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somewhere where's there's a rainbow, wiskey and water and i'm not telling where it is
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part time student (9th grade)part time anime addict full time day dreamer/artist/poet
Real Name
you may call me selenah, it's not my real name but it'll do, i like it better
i got a poem published last year, writing my own songs, um i'm an A student, and i actually sang in public the other week, mastering my sugar addiction learining French
Anime Fan Since
umm 7th grade maybe longer
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too hard to choose
get out of my hometown, start a band, get my poems published, and start my own design company
playing guitar, singing, drawing, writing, skateboarding, annoying my youth group with my hyperness, moshing, just about anything that has to do with art or music
drawing, sewing(don't ask), singing but not in public, writing and does being hyper count as a talent, guitar and flute
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Friday, May 27, 2005
I have this only to say Damien and Jake are idiots. Quite literally I got the cold shoulder all day because I have been following the example of my dear friend Beka and leaving after she does to sit with my other friends and I am now officially a traitor for doing so. I have betrayed my "true friends" for "the fiends of Christ". Ironically the only true friend i have at that table is Beka. I got the cold shoulder all day for this, anyone else think they are being really immature? I think they are, it's pathetic really.
And Wicker is mean! I have to say it dude you are Nothing1 As implied earlier, i stick to that and you are nothing. lol sorry, had too.
ciao Selenah
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
what is this world comming to?
The world officially sucks at times. As many know I tried out for cheerleading and didn't make it as I found out today, I almost say thank God for that. What if I had actually made it .......that would have been wierd...... And yeah my freind is upset, me is sorry Beky, there are other guys and that probably won't help but that's ok I want to say it anyway, and eat girl you look like a toothpick! I however can't be upset tonight because my friend Jackie's attitude is contagious. She's one of those happy cheery people and it's like a disease you catch around her, you become like her. And even though my one freind is mad at me pooey on him. He was high he asked for it. I narced on a friend of mine to an older friend of both of ours because he was higher than a kite in school today and I wasn't exactly pleased with him, this isn't the first time and I'm sick of him being high. Pot can only mess you up, I keep telling him and he won't listen. Oi vey. I ask you what is the world comming too?
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Sunday, May 22, 2005
All hail Evermore,headbanging and moshing! My neck hurts seriously from headbanging so much. I'll need tylenol in the morning. But yeah way too hyper and in pain and shocked. Ok so my ex Eric was at this was there which no surprise, my surprise, he hugged me.I was not epectng that! Just all the sudden hugs me and my friend Mel, wierd considering the freaking amish shunning i got from him and this other kid for like 4 or 5 months.And Holy freaking cow for those of you who don't live where I do and did not ever even hear of this band, they rock, they're Christian, and if not for them I wouldn't be here, praise Evermore. Them being really hott is just a bonus. I got my shirt signed I got my pictures from my last concert, because o I was on stage with them at my last concert and I got the pictures signed and I'm really hyper. And I HAVE BLACKMAIL!!! My friend Cody, I love him dearly but I am going to tease him until he stangles me, his middle name is hysterical, it sounds like something from ancient Greece. Augustus does that not strike you as funny, I see fit to tease him for it. Besides I already corrupted Nash, now it's time to tease Cody and drool over his friend. K Ciao
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
whoo ok I am so hyper it ain't even funny. I had 3 sodas and a cappachino today and I am bouncing off the walls.
I can definatly tell when my friends go to Christian school now. I was hanging out at my friend Keri's house with a bunch of kids from my youth group and someone mentioned the number of the car on the video game we were playing, 69. My friend Nash didn't know what 69 ment, we had to explain it to his little sheltered self, he goes to Christian school enough said.
And I have a concert tomorrow, I'm not sure if this is good or bad, my friend Melanie will be there and I'm not quite sure I want her there. I mean I do but this band was supposed to be my personal thing, she never liked Christain rock before. Yes that means I will be rocking out to Evermore, but that was supposed to be my band, I don't want to share. And my friends from my youth group will be there as will my ex-boyfriend. Between all of this I'm not quite sure how to act, I'll want to punch my ex, because he's an ass, I'll feel like I have to act around Mel and if Cody's there, Heaven help us all! call me selfish if you will but I'm really not sure I want Melanie there with my church friends. Grr, i need caffine now. Ciao, Selenah
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Fixed Up Your Site
Hey friend! I fixed up your site some more! ^_^ I put your button on...and Lurtzy's and mine too! And to liven your site up a bit more...I'm putting a pic of Gackt up. ^_^
Yes...isn't it pretty? ^_^
And here's L'Arc~En~Ciel too:
![L'Arc~En~Ciel! ^_^](
Haha! I know how much you love that pic! ^_^ Well...I'm going back on my name now. ^_^ ~Younggrasshopper
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Monday, May 16, 2005
going crazy
I have discovered something. The pissier I am the more time I spend cleaning.UGH! I hate cleaning and yet I do that when I'm pissy. That along with cutting AP and blaring my music at an obscene level. Oi Vey. All I ccan say guys I did warn you I'd be pissy. Man I wanna be at that concert so BAD!GRRRRR!
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
I don't want to sound mean, which I know I probably did in my last post. And that was only an hour ago jeez. But I can relax now...they're gone. O Heaven I can realx. Thank you God! Yes I believe in God deal with it.
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why is the world of grandparents so fucking twisted?
Ok so my granparents are in for the weekend. No big right? Precisely what I thought, however i have ended up cleaning my house top to bottom and my house is pretty big so it took 3 days to clean. And now that my granparents are here my mom is flipping out and everything has to be perfect this includes me and my wardrobe. Therefore making it so that I can do nothing normally because my sister is in my room my grandparents are here and my mom is spazzing out. And to add to it all both of my older sisters had to come home this weekend and bitch becuase I don't eat much etc. If I could go to a certain concert tomorrow I'd probably be fine right now, but I have to miss that too because it's a school night and my oldest sister won't take me to the concert now because of that. Simple Plan Good Charlotte and Relient K will be 20 minutes away from my sister's house tomorrow. But can I go? O heck no! Forewarning to all of my friends at school who read this I will be EXTREMELY pissy tomorrow so don't mind me. KK I have to go they're still here and my mom is still spazzing because of it.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Wicker is dirty!
Granted that all of my friends in school have really dirty minds, Wicker has proved to me that he really is sick! Younggrasshopper and I have a that I'm a little bit of a slave to her because she's really lazy and I'm faster at getting things than she is. Well today she wanted me to finish my geometry faster than I could because she kept interrupting me. When i finished to told her that yes slave master I'm done now. Well Wicker being the sicko that he is, just had to take that the wrong way. You darn sicko, Wicker, keep your mind out of the gutter! I can't even talk to him on Yahoo without his mind being in the gutter. Man, you really gotta stop thinking about you-know-who, it's not good for you. And my boyfriend thinks I'm going to get him beat up. Being hte wierd person that I am, I have decided that the cheerleaders here need a little punk spice, so I signed up to try out. LOL oh the fun I have. But anyway, he claims his friends will beat him up for dating a cheerleader, Ok whatever.I find it funny personally, that they'd want to beat someone up for dating a cheerleader. O well, I'm twisted anyway.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
I think I have ADD
I am so hyper. Beka leep me away from sugar until after Wednesday. Then I won't need any. I'll have seen Cody and you'll have to take me off cloud nine. One question, why do preppy people think they know everything? No offense ment to anyone who is even slightly preppy here but Oh My Freaking Gosh, I may go insane on the girls in my school. They think they know everything about what I am thinking or feeling. Wicker you probably know who I mean...ahem, Anna.Oooooooo I wanna punch her so bad.Warning also to people who are out of shape, don't ever run 2 miles in one afternoon, it hurts. lol. Kk I'm gonna go annoy younggrasshopper now. Byes!-selenah-
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