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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
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It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
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Thursday, July 20, 2006

So it's Thursday. Lovely.
I took a "Spinning" class called Group Ride on Tuesday at the gym. Spinning is pretty much like intense bicycle riding -- a type of cardio work-out. And man, was it intense! My muscles were sore and my butt hurt very much. Still, the workout was effective. I sweated and huffed and puffed. Good stuff. I shall continue taking this class every Tuesday and Thursday. I am a masochist, and my butt will most likely die, again.
I went to a free lecture and dinner on Wednesday evening. The event was hosted by GlaxoSmithKline, a drug manufacturing company. Our lecturer was a hematologist from the local medical school. He talked about clotting disorders associated with various drugs. And since the event was sponsored by a drug company, there must also be a 'Drug of the Day' -- which was Arixtra.
I really don't know why I am telling you all this ^^;; Anywho, the food was good, but the free pens were quite cheap. I was not impressed. Eh, it was still a good meal and learning session.
Yes, I changed my theme in less than 1 week. The previous Kaikan Phrase was fun yet shortlived. I guess I just didn't 'feel it' enough. So, I changed over to Ouran High School Host Club -- which is as equally good of a series. *^_^*
There was somthing else I was going to share with you all, but I forget ^^;; Anyways, I will inform you all once I remember. Yosh! Until then, I will be off to the gym, then work, then...uhh...^^;; Don't remember.
Have a great day!

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Monday, July 17, 2006

Well, it's Monday...and back to work *^_^*
Man, I'm feeling a bit guilty because I ate quite a lot over the weekend ^^;; That's the tricky thing about being around family...I have less of a control over the things I eat. cream. Or, let's go out and eat. Well then, it's back to the gym for me. And since I on work on Monday, I have to get up very early in order to get to work on time. Yep, at the buttcrack of dawn.
In other news, I have just started reading my second novel for the summer. It's called Chainfire by Terry Goodkind. Man, it's good to be reading the Sword of Truth series again. I gotta hurry though because the next installment, called Phantom, is released this week! *^_^*
Hehe. I also placed some orders on Amazon for several reading materials -- and by materials, I mean manga of course. 7 manga and 1 book *^_^* Hey, a birthday present to myself *^_^*
Lastly, I read on Anime News Network that a dubbed episode of Prince of Tennis can be viewed online. Check out the link. I'd also recommend checking out the first episode of Hikaru no Go. Both are the good series to watch.
I've viewed the first few minutes of the dubbed Prince of Tennis and well...the voicing could better, but then again it could also be much much worse. I still think Ryoma's voice needs to be younger sounding, and Sakuno's voice sounds like she's on helium or something. All well!
Go TeniPuri!

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Sunday, July 16, 2006

I cannot believe it! This site, this new theme is RIDICULOUSLY fan-girly! ^^;; First, my avi is of Sakuya x Aine, smooching. Then, my main picture of Sakuya [a very nice one] himself. And lastly of course is my usual "got bishies?" banner. Geez.
I apologize if those of you feel nausea upon visiting my site. ^^;;
THEME. It's supposed to be of Kaikan Phrase -- my all time favorite SMUTTY series, but somehow it ended up being some sort of Sakuya worship and extremely fangirly site. ^^;; But, it's too late. I haven't the energy to re-make this, again. Perhaps later, when I'm in the mood *^_^*
SMELLS LIKE.... I've been visiting the pool a lot with my lil'bro. And lately...I've been smelling like the pool too. *sniff, sniff* But yes, I think I've improved quite a bit. I'm definitely feeling more comfortable in the water.
GUITAR. I recently found some chords to Metallica songs. It's SO awesome! I have chords to "Unforgiven" and "Nothing Elses Matters." Man, I love those songs. And yep, my fingers hurt from playing for a long time. Hehe, I love my guitar.
AUTHOR. My other goal in life is to become an author. Someday. A while ago, I started on story for a creative writing class. I loved my story, but because of the due date I had to quickly wrap it up -- which sucked. There were still many sub-plots and character development stuff that I wanted to explore. The story wasn't something deep, not too orginal either -- but it was very enjoyable and fun to create.
I dedicated the story to my sister, who loved it. For the next several years she kept hasseling me to re-visit my story and to finish it properly. Well, after much thought & the realization of my free time & happier mood...I have decided to re-visit my story. Yay!
ALL-IN-ALL. It was a good day. Still...this theme...^^;;
Oh yesh, I also broke 4000 visits on MyO. Wow.
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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Hello, hello folks!
And how are you all doing? Good, I hope. As for me, I am doing pretty well *^_^*
Here are some notable notes as to what's been going on with me & such:
=> WORK. I love my manager guy. Even though I am on "U" status - he is willing to let me work 40 hours per week. His conditions were that it's fine for me to do so as long as Inpatient pharmacy is NOT billed for my hours. Thus, I can stuff my work schedule with hours from working on the EPIC pharmacy team, and from working in Outpatient. Exxxcelllent!
=> THE GYM. The gym is my new sanctuary. My goal this summer is to shed some flubb, and to re-learn how to swim. Both are going well, so far. My sister and brother have been teaching me how to swim. I am now at level 3.5 - yay! I can float and move around. I need to learn bilateral breathing, treading water, and then face the deep end. ^^;;
=> CLASSMATES. I reunited with a few classmates a few days ago. We had dinner together at McGrath's, and they surprised me with a birthday greeting from the resturant staff. The staff placed a "fish" hat on my head, sang a song, and took a polaroid of me. Unfortunatly, I blinked, resulting in a picture of me looking like a smiling zombie with a fish on her head. Lovely.
=> BEST BUY GUY. I also had a reunion with the cute Best Buy Guy [that's what I call him] a week ago. I only see him once every now and then, and when we do see eachother we end up chatting for a while *^_^* It's kinda funny, our employee-customer relationship has been going on for almost...4 years now. Too random ^^;;
=> HAIR. My hair is growing nicely. I want it to be long like it was a few years ago. Right now I am debating whether or not to get highlights. Hmm...or to lighten it. Well, perhaps I'll decide shortly before school starts.
=> DRIVERS PERMIT TEST. My younger sister took her permit test this morning...sadly she did not pass. She will be taking it again this week. Go, sis! *^_^*
That's all for now. I hope you are all genki!
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Monday, July 10, 2006

Man, the weather here in Oregon is SO schizophrenic *_* It's like hot for a few days, then it gets really cold. What's up with that, yo? It's freaking July, and supposed to be sunny and happy. Eh.
I watched the World Cup on Sunday, and it was good. Personally, I was rooting for France to win, but Italy ended up in first place. The game ended with penalty kicks, Italy concluding with 5 to France's 3 goals. Man...awesome.
I finished reading Artemis Fowl: the Opal Deception, and I loved it. Lot's of development...and sad moments *sniffle* The loss of an important character -- I'm still a bit in shock ^^;; goes on, and characters continue on *^_^* My next book will be Chainfire by Terry Goodkind. I've had this book for over 1 year now and am finally gonna read it, yay!
Manga wise, I've made some good progress. I finished the very last volume of the Rurouni Kenshin at vol. 28. I also finished the very last volume of the Chrono Crusade series at vol. 8. Death Note 6 was awesome -- I can't wait for vol 7 for some major developments. Peach Girl ended with vol 8, and was shocking. I shall now begin Peach Girl: Change of Heart vol 1. Other manga I read include Hot Gimmick 11, Her Magesty's Dog 3, Nana 3, Sensual Phrase 14, ROD 3, and Angel Sanctuary 14.
I went to watch Pirates of the Caribbean 2 -- and it was awesome. It's always good to reunite with Captain Jack Sparrow *^_^* But personally, I enjoyed the first movie more. Also, I recently heard that Chow Yun Fat will be playing an evil pirate in the 3rd movie, so...uhm...yeah. I wanna watch!!!
Okay. That's it folks. Have a great week!
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Friday, July 7, 2006

Greetings! Did you all have a good holiday break? Or just a good simple and plain weekend?
Camping. Our family went camping for 4 days and 3 nights. It was lots of fun! The down side to the trip was that it wasn't as warm as it could've been. Brr...the nights spent outside and in the tent were cold. Still, a good trip with the family.
Manga. One of the first few things I did upon my return was to catch up on my anime & manga news. I read the panel summaries from AnimeExpo, and was VERY pleasantly pleased to discover that Tokyopop has licenses Wild Adapter, Tactics, and Peacermaker Kurogane. The latter 2 series were originally licensed through ADV, but ADV is HORRIBLE!!! Finally, my 2 series shall continue after years and years of waiting! As for Wild Adapter, it's a pretty interesting series from the same mangaka who created Saiyuki. Happiness.
Work. I am officially U, or unscheduled, status at the hospital. Howver, due a severe technician shortage [one of the technicians was run over by a hospital bed] I've been given more days to work. Also, I just turned in my performance evaluation so...I smell a pay raise. Yosh!
Novel. Yes. Depsite all the picture-y manga I read, I am still capable of reading books with NO pictures. My goal this summer is to read at least 3 novels that I've set aside for the past year. I am almost done with #1, which is Artemis Fowl: the Opal Deception. I am a huge Artemis Fowl fan. This series is awesome. THINK: Harry Potter meets Richie Rich meets stealing stuff.
Age. I am one year older as of today. No special events. I shall arise early to the gym. Go to work for 10 hours. Leave work. Back to gym. Come home. Perhaps a dinner outting, or simply to bed.
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Saturday, July 1, 2006

AAAAACHHHOOO!!! Ack! It seems my allergies are a bit nuts this morning ^^; I shall go pop an allergy pill *^_^*
::Can you believe that it's already July? Insane, really.::
AnimeExpo is this weekend, like now, and I'm not there. Sadness. I do, however, plan to attend NEXT summer *^_^* Yosh!
Working at the hospital looks like it'll last a bit longer. The peeps haven't totally reduced my hours yet. As it turned out, they REALLY ned people to help them to set up the new computer/data system for the big 'switch-over' in Novemeber. All I know right now is that I'm still working through next even though I should've stopped THIS week. No compliants, work = money *^_^*
Birthday is coming up in less than a freaking week. Damn, I feel old ^^;
Vacation starts today. I will be leaving town in a few hours for some fun camping stuff *^_^*
OKAY folks, before I take off on vacation #1, I want to wish you all a wonderful and SAFE holiday weekend! Be on your best behavior and have fun!
*hugs all*
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Sunday, June 25, 2006

Today and tomorrow are supposed to be 102 degrees. The rest of the week will be hot. Lovely. Nah, I don't mind. I like the hot. The sun is my friend *^_^*
Ugh, the allergens...I hate. My sinus is a bit whacked up this morning.
*goes off and searches for some allergy drugs*
I finally moved my things out from my college apartment back to my home yesterday. After doing so, I was inspired to re-arrange my room. It looks pretty nice. I also found a new home my manga and anime collection. I think they're happy where they are at *^_^*
I don't know if you guys are following One Piece, but so far it's pretty good. I'm still quite a few episode behind from the releases but episode 182 was totally awesome! I cheered quite loudly when Luffy finally showed up to kick Enel's butt. Enel's expression was simply priceless when he realized that...uhm...he ain't all that. Good stuff. And, it's just the beginning of the fight! I can't wait to watch more!
Busy. Busy. Busy. I have a housewarming party to attend today, and then work, work, work. Ack!
But, I shall try to make my visits. I will *^_^*
Have a great week folks, and thanks for stopping by!
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hello, hello.
The past week has been quite busy for me. Quite tiring, but still kinda nice *^_^*
I spent one day and one night on the coast with several of my classmates. We went hiking, learned about the local botany, and then ate very yummy food prepared by our own gourmet chef [who is also our classmate]. I just wished that the weather was warmer ^^;; Sadly, it was cloudy with a bit of drizzle.
It goes. Lately I’ve been scheduled to work over at the hospital outpatient pharmacy – and do you what that means? 10-hours on my feet; filling prescriptions one after the other like a robot; answering the phone that never stops ringing; dealing with disgruntled and impatient patients. Dude. Retail pharmacy sucks. ^^;;
You can call me anti-social, or whatever, but I’d rather not work at this end of the pharmacy spectrum – which is WHY I am going to focus my efforts toward clinical/hospital pharmacy. *^_^*
Oh yes, another good thing about work is…the COMPANY PICNIC *^_^* How can I refuse free food and entertainment? Would you?
I’ve been downloading and storing numerous episodes from numerous series for the past several weeks now. My backlog has grown quite long.
One Piece = Me [ep171] Current [193]
Naruto = Me [ep184] Current [189]
Bleach = Me [ep79] Current [86]
Black Cat = Me [ep12] Current/End [23]
Kaikan Phrase = Me [ep17] Current/End [44]
Nana = Me [ep5] Current [10]
Ouran Host Club = Me [ep5] Current [11]
Yakitate Japan! = Me [ep45] Current/End [69]
Kyou Kara Maou = Me [ep63] Current [67]
Prince of Tennis = Me [174] Current/End [178]
And also…
Detective Loki Ragnorak, Gankotsuou, DNAngel, Chobits, and Hikaru no Go
It’s the same situation ^^;; I shall spare you all of listing out my volumes.
Lastly, my uncle got married over the weekend. It was a small ceremony that was held at my grandparent’s home. Sweet and loving. My uncle cried, his bride cried, and…I cried.
This post is getting quite long now. I shall end it here.*^_^* Have a wonderful week, everyone!
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

::School is done::
No more projects, and no more exams. Peace.
I am still employed through the end of June, and then I will be shifted over to “U-Status” – whatever that means. Goodbye wonderful pay and goodbye wonderful benefits. Must look for new job now.
::Feeling like an old lady::
The younger brother just graduated from high school. He will be going to college this fall. And I am that much older.
Summer Plans::
Go to work, vegetate, work and then back to school. Our family plans to go camping during the weekend of July 4th in southern Oregon, and then to Yellowstone National Park later in August. And although, I will not be able to attend AnimeExpo, I do plan on attending Kumoricon in Portland, OR.
Who’s got it? I just signed up for an account not too long ago. If you want to get in touch, then PM me and we can sign each other up as buddies.
::Anime & Manga::
The library is getting larger of course. I just reach over 300 volumes of manga a few days ago. Insane, I know. Here, enjoy some pics of my library!

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