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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
Anime Fan Since
It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Is it possible to pull a muscle in your foot? Answer: Yes. *points to herself* It happened a few days ago when I wore a pair of very funky platform sandals. By the end of that day, I noticed that the left side of the bottom of my left foot, hurt. ^^;; I was hoping that the pain would be gone by today, but I was wrong.
I played a mean game of tennis with some of my classmates and noticed that my foot still hurt afterwards. Lovely. And I was planning on going for a jog later, too. Ah well! Next time *^_^*
But yes, today was another beautiful day. I love the sun and I love the warmth *^_^* It makes me feel fuzzy wuzzy inside *^_^*
Okies. I gotta get home and shower and then study.
EDIT: I am a bit frustrated. I really want to go to AnimeExpo 2006 this summer. I want to see and meet CLAMP, the mangaka of Her Magesty's Dog [a manga I am reading], and the voices actors of Fruits Basket and Full Metal Alchemist. Argh! Not fair!
Okay. End of whining ^^;;
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Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Hello peeps!
Thanks to those of you who commented on my last post. I hope that you enjoyed those trailers.
Yes. As you can probably tell, I am totally in the Death Note mood. *^_^* I also found out today that there WILL BE [at least, I think...] a Death Note anime coming soon. Please, oh please be true!
I can honestly say that Death Note is perhaps THE most brilliant manga series I have ever read. I HIGHLY recommend anyone to read -- well, maybe not for the young kiddies. ^^;; But yes, good stuff.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Damn you, tempting dumplings!!! I am supposedly on a "healthy eating" diet...well that was until my colleagues tempted me with tasty vegetarian fried potstickers. I ate like...7 of them in one sitting ^^;; Yes. Is there even still hope for me? *sighs*
*groans* And after not EVEN a year of working at the wonderful hospital were I've worked since this past summer, I was given the news by my manager guy that the pharmacy department will be laying off ALL pharmacy interns. (>_<) NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I really REALLY like my job! I only work part time; I get wonderful pharmacy experience; I get full medical/dental/optical benifits; I get 401K; I get PTO hours; I get paid $29 bucks/hour. *silence* NOOOOOOOO!!!!
*regains composure*
Life is definitely unpredicatble, wouldn't you think?
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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I had initally updated my post a few days ago, but I gave up because the server was acting funny and would NOT update for me. *_* Eh!
* * * * *
Yes. Today is indeed a beautiful day, says the weather dude. It was SO wet and dreary yesterday that I was seriously feeling a bit down ^^;; PLUS, I had a REALLY BAD "Case of the Mondays" yesterday, too! Bah!
Tuesday is looking good so far *^_^* It's still the morning, so I can't really say that for sure, you know?'s just a feeling. Hey, your day IS what YOU make of it, right?
I don't know if I inform you all yet, but I moved into a new apartment this past Friday. It's a 2 bedroom, and it's pretty nice. Sadly, my roomate [who is the one that's supplying the furniture] has not moved in yet. Thus, the entire place is still barren ^^;; My room, on the other hand, is pretty cute. Unfortunately I don't have a bed. For the time being, I am sleeping on air matress. ^^;;
Ah yes. My ballroom dancing and tennis classes are awesome. Seriously, Tuesday and Thrusday are my favorite days now because it's when I have those classes. *^_^* Tee hee! I'm currently learning the Waltz, and it's fun! I still "two left feet" but who cares!
Anime wise, I did quite a bit of catching up on the weekends. I watched Bleach, Naruto, Kaikan Phrase, Yakitate Japan!, Black Cat, and Hikaru no Go. I was also to locate the BitTorrents for Peach Girl, Groove Adventure Rave, and Aishiteruze Baby - nice! And most importantly, an online friend told me of a way to solve my One Piece .mp4 problem. Yosh! I am quite happy!
Manga wise, I have thus far finished reading Cafe Kichijouji 2 and Antique Bakery 3. The latter manga is getting really good. I hope that more volumes will be released soon *^_^* And yep, Samurai Deeper Kyo was awesome too!
Okies, it's time to get back to school. Later all!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Hello beautiful people! Since it's been a while since my last update, I'd thought that I'd swing by and let y'all know what's been happening with me *^_^*
::Spring Break Recap::
Yes, it was like...three weeks ago but it's never too late for a recap, right? Anywho, for those of you who did not remember, the first part of my Spring Break trip was spent in Seattle, WA at the Sakura-Con anime convention!
The convention was lots of fun! My sister and I did some lite cos-play as L from Death Note, and Pucca. I also got to meet up with TheMouse and Panda and her hubby, John -- all are wonderful people *^_^*
TheMouse accompanied my sister and I back to Oregon, and together the three of us vegetated and went to the Oregon Coast -- the weather was great!
Finally, my last part of my break was spent working at the hospital to make some extra moolah!
All in all, I LOVED my Spring Break. Fun times, indeed! I shall try to post up pictures one of these days ^^;; And trust me, the pictures are entertaining to look at *^_^*
::the New Spring Quarter at School::
So far, it ain't that bad. This is actually the beginning of my second week of the new quarter.
My classes include: Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology, Pharmacy Practice VI, Pharmacy Management, Clinical Applications, Ballroom Dancing I, and Tennis I.
I have enjoyed ALL of my classes. Umm...yeah, I have my first MedChem module of the quarter this Thursday - lovely. The topics covered are anti-Diabetic drugs and Endocrine pharmacology. *_*
It continues to grow very insanely. I counted a total 5 more that I acquired last night, which adds up to be...243 volumes of manga. *sighs* *smiles* *loves*
I've managed to catch up with Naruto. I watched some of the new Spring 2006 new series releases which include Ouran High School Host Club and Nana. And One Piece withdrawal is becoming UNbearable *_* Why, oh why, did Kaizuko-Fansubs switch from .avi to .mp4?!? I have having tremendous difficults is plaing the files EVEN with the suggested codecs.
Yes. So I am now JUST over 20 episodes behind of the release! *curses*
::Live Action adapted Manga/Anime Movies::
Dude, I have SO gotta post up this pictures! I AM SO gonna watch these movies once they are available.
Well, I don't exactly know how to do so, BUT I've just got access to one movie so I have FAITH that somehow, someday, I will get my hands on the rest!
Live Action Movies of:
Death Note
Prince of Tennis
Honey & Clover
Your & My Secret
*smiles VERY evily*
::And in the End:
I shall return again. Don't forget me. I love you...all of you.
*dances off and away like a crazy lunatic*
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

::The Spring::
Ah, I love the Spring! *^_^*
::Monkey Orange Returns from APhA-ASP
I just got back from my American Pharmacy Association & Academy of Student Pharmacist annual conference in San Franscico, CA. It was wonderful. Here's what happened:
~I met lots of other student pharmacists from across the country and chatted with other pharmacists
~I acquired lots of free goodies from the drug representatives during the exposition. Pens, post-its, drug samples, stuffed enema, and more!
~I also attended very informative lectures.
~I reunited with a very good friend from college and ALSO research buddy from several years ago.
~And of course I also spent quite a bit of time wandering around the ever-so-cool downtown San Franscico area. It was niice *^_^*
::Manga Growth::
I discovered TWO new series I'd like to add to my ever-expanding manga library. I should stop. It's getting quite large. *silence* ... I shall purchase them today.
::Monkey Orange vs. MedChem Module 3::
I have a date. I have a match. A duel to the death -- with my retake. Wednesday March 22, 2006 at 2:00pm. THAT will be the moment of judgement. Lastly, thank the Lord I passed Module 5 -- otherwise Hell would freeze over. Mwuahahahaha!
Yes, and a few days later my sister and I will be heading up to Seattle, WA to attend Sakura-Con for the very first time. We are both very excited!!! Yes, yes.
It's been like one month since my last entry. Even though it doesn't seem that long ago, quite a bit has happened. I shall finish the rest of my update later. So until then, have a wonderful day *^_^*
*many hugs*
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Monday, February 20, 2006

I thought that I would be able to get with passing ALL of my Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology modules for my second year, but I was wrong.
I have officially failed this past Thursday's module 3.
Though it sucks & is a bit depressing, there are still the retakes in a few weeks. As long as I can pass them...and my remaining two module, then I'll be free!!!
Argh...stupid Med Chem!!
*shakes her fist angrily into the air*
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Valentine's Day was quite nice. It snowed for about an hour -- it was very pretty *^_^* Afterwards, my classmate and I got dressed up pretty and went to dinner at a nice Italian resturant. We ordered an appetizer, entres, and dessert, and wine. Yum.
The Apothecary Ball from last weekend was fabulous. I wore my pretty pink dress, had my nails done, and a nice looking hair-do. That evening I danced latin and swing. I also won a red betta fish, which I named Chainsaw.
Yay. I got my hair cut. Well, sort-of. I'm trying to grow out my hair so I had the hairdresser give me a slight trim, upper mass reduction, and layer renewel *^_^* It's looks quite nice, especially when it's straightened.
Ah yes, my manga collection continues to grow larger with each passing weekend. I...I can't stop myself. Now, if only I can find time to sit down and enjoy them ^^;;
This Saturday I will be going up to a wonderful mall in Portland to do some girly shopping with my friend. I am expecting to acquiring some goodies. AND on Sunday I will be intensively shadowing the ICU pharmacist at the hospital where I work. Yes, I am quite excited to see what I'll learb from that brilliant man *^_^*
OKAY, folks. I gotta Medicinal Chemistry Module 3 scheduled for tomorrow. Such ickiness. I shall try my best and study hard!
Thank you very much for stopping by!
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Saturday, February 4, 2006

::Monkey Orange vs. Technology::
In the end, I won *^_^* So, what happened? About a week ago my primary email account with Yahoo! just died for no apparent reason. I spent the next several days communicating with Customer Care to get it fix. By the time the situation was resolved – on Friday – I had accumulated 74 new messages in my inbox ^^;; Yes. This entire situation was incredibly frustrating.
Additionally, my VoiceMail on my cell phone also went psycho. The service was inactivated for no apparent reason, and when I tried to access it, the message said that my account was invalid. Sounds familiar? (>_<) Ack! I ended up calling Customer Service and had the problem fixed.
Yes, technology is not as reliable as we all think.
Be paranoid, be very paranoid! Mwuahahahaha!
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