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somewhere where's there's a rainbow, wiskey and water and i'm not telling where it is
Member Since
part time student (9th grade)part time anime addict full time day dreamer/artist/poet
Real Name
you may call me selenah, it's not my real name but it'll do, i like it better
i got a poem published last year, writing my own songs, um i'm an A student, and i actually sang in public the other week, mastering my sugar addiction learining French
Anime Fan Since
umm 7th grade maybe longer
Favorite Anime
too hard to choose
get out of my hometown, start a band, get my poems published, and start my own design company
playing guitar, singing, drawing, writing, skateboarding, annoying my youth group with my hyperness, moshing, just about anything that has to do with art or music
drawing, sewing(don't ask), singing but not in public, writing and does being hyper count as a talent, guitar and flute
| momsworstdreamsme
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Why that stupid bugger..........
thursday June 30 2005
So I thought today would be good. I was wrong. The wonderfully dear person I wanted to see, decided to play hookey on me. I don't know where he was but if his sister can show up very day so can he. Grr stupid bugger. And some people in my church, ahem Kortny need to lay the fuck off. She decided it was her mission today to make sure I eat, or she would tell my mom. Granted I don't eat much in the summer, it's too hot out to eat. I refused a twizzler saying I was on a diet which I am, in a way and that I wasn't hungry, which I wasn't. So she flips out, assuming I'm starving myself again, and that my diet is in fact a relapse into my bouts of anorexia. It's not for those of you who know me from school. If it was anorexia I wouldn't eat at all, because when I get like that I go all out and don't eat for days. However I have been eating, some. Kortny though flipped out and demands that I eat at VBS and when I had 2 mini doughnuts, it wasn't enough. Nothing is ever enough for her. And then she goes off on a Lindsay spiel, saying Lindsay doesn't eat enough either, that she also has to eat. This was ironicly comming from a person that doesn't eat for days at a time, and she yells at us? Oi vey, I could hit her. Kortny then decided that it was also her duty to make sure Lindsay and I got back on time for our second class, which is directly after our break. As I said before, we go swimming on our break. Kort took it upon herself to go with us, invade our space, ya know. 'Make sure we get back on time' I don't see where it's any of her business whether or not Lindsay and I are late for class or not, or wether or not I eat and how much. Damn stupid bitch even threatened to tell my mom that I'm relapsing and I'm anorexic again. She only said one thing to please me today and it wasn't enough to make me any less mad at her. But I did find out something good today, my friends will be home earlier than I expected! I can not WAIT for Saturday now. 3 of my best friends are away on a trip, the brats, and I didn't think they would be home until next week. They get back on Saturday. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My gay on Thursday buddy will be in church then. Sorry, if you don't know don't ask, you don't wanna know. It's a joke though for future reference, it was a Cody-Selenah moment, don't ask. YOu had to be there to get it. But this means he'll be back on Saturday and I can see him Sunday. *dances around happily screaming "YIPPEE!!!" over and over* Ok I must go now and find all my hockey sticks for tomorrow.
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Woot de woot woot woot woot
Wednesay June 29 2005
I am pleased as punch at the moment. Even though my friends left this morning for Creation and didn't take me with them. *sigh* Next year. Anywho, my church's vacation bible school is this week and it's been my friend Lindsay and me doing the games. Since it's so hot we just go jump in the crick every day on our twenty minute break. Well today she mentioned that her brother had wanted to come to VBS with us today. He couldn't come today but he should be there tomorrow, YIPPEE! Only people who knokw me well like YG know why this fact makes me so pleased. Other than the fact that I haven't seen Eric in a month, only YG I think knows the other reason why, though it's pretty obvious if you read between the lines. WOOT! I get to see him I get to see him! And I get to see him dripping wet, all the better! *calms self* ok better now.
Hey it's raining. Pooey that may ruin my fun for the morning. Oh well frezzing cold crick water never hurt anyone I suppose.
Byes for now
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
saturday june 25 2005
My computer is normal again! I am so happy. I just remembered I forgot Wicker's birthday*shifty eyes*. So happy birthday a little ok like a week late Wicker! It has also come to my attention that Sheri a girl in my school doesn't like brutally honest people. I told I think she's annoying. Straight to her face yesterday. She didn't like it much. Everyone that was with me said I was being brutally honest I didn't think so I could have really told her what I think of her but that would be rude and not exactly well received where I was. I have found that at a party I really need to lay off brutal honesty and sugar coat things a little. So Sheri got the nice end of what I think of her and still she was insulted. Go figure.
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
I am so sorry
As YG pointed out I haven't been on lately. My computer decided to freeze one day and it hasn't wrked right since. I am being patient tonight with it to post, but it is driving me crazy. I have to click on things 6 or 8 times. And too and insult to pissyness, I couldn't get my user name to type in and a little screen came up with my user name and another one on it. I only have one account and as far as I know only I am ever on this site, which means someone is spying on me. I love knowing I am trusted. To my mother who I suspect is my spy: back off! You don't need to check up on me for the love of mercy!I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and staying out of trouble! LAY OFF!
thank you and au revior until I feel the need to fight with my computer again
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
It's Younggrasshopper
Hey! Ok...since momsworstdreamsme hardly ever updates...I decided I would for her. Here are a bunch of pretty pictures. ^_^
First up...L'Arc~En~Ciel...come on down! ^_^

Next up...Bump of Chicken! ^_^

Now it's time for Glay...come on down! ^_^

Do we have a Shunichi Miyamoto? Ok...come on down! ^_^

Last up...Gackt...come on down! ^_^ that I'm done pretending to be that dude on The Price Is Right...I think I'm gonna go now. LOL! Well...not really go completely. I'm just gonna go on my name now. ^_^ Byes. ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
P.S. If you get can always go to my wonderful Home of the Pink Tsuki site. ^_^ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Don't mind me...I'm just...crazy! Hahahahahahahaha! Ok...I'm going now. Later! ^_^
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Friday June 17, 2005
I am thrilled at the moment. I saw my friend Mel last sunday and she had her Greenday Cds with her. I took the liberty of taping Nimrod. I have 'king for a day' stuck in my head so you get to see the lyrics
'King For A Day
started at the age of 4
my mother went to the grocery store
went sneaking through her bedroom door to find something in a size 4
sugar and spice and everthing nice wasn't ment for only girls
GI Joe in panty hoes is making room for the one and only
King for a day, princess by dawn
king for a day in a leather thong
king for a day princess by dawn
just wait till all the guys get a load of me
my daddy threw me in therapy
he says I'm not a real man
who put the drag in the drag queen
don't knock it till you've tried it
sugar and spice and everthign nice wasn't ment for only girls
GI Joe in panty hoes is making room for the one and only
king for a day, princess by dawn
king for a day in a leather thong
king for a day princess by dawn just wait till all the guys get a load of me'
sorry I love this song, even if it is about gay guys, it owns. The background is kind of corny but it makes the song. YG can testify that I am officially an idiot. I went swimming in the pouring rain on Wednesday. I was jumping off 25 foot cliffs into 10 feet of crick water with some of my friends from youth group. It was fun. Except my jeans which I refused to take off because I'm fat and I don't go swimming without them kept slidding down because they were so water logged. It was so funny to see. I'm not actually fat by the way, it's the anorexia talking. I've been anorexic since I was 11 and I get moments when I just randomly freak out because I start to think I'm really fat. To see me flip is hysterical to live it is not. So because of that I refuse to go swimming without something covering at least my bottom 1/2 besides my suit. I would have kept my t-shirt on too over my suit top but it was already water logged and wouldn't have helped. Besides I find it funny to let Cody stare. LOL. Toodles
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Friday June 10, 2005
School is out, I am free! and I'm crying. No fair. I went to graduation tonight and this was the year one of my friends should have graduated. Unfortunatly Ivy died two years ago. There was a slide show with pictures of her when she was litte right up through high school. All I had to do was see them and I started crying. The senior class succeeded in making my eyeliner run like crazy, muchas gracias guys. I don't cry ever or almost never and I just bawled. It was so mean. The actual ceremony was alright. Kind of long, but good. I got to scream at random points in time like when my friends got awards. My friend Tara and I about broke the eardrms of the kid in front of us.Hey he was the stupid one who decided to sit there.I somehow got suckered back into band too. Darn Miss Welliver for picking the night when I would agree to most anything. Heh we'll see if she can fix my flute this time, I wish her the best of luck, it's really old. And I made a kid shrink to my height. My one friend wanted a picture of me and another friend of mine wanted to be in the pic with me. Being in a good mood as I was I let him. One Problem, he's like 6' to my 5'2 so I made him bend his knees and shrink to my height. It was fun, I actually felt tall! And that is an accomplishment. i'm so mad though, I lose both one of my inspirations and one of my critics this year. Grr. Jessi, Larsye not nice! Jessi is one of my critics in school for my designs and Larsye is my inspiration becuase her outfits are so crazy. Not to mention her fascination with changing her hair color every other week. Darrnit we need some one new now with as much originality so I can have a new muse. curse you Larsye. LOL. And werecat guessywhatty? I know what you were talking about the other day now. I'm just stupid and it took Tara to remind me. Sheesh! I make myself sick.
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Man I am so lazy
thursday, June 9, 2005
Has anyone ever noticed that I am really lazy and only update like once a week? Sheesh. I discust myself. Anywho, my Internet decided to stop working for 2 days while I went through withdrawl. Not fun. It went down because of this storm we had, which I was also electricuted in. I had my Tv on and went to change the channel with my remote, lightening goes into the Tv, blows it up, sends static electricity to the remote, and that lovely jolt of electricity went up my right arm. Once again, not fun. It still hurts like a bitch and that was tuesday. Still doesn't top last Friday or yesterday. Friday, my friends and I had a combined game of bull and have you ever would you ever going for about 2 hours... my 3 friends had never played that game with me so it was interesting. Especially some of the stuff I found out, which I can't mention becuase Shannon would kill me, If her boyfriend James doesn't first. He very well may, because I'm really annoying and I was making fun of him last night. All is fair when you're dating my friends. And last night, my youth group went to a bonfire. There was a fricking spider on my leg and it had to be at least 2 /12 inches in diameter. Huge freaking spider. I'm terrified of them. I'll just say I screamed, really really loud. Thank God cody and Nash weren't there for that I have a feeling I'd never live it down. Then shannon and Keri and I were really hyper we swear keri's friend Ace spiked the lemonade. No comment. And what is more fun than riding in the back of a truck going down a hill ? Nothing. Unless of course I happen to be somewhere else doing something but I'm not going there. I don't any of my youth group friends are on here so none of you will ever know what I'm talking about. We got a new girl in our school the day before we get out. She's French doesn't speak English and this means I can't swear in French anymore becuase once she learns English she can tell them what I'm saying which is no good. And I have to go find my bible and my shirt that I wore to my first Evermore concert, for soon I will freak out cause I gotta preach on Sunday. * shudder*all those people. And Eric. Grr. I'm nervous. I need vanilla coke.
ciao Selenah
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
O my heaven's I am in So Much PAIN!
OW! I went on a youth group trip, I am in so much pain it ain't even funny. I want to call my personal massuse. I was suspended 90 or so feet in the air most of the day. I was strapped into a harness that felt like a corset, becuase I'm tiny anyway. I'm not complaining it was so much fun, but Holy Cow am I out of shape. What's funny I'm more ripped than 1/2 the guys that went on that trip...sad. A 100 lb, 5 foot field hockey player is more ripped than a bunch of guys. It was funny to see me up in the air though, when i first got on this one log I was scared to death. Nothing to hold onto but a rope and I was 90 feet in the air....and it's all on tape. lol. Well I have to go, I need sleep. byes-selenah
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
stupid effing ear worms
How is it humanly possible to have 4 or 5 songs playing in your head at one time. Let's see:slipknot, duality; evanesance, hello; papa roach, scars(Nash you will pay for starting this), Lit, my own worst enemy, I could go on for a while. Man it's annoying. I blame my newly corrupted friend Nash for this. He started singing scars last night, and got it stuck in my head. Wait till I see him....him and Cody, whom I have to tease because he was wearing one of my favorite shirts of his. Lol it's pink, florescent pink and says tough guys wear pink. Well Cody I have a shirt for you 'real men wear pink real men also admit when they're gay' he didn't like that shirt so much when I told him about it. I have nothing against gays, I have gay friends and a gay aunt but I gotta wonder sometimes about him, even though I do love that shirt on him. Ok I'll shut up about Cody now. Beakers I'm sorry I had to leave so early today. I was going to hit someone if I didn't, ahem Damien, the asshole. Sakes alive I can't believe him, he is grating on my nerves so bad. Beka you will find humor in this next statement probably. All I can say is Chris is better than Damien, and as Beka(younggrasshopper) and I know well, Chris is one of the biggest jerks on the planet. By the way Wicker, I only listen to Beka. Only she can boss me around like some kind of slave. Yes Beka he tried to take over your job *tsk tsk*. I wish Jake could have seen me flip out on Damien today, he would have got a kick out of it. Lol you did survive right Bek?
ciao, Selenah
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