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somewhere where's there's a rainbow, wiskey and water and i'm not telling where it is
Member Since
part time student (9th grade)part time anime addict full time day dreamer/artist/poet
Real Name
you may call me selenah, it's not my real name but it'll do, i like it better
i got a poem published last year, writing my own songs, um i'm an A student, and i actually sang in public the other week, mastering my sugar addiction learining French
Anime Fan Since
umm 7th grade maybe longer
Favorite Anime
too hard to choose
get out of my hometown, start a band, get my poems published, and start my own design company
playing guitar, singing, drawing, writing, skateboarding, annoying my youth group with my hyperness, moshing, just about anything that has to do with art or music
drawing, sewing(don't ask), singing but not in public, writing and does being hyper count as a talent, guitar and flute
| momsworstdreamsme

My button:

Friends' Buttons:

whoo lookie pretty buttons! ok anyway for thos who wonder and don't already know, I am a complete music addict, I write, I draw, I sing, I listen to music this is what my life consists of and bugging this one kid im my church group b/c it's so funny to get him mad. anywho music tastes basically consist of j-rock, j-pop, though I'm not quite as crazy about these two things as my friends, I like metal, punk and classic rock better. Yeah um my chemical romance,relient K,good charlotte, simple plan,the doors,the used,new found glory,yellow card,ACDC, black sabbath,Evermore,the calsh, the cure,the sex pistols,hawthorne heights, etc. and for those of you who have no idea who Evermore is, it's a christian group where I live, they own. Never thought I'd see a mosh pit a that rock concert,go figure
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Funny Stuff!!
November 8, 2005
Haha! Ok...this is younggrasshopper. EnVy(werecat) and I had fun writing this letter in French class yesterday. It's for MWDM(Pride). Haha! Here it is if you want to see it:

Good Stuff:

Click on them to see a bigger version. For the second the thing on the bottom to make it even bigger. Then it'll be easier to read. LOL! Well....that's about it. ^_^ Hope you think they're funny. And you get to see werecat and my writing! Haha! I only wrote LuSt on the front in the red. She wrote the rest. Ok. Laterz! ~Younggrasshopper(LuSt)
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Future warnings
July 26, 2005
Ok so I found out this site is majorly screwing up my computer. I won't be on here very much for a while,or maybe never again unles I can sneak on.Heck I don't know if I will even be home. I'm hoping to go back to my sister's place for a while. I just got home from there on sunday and trust me I like it a whole lot better there. If it wouldn't mean leaving all my friends behind I would just move in with her. But maybe not, she's flipping about my eating habits. I don't eat much end of story. One or two meals a day is enough to too much for me.Anyway while I'm on here might as well fill in some stuff quizk. We went shopping on Saturday, I thought my sister would have a heartattack. She thought I was gonna get her beat up. Please, it was only eyeliner and mascara streaks in my hair. Philly or not, I looked for the most part normal. I took her into the Hot Topic, she got the funniest looks. She's as normal as I am wierd and she looked kinda preppy. My fellow black sheep in the family and she looked preppy. She made the mistake of letting me buy a greenday shirt, and they were buy one get one 1/2 off so I had to get another shirt too to go with it. She told the guy behind the counter he shouldn't have told me that b/c she was supposed to be censoring my clothes. O man she got the greatest look, like maybe her clothes needed censored instead of mine. It was a riot. She was so nervous in there and I was right at home. Kept thinking I was gonna get her beat up.
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Friday, July 15, 2005
Stupid storm
Friday July 15 2005
We had a wicked storm rip though here on Wednesday. It took the power which totally sucked. Dude Wicker you have a lot of work to do at your house in town, it's a mess there. The weatherman called this a downdraft, I call it a twister. 90 mile an hour winds and you're gonna tell me it's a downdraft. Yeah fricken right! My mom got so paranoid that when she saw a huge piece of metal fly down the street like a piece of paper we went into the basement. I personally wanted to watch the storm from my window. I find it scarrier in the basement than in my living room. She drove me to the point of prayer. In itself that is amusing. I don't come off as an overly religious person even though I tend to be sometimes. If I had been in the living room we wouldn't have had that problem but since she made me go into the basement, we did. Stupid parents and their paranoia.As if it wasn't bad enough just to have the storm, my sancuatary was ripped to pieces. I used to go hide in the park or behind it a little in this one spot and the park is in shambles. My writing tree was probably ripped right out of the ground. I hate storms they wreck havok on my hideouts.
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
I am really lazy
July 10 2005
I just noticed that I haven't updated in a loooooong time. Someone should yell at me or really this stupid computer of mine that seems to like freezing and not working correctly. I hate the darn thing. I must only ask what is with the people in my youth group and leaving for most of the summer? Beky you need to move into town more it's boring in this place.
Wanna know something really pathetic? I've lost the ability to embroider a simple pillow with out making myself bleed. YOu'd think I have more sense. Not a word though, yes I embroider, deal with it!I have skills even my grandmother doesn't. I can do things she can't and she's supposed to be the oldfashoined on. yeah ok.
Did I tell ya'll my mom thinks I have gone crazy and one of my best friends accused me of being goth. They were looking at my sketch for my Halloween dress. Personally I think the dress is pretty kickass. One saw a goth one saw absolutly nothing. Vampires are goth yes, o well. Stupid wierdos.
I finally got to meet the infamous brother of my friend Cody. Gosh Dang the two of them could be twins they look so much alike. It's kinda creepy how uncanny the resembelence is. If Cody weren't so much younger I really would say they were twins.
And now I am bored and this song is stuck in my head.
On the outside your calm
But what’s goin on
On the real face inside of you
You don’t seem to care
About the masks that you wear
And all the lies you put me through
Why can’t you see beyond your jealousy
That your world is mine too
You were forced into a state of solitude
In a world that denies You
Listen to Me
Pay attention to me
I’ve found a place for you to begin
Listen to Me
Oh why won’t you see
Open up and let Me in
You try to escape, but now it’s too late
For second chances and to start out new
You’ve got the weight of the world
Smashing down through your floor
And no life line to hold on to
It’s like a voice that’s calling, calling everyday
You try to turn and run
While we watch your walls fade away (x2)
Watching you run away
Watching you run away
Watching you run away, watching you
It's an Evermore song. Kill me I like it. And it's stuck in my head. I can't imagine most of you have ever even heard of the band though, they're pretty local.
Anywho I wanna go bug Keri and Shannon before they leave me for another month.
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Monday, July 4, 2005
So amusing yet so true
Monday July 4 2005
I found a little analogy (sp?) that I thought you guys might find interesting. It sounds like something that would come out of Rufus' mouth, crazy but so true.
Did you know sex is like a goldfish?
The goldfish swims happily in the bowl and, as long as the water is changed regularly and it is fed regularly, the fish thrives. It is when it is taken, removed and set outside the bowl
that its life becomes jeopardized.
Sex is like that. It is so good in its context, inside marriage, but outside of marriage, one’s social, emotional, and physical well-being is jeopardized.
Hope you all have made a commitment to wait (and if not, it is definetly worth it). I have a "True Love Waits" ring to symbolize and remind me of mine.
I found this on my friend's Xanga site a few days ago. I find it amusing but it also rings true to me. And the first paragraph is true, it does sound like something that would come out of my friend Rufus's mouth. Sometimes I don't know how Shannon puts up with him. *shakes head* Anywho, I just found this interesting and thought some of you might.
Now the thing that pisses me off is the gay marrage thing. The one state it's legal in is outlawing it. This kind of pisses me off. I support gays to the fullest. I have gay friends and my aunt is gay......and another woman. Whatever floats her boat I guess. I love them both dearly vita e cosi.
My church's VBS is over and I CAN SLEEP!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!! I haven't slept decent in days! And I'm sick. blech, no more jumping in the crick at 9 A.M. for me. Ok well maybe......yeah nevermind I'm just gonna do it again and everyone knows it.
My friends are back from Creation. Apperantly loaded with stories too. I just they got pictures of Rufus with make up on, that would be great to see. Keri and Shannon I guess did his make up on the way home from Creation. I want pictures, I hear he makes a lovely lady. LMAO. They got back around noon yesterday so they missed me and Cody being bored out of our minds in church. I had 2 sharpies, one arm apiece was covered in sharpie. I just can't wait until he's older, he's getting sleeve comment. And if he takes after his brother in the peircing department.....ok I'm just gonna shut up now about them.
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