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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
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It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
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Thursday, May 25, 2006

This insane is almost over. I've taken two exams so far, and I have one exam left for today. The exam on Monday was icky -- luckily I did better on a previous exam to balance out that dreadful score. The second exam was my MedChem module -- which I did very on -- my best score, ever! And the third exam today,...dunno yet. All I know it that the material is dense and that the exam is worth 50% of our final grade. Whatever.
I registered for Fall 2006 classes -- it should be a relaxing year next year ^^;; I will be taking the following:
-Pharmacokinetics I
-Japanese I
-Intro to Epidimiology and Health Care Stats [not official, so I think I need to get a waiver of some sort]
-Latin Dance I
-West Coast Swing I
-Beginning Guitar I
-Beginning Piano I
-Tennis I
Yep. If this schedule looks unsual for a grad student, it's because it IS unusual. I was forced to repeat my second year due to my health illness last Fall. It sucks. Thus, I must linger around for another year because that Committee wouldn't let me complete three classes. *sniffle* I will SO miss the rest of my classmates.
Anywho, doesn't X-Men 3 come out this weekend? Hmm...I am tempted to watch it but I must work this weekend & the following weekend. Ah well. I just can't wait until I'm done with this insane week. THEN, I move onto my other school projects -- yippee! Not.
Man, I want the summer to be here. You have NO idea how happy I will be when I NO LONGER am forced to take MedChem! I am truly very sick of memorizing structures. Studying for this past Wednesday's module made me literally nauseous ^^;;
Hmm, I suddenly remember how my prof said at the beginning of this term that "...we will be examing this terms structures in nauseating detail." Oh so true.
Okay. I need to stop rambling and get back to studying. Thank you all for stopping by. Much appreciate, and I will do the same once this wave of insanity is over with.
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Monday, May 22, 2006

::a Ramble::
Has Monkey Orange realized her true career path? Is this just a trend? Has she gone insane?
I had a pretty nice weekend even though I spent most of my time at work at the hospital. ^^;;
I met two pharmacists at work for the very first time. One pharmacist normally worked nightshift, except that day when he was working swing shift. The other pharmacist almost always worked opposite of my working schedule ^^; Anywho, they were both very nice guys.
Yep. Work was laid back. I was a zombie on Saturday due to lack of sleep and fatigue from the previous night and day. Sunday was much better though. I was able to squeeze in a bit of studying for this week's chaos -- three exams and some projects.
I think that best the part of my weekend was realizing how much I enjoy working with my colleagues at the hospital. Man, remember the time when I would always complain about working? Well, I guess that after almost 1 year I have finally began settling into my environment. But it's quite a pity seeing as how I will be laid off by the end of June. Such is life, though.
I was talking with to the ICU pharmacist about post-graduate residencies, interns, learning, oppurtunties, and such...and I realized that I'm in a good position to learn SO much from being at the hospital. I am such a lucky student. Additionally, the pharmacists there as nice and are willing to teach me. I think that even though I won't be able to work at the hospital anymore, I would really like to become a perpetual shadow, ESPECIALLY when they are WILLING to take me in *^_^*
Yes. I am quite content. If my turning out to become a "Pertpetual Shadow", then I think that I'll really learn a lot from that experience. I will also be able to form good relationships and tight connections which will boost my chances of obtaining a post-graduate residency *^_^*
But I think mainly...I'm feeling...umm...I can't really describe it. But I think [for now] my career lies in hospital/clinical pharmacy. *^_^* I feel like I finally have somewhat of a direction as to where I want to take my career. I won't be easy. In fact, it will be one of the most difficult field in pharmacy to become good at...but hey, as long as SOMEONE is willing to teach, then I am willing to learn.
Hehehe! This should be a fun challenge.
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The module on Monday went pretty well. It was quite easy and I finished it in 30 minutes out of the 2 hours we are given. But you know, I think I was more fixated on getting out of that hot room than well...thinking over my questions carefully. Bad, me. ^^;;
The weather is still warm. I managed to go sunbathing and swimming yesterday after the module. However, I think I actually got a bit too much sun because I'm been having a nasty headache since this morning. Not cool. Ah well. I think I'll go back to the pool again. I like splashing around in the water. It's fun.
I've been going crazy reading a manga series called Samurai Deeper Kyo. Totally addicted. I suggest checking out the series if you're into kick-butt samurai-sword-fighting action. The anime, however, is disappointing. The manga version totally rocks. It looks to be the longest running series to be added to my collection, with 30+ volumes & continual Japan releases. I only have up to volume 13. *^_^* Good stuff though.
I've been having the new Red Hot Chili Peppers song, Dani California stuck in my head. Co-incidentally this song is also featured in the upcoming release of the live-action Death Note.
Okies. It's time for me to go purchase my manga-chunk-boba-smoothie before class.
And then I gotta start studying for next week's Pharmacy Practice Quiz, MedChem Module, Pharmacy Management Final ALL WHILE working on my part of an insane group project and research for an individual presentation.
"Must get it together. Get it together"
-Osaka, from Azumanga Daioh!
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Monday, May 15, 2006

It's hot today! AND...I've got a MedChem module on Antibiotics Part 1, tomorrow!
I shall return...later.
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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Yay! I won my eBay bid for Exo Squad *^_^* And now comes the waiting ^^;;

I would also like to congradulate my brother, my sister, and their high school [which is also my high school alma mater] on placing FIRST PLACE as the State Champions in String Orchestra and Full String Symphony! They are the best in the State!
Yes, I am a very proud big sister -- they were simply magnificent. The end of the award ceremony was also tearful because this was the year when their music mentor retires. Everybody was hugging, laughing, and crying. Although I wasn't a student there, I also started to cry a bit. It was all very touching *^_^*
Well, Mother's Day is tomorrow! Have you all prepared something for your mommies? I haven't got a present this time around, but supposedly I will be taking my mommy and her mommy to dinner -- and supposedly I shall be funding all of this ^^;; Eh. How can I say 'no' to all my mommies?
I ended doing pretty good on my Med Chem module from Monday. Guess what? I have ANOTHER module this coming Tuesday. Joy. Ah well!
I'm quite happy that I don't have to work this weekend. I plan on playing some tennis with my sister, watching anime, and studying. Oh, and perhaps some clothes shopping too.
Yes, that's about it for now. I shall try my best to come visit your sites this weekend. If I can't, then please forgive me m(_ _)m.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Allergies are beginning to bother me. It's mild, but very annoying (>_<). I start taking some Sudafed and throat drops tomorrow if it persist. Ack!
OH MY GOSH!!! I was browsing eBay and I managed to spot the complete Exo Squad DVD collection!!! 52 episodes; 4 DVDs; art; interactive stuff.

You have NO idea how excited I am! I have been searching for this nearly extinct mid-90's pseudo-US-mobile suit cartoon for the longest time. I've already placed my bid [a pricey bid] and I better get it! Almost 9 hours left before it's over. Please, I want it!
*crosses her fingers*
EDIT: I won the bid!
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006

::Brain Thrashing::
The MedChem module yesterday was not as horrible as it could've been ^^;; The test was very manageable. As for my tummy, it got better *^_^* Right after the exam, I went home and showered.
I then had to rush over to the Student Health Services pharmacy for my 2-hour rotation. Man...I was SO tired. I was like a zombie for the entire duration, and supposedly I LOOKED it too! How embarassing ^^;; Anyhow, it was a good rotation.
I gotta say that I am still feeling some residual effects from that exam. It really is strange how taking a MedChem literally 'sucked' the life outta me. Odd.
Anywho, the rest of this week should be good. No exams. I hope to catch up on some other school-related projects that I've been shamefullly procrastinating on.
I'm also hoping that my knee doesn't wig out on me like it did last week. I need to resume my daily gym-excursions ^^;; And ballroom dancing and tennis too!
Yes. It should be a nice mellow week. I also have my usual pile of manga to read. Surprisingly it's only 6 volumes high, and not like the usual 9-12 volumes. Hehe, I guess it's a good thing for my wallet, right?
I'm finally continuing One Piece, and it's great! The Skypiea Arc is getting pretty neat. Yeah, I remember for awhile I was getting kind of bored, but now the action keeps piling. Yosh! I SO miss the Straw Hat Pirates. They are awesome *^_^*
Can you believe it? I am currently on the 15th arc of One Piece! I must watch more, more, more! I want to get to Arc 20 & 21 so I can meet the potential [and most likely] 8th crew member!
Man, I SO have a craving for One Piece
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Monday, May 8, 2006

Today is the day of judgement. I shall now put forth my two-days worth of cramming for my hideous MedChem module on cancer biology and chemotherapy.
EDIT: I ate some unheated 5-day old crabcakes this morning & a cinnamon roll. Uhm...I don't feel good ^^;;
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Saturday, May 6, 2006

Work at the hospital was nice. I actually had time to study and perform my Intern-ly duties *^_^*
The only thing out of the ordinary was seeing the He-She doctor making 'His-Her' rounds throughout the 5th and 6th floors. I remember that first time I heard about the 'He-She' doctor, but have never seen 'Her' before. Well, now I know what 'She' looks like -- and she ain't pretty ^^;; I mean, if you go for sex change, why not make sure certain that you look good. I mean, 'She' is doctor so she should've been able to afford it, right? ^^;; Eh.
Dude, I have SO many drug structures to study. Fear not, if things go slowly tomorrow, then I'll most likely get through them. They really aren't that bad.
I was SO tired last night from organizing my study material, that I had no energy to watch any anime. Well, it's a good thing that I studied a bit at work today so now I'll get to splurge a bit on anime tonight. Yay!
Other than, I think that I may be getting sick. I've been having a strange and sore feeling in the back of my mouth ^^;; Hopefully it nothing major *^_^* I have an awesome immune system so I'm not worried at all!
Okies then, I'm gonna take off from work now and head home *^_^* Yes. It's a good thing that the Steve-man is staring from behind my shoulders and watching me NOT 'truly' working. Hehe ^^;; What he doesn't know will not piss him off *^_^*
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Friday, May 5, 2006

It's Friday! It's Friday! It's Friday! Woo hoo hoo! *^_^* Yes. As you can probably tell...I like Friday.
Do I have fun plans for Friday, or the weekend? Not really. I like Friday's Friday. I'm probably not making any sense ^^;; Liking Friday is just one of those things I like...well...just BECAUSE. Nah! I think that I like it because it means the end of the school week *^_^*
I actually have to work at the hospital this weekend, and then cram for my MedChem module this Monday. Ugh. I tried studying last night, but I ended up falling asleep on the couch ^^;; Lovely. Eh. I don't think that this module will be that bad, so no worries. I must have confidence, especially when procrastinating & cramming ^^;;
My foot is better. But yesterday it was my knee that gave me problems. But now, I am totally healed *^_^* Thank you, guys, for the well wishes.'s another beautifully sunny and warm day here *^_^* I love it! I feel peace. And a bit hungry too.
Okies. Off I go to Pharmacy Practice lab. You all have a great weekend *^_^*
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