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somewhere where's there's a rainbow, wiskey and water and i'm not telling where it is
Member Since
part time student (9th grade)part time anime addict full time day dreamer/artist/poet
Real Name
you may call me selenah, it's not my real name but it'll do, i like it better
i got a poem published last year, writing my own songs, um i'm an A student, and i actually sang in public the other week, mastering my sugar addiction learining French
Anime Fan Since
umm 7th grade maybe longer
Favorite Anime
too hard to choose
get out of my hometown, start a band, get my poems published, and start my own design company
playing guitar, singing, drawing, writing, skateboarding, annoying my youth group with my hyperness, moshing, just about anything that has to do with art or music
drawing, sewing(don't ask), singing but not in public, writing and does being hyper count as a talent, guitar and flute
| momsworstdreamsme
Saturday, May 21, 2005
whoo ok I am so hyper it ain't even funny. I had 3 sodas and a cappachino today and I am bouncing off the walls.
I can definatly tell when my friends go to Christian school now. I was hanging out at my friend Keri's house with a bunch of kids from my youth group and someone mentioned the number of the car on the video game we were playing, 69. My friend Nash didn't know what 69 ment, we had to explain it to his little sheltered self, he goes to Christian school enough said.
And I have a concert tomorrow, I'm not sure if this is good or bad, my friend Melanie will be there and I'm not quite sure I want her there. I mean I do but this band was supposed to be my personal thing, she never liked Christain rock before. Yes that means I will be rocking out to Evermore, but that was supposed to be my band, I don't want to share. And my friends from my youth group will be there as will my ex-boyfriend. Between all of this I'm not quite sure how to act, I'll want to punch my ex, because he's an ass, I'll feel like I have to act around Mel and if Cody's there, Heaven help us all! call me selfish if you will but I'm really not sure I want Melanie there with my church friends. Grr, i need caffine now. Ciao, Selenah
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