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myOtaku.com: monkay gurl 4eva

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

   ^__^ Yesterday things that were done XD
Yesterday, FuruChan's steped-dad flipped over the 4-wheeler (Furu: WHEELER! JOEY! KATSUYA!
Jasu: shut up!) by accident. I got hurted.. on my ... KNEE! ^^ It a beautiful mark! I was a big girl and didn't cry! Go me! (Mommy wow!I'm a big kid now! XD) We had chicken, potatoeesss, and hamburgers!
Furu: Hamburgers... they have the word ham in them... HAM!
Jasu: Shut up! and.. ^_^ Hot-diggity dogs! XD and some onioonss... mac'n'chheeessee... baked beans... and um.. some umm some garlic bread XD
Furu: I stayed home... I ate pizza.. (step-dad's bro. was havin a grill-out thingy.. I didn't wanna go.. the sun is evil!!)
Jasu: HEY! THIS IS MY STORY! XD STAY OUT! T__T then we got home, I playedReader Rabbit's Math ages 6-9 XD (Hey! That game's fun! Cuz there was monkays involved T__T) and singin' PIRATS!! XD Get it, Pi-RATS!?
Furu: Rat-pie? XD
Jasu: lol XD ... o.o I don't get it
Furu: (-__-;)
Jasu: then later I attacked FuruChan and forced her to.. DANCE! XD
FuruChan: we watched YGO! ^^ we made fun of everybody (Okay... mostly Jounouchi)
Jasu: well... Oo;; JA NE!

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