hack//(all), Gad Gaurd, Digimon, Pokemon, Giant Robo, D-Gray Man, Negima!, Mighty Space Miners, etc.
To have a book published before I leave.
Writing, devising new and more tortureful fanfiction, playing videao games, anime, singing, coming up with new OCs, etc...
Writing, Shamanic Skills, Singing (I think?), and others...
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
yay!! i'm a daydreamer! that's so me! =^w^=
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics
 You are a daydreaming kitty! Creative and can get easily lost in your own thoughts. You sometimes have trouble telling which is reality and which is not. Some people have trouble talking to you at times for you are always in deep thought. You also tend to fall behind since you have trouble on what is going on. You mostly like to be asleep, to be in your lil world again enjoying what you have created. You enjoy reading fantasy books or whatever is fiction and you love to write great stories. Many people might compliment on your work for it is very creative and well detailed. You also like to draw or even write songs or poetry. You never want to leave your world that you created. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/06:
i'M A KITTY!!! i love kittys!!! dey're so k00t!! nya! =^w^=
What animal are your? (with anime pics!!)
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
O.O that's sweet! OwO it's so cool~!!! >w<
What Kind of Critter Would be your Best Companion? (Anime pics!)
 Your critter companion is the Fierce Dragon. Like your creature, you have a streak of anger that is dangerous to anyone who crosses you, and sometimes may even be a danger to yourself. You thrive in dark, shadowy places and probably spend a lot of time in your room listening to music or writing. You have some friends, but it just seems like most people prefer to avoid you when they can. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/06:
O.O that's....okay, i guess...
What kind of schoolgirl are you? Anime pics
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
kewls. i would like a cat or wolf, but i really like owls, too.
~What Animal Lives Inside You?~ [Anime Pics and LONG answers]
 A hoot from the dark forest that begins to question. You are an owl. You are more on the mysterious side. You are secretive and your friends think of you as 'unique'. You have logic that one could only begin to wonder as you silently think most of your time. You don't talk much about yourself and you like to challenge yourself with strange ideas. Your favorite colors are probably purple, blue, black, gray, or white. You personality is most like a typical Gemini or Pisces in the Chinese Zodiac. My advice, take on writing, drawing art, or playing a musical instrument to relieve your knowledge thirst. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 04/11/06:
O.o ...i seriously was expecting lloyd or genis. But presea's AWSOME!!!!!! >w<
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
i was expectin hige-san, but kiba-san will do, for he's more like me.
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
yeah!!!! Haruko is kewls!!!
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
YAY!!!!! =^w^= i luv momiji-kun! he's cool, and he is expierienced+optimistic!(sp?)
Result Posted on 04/11/06:
yay! ^w^ momiji is a cutie!
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