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somewhere where's there's a rainbow, wiskey and water and i'm not telling where it is
Member Since
part time student (9th grade)part time anime addict full time day dreamer/artist/poet
Real Name
you may call me selenah, it's not my real name but it'll do, i like it better
i got a poem published last year, writing my own songs, um i'm an A student, and i actually sang in public the other week, mastering my sugar addiction learining French
Anime Fan Since
umm 7th grade maybe longer
Favorite Anime
too hard to choose
get out of my hometown, start a band, get my poems published, and start my own design company
playing guitar, singing, drawing, writing, skateboarding, annoying my youth group with my hyperness, moshing, just about anything that has to do with art or music
drawing, sewing(don't ask), singing but not in public, writing and does being hyper count as a talent, guitar and flute
| momsworstdreamsme
Sunday, May 22, 2005
All hail Evermore,headbanging and moshing! My neck hurts seriously from headbanging so much. I'll need tylenol in the morning. But yeah way too hyper and in pain and shocked. Ok so my ex Eric was at this was there which no surprise, my surprise, he hugged me.I was not epectng that! Just all the sudden hugs me and my friend Mel, wierd considering the freaking amish shunning i got from him and this other kid for like 4 or 5 months.And Holy freaking cow for those of you who don't live where I do and did not ever even hear of this band, they rock, they're Christian, and if not for them I wouldn't be here, praise Evermore. Them being really hott is just a bonus. I got my shirt signed I got my pictures from my last concert, because o I was on stage with them at my last concert and I got the pictures signed and I'm really hyper. And I HAVE BLACKMAIL!!! My friend Cody, I love him dearly but I am going to tease him until he stangles me, his middle name is hysterical, it sounds like something from ancient Greece. Augustus does that not strike you as funny, I see fit to tease him for it. Besides I already corrupted Nash, now it's time to tease Cody and drool over his friend. K Ciao
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