Monkey Orange
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Monday, January 23, 2006
::Some Quickies::
~My Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology exam on Thursday was quite easy. No complaints. However, I have 2 make-up finals this Friday: a written AND a practical physical examination final. Joy.
~I purchased and watched the complete Peacemaker Kurogane DVD series. And afterwards, I purchased the manga series that concludes the entire story. VERY sadly, the manga is done through ADV, a company that totally SUCKS in terms of manga distribution! I have 3 out of 4 volumes of the manga sequel. And from my online research, fans have pretty much given up hope that ADV will distribute the last volume. For chrissakes! It’s the last volume! You cannot do this to your consumers! Bloody hell! I’m wondering if ADV will EVER finish distributing the Chrono Crusade, Tactics, and Loki manga. You just can’t license a manga series, distribute a few volumes, AND then leave your consumers with nothing else. That’s just pure crap. Just finish your distribution and get the hell out of the manga business because…again…ADV…you are plain awful!!!
~I have finally decided that my sister and I will be attending Sakura Con in Seattle, WA this March *^_^* I’ve registered us, and reserved our hotel room. Yay! I think that we will also be partaking in some mild cos-playing ^^;; Yes. We’ve crossed further into anime geekdom! But whom shall we dress as…?
~My aunt gave me her old sucky digital camera *^_^* Though it may be technologically older, it’s still a free camera. I shall play with it when I have time.
~Lastly, I’d like to congratulate Summoner Rekka for getting into Nursing School! I am so very proud of her. It just goes to show that hard work & determination will get you to your goal *^_^*
~And with that, I shall be off! Have a wonderful week, everyone! And thank you for visiting.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
::Where in the World is Monkey Orange today::
And the answer is...SCHOOL. It's true. I finally moved into my new place over the weekend. And let me just say that my new room is cute! *^_^* Don't get me wrong, I still live in the same complex, but this room...I'm getting good vibes from it [unlike my previous room, you know?]. Yep, I think I've become a believer of Feng Shui *^_^*
Anywho, gotta get back to my errands before my next class starts -- Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology. Joy.
~ja ne |
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Friday, January 6, 2006
::Just Some Silly Stuff::
A random name game that I snagged from Solo. *^_^*
1. YOUR PORN STAR NAME (Name of first pet/Street you grew up on)
Goldie Chaparral
2. YOUR MOVIE STAR NAME (Name of your favorite snack food/Grandfather's first name)
Cheetos Binh
3. YOUR FASHION DESIGNER NAME (First word you see on your left/Favorite restaurant)
Aloxi Sizzler
4. EXOTIC FOREIGNER ALIAS (Favorite spice/Last foreign vacation spot)
Ginger Palmas Del Mar
5. SOCIALITE ALIAS (Silliest childhood nickname/Town where you first partied):
Banni Syracuse
6. "FLY BOY" ALIAS (a la J. Lo) (First initial/First two or three letters of your last name)
J. Hu
7. ICON ALIAS (Something sweet within sight/Any liquid in your kitchen)
Vanilla Oil
8. DETECTIVE ALIAS (Favorite baby animal/Where you went to high school)
Penguin Sprague
9. BARFLY ALIAS (Last snack food you ate/Your favorite alcoholic drink)
Brownie Cosmopolitan
10. SOAP OPERA ALIAS (Middle name/Street where you live)
Ai Khiet Ballymeade
11. ROCK STAR ALIAS (Favorite candy/Last name of favorite musician)
[EDIT]. And after all that effort I put into my previous LONG post from Wednesday...not a single comment. No, I'm not bitter at all ^^;; LOL!! I know, I's time for us all to be getting back to school, work, and etc. Understandable. *^_^*
Later, y'all. Have a great day, k?
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Ooo…a long one!
::Shout Out::
Even though I am a bit late…HAPPY NEW YEARS!!! And also…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little sister, Lilly, who turned 16 years old on January 3rd.Ah yes…this coming Chinese New Years will be the Year of the Dog after this coming January 29th.
::Celebrating the New Year::
Umm…nothing too spectacular happened. Our family went out to dinner and celebrated my mum’s 46th birthday on New Year’s Eve. The following, New Year’s Day, our family went to Mt. Hoo Doo in South Eastern Oregon to ski, snowboard, and inner tube [aka, the autobahn].
Although the entire experience led to some pain and definite physical fatigue, it totally FUN *^_^* Ah yes…I had my share of building snow forts and engaging in mildly violent snowball fights.
::Work & School::
Yep. Tuesday marked my second week of working at the hospital this winter break. From yesterday until this Friday I will be working in the Outpatient [retail] Pharmacy – oh joy ^^;; Well, it’s not as bad as I make it out to me. I think that deep down inside, I actually enjoy what I do. ^^;;
As for school, well, it’ll be back to the books on January 9th – ugh! I shall be moving back to my apartment complex this weekend. And you know what? I will be moving from apartment #8 to apartment #20 *^_^*. From the 1st floor to the 3rd floor – yes, I like to be in a higher position – over others, mwuahahaha! Snooty, I know.
::Bills, Bills, Bills::
As soon as my money comes rolling in, I gotta dish it back out. Hence, no profit! My bill from my doctor, dentist, optometrist, and hospital stay have arrived. And, let’s not forget the credit card bills from Christmas spending. And student loan bills, too. *sniffle* Goodbye, my thousands of dollars!
Chobits. Finished the 1st DVD volume & loving it! Hehe, it’s quite a funny & sweet show. “Hidaeki! Hidaeki!” *points at random objects* Mythical Detective Loki. A bit different from the manga, but not bad. We’ve been introduced to Narugami, Heimdell, Frey & Freya. Now, I want to see Spica! Sukisho! Gimme DVD volume 2, now! Dang, math teacher is hot! Paradise Kiss. The season is almost over. Only 2 fansub episodes left. I can’t wait to see the fashion show. What will happen between Yukari and George? Prince of Tennis. Sister and I finally started watching the beginning of the end. It will be a sad goodbye, definitely. Kaiken Phrase. I must admit. The anime series is a GREAT supplement to the manga series. Must watch more. Yakitate Japan!. Honestly, I will never tire from watching this hilarious, bread-based show [note: Monkey Orange’s site theme *^_^*]. Naruto. I am almost caught up with the fansub release. And sadly, the filler stories are beginning to annoy me. Why must there be SO many? It sucks, and I heard that there will be even more fillers…and entire season with nothing but fillers? Yuck.
Antique Bakery. A very cute shounen-ai. Reading this series also makes me want to drive back down to the French pastry shop in Corvallis to eat their yummy baked goods. Mmm…Wild Adapter. Made by the same mangake who did Saiyuki. Therefore, a pretty neat story with delectable Bishies as well. Of course, I can only [and sadly] read the scanlations. Ouran High School Host Club. My 1st manga purchase from Shoujo Beat company [which is the same as Viz ^^;;] I gotta say, that this series is ranking pretty high up there with Hana Kimi. Also, the anime version will be released in Japan this April. Hehe, I shall keep my eye out for the series in fansub, indeed. Chobits. Ock, I am nearing the end. I just bought vol 7, but haven’t read it yet. I wonder what will happen next? Death Note. This series, by far, is the MOST interesting manga series. It’s dark, the characters are complex, and the story makes you philosophize! Usually, my brain would start to short-circuit from such things, however…I really like this series. Theme: Killing. Does the ends justify the means? Who has the right to kill? Is there even a ‘right’? Is murder the same as killing? Vice versa? Very, very, interesting.
::All in All::
Yes. This was a very long post, I know. Ordinarily, I would normally visit all of your sites right after I post. However, I do not have much time especially after working my 10-hour days, and then BEGINNING my update at 9pm to make it current. Mum came into my room and told me to go to bed so that I won’t be sleepy at work. I guess I should. Well, I shall definitely visit you guys tomorrow when I have more time. Until then, have a great day! I hope that you all had a wonderful New Years!
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
*dramatic sobbing*
… “It’s almost at an end! I only have a week and a half left of my Christmas vacation!”
::Recap of Christmas 2005::
I had a pretty good Christmas with my family *^_^* Fun times & wonderful goodies.
Christmas Eve was spent on my mum’s side of the family. We had a big yummy dinner, fun gift exchange, and concluded with karaoke – my granddaddy sang!
*Froggy slippers & socks, scarf and mitten set
*Tommy Hilfiger purse
*Shirt & faux Gucci watch
*Sparkly black shirt – just perfect for clubbing!
Christmas morning was spent at home. We snacked on Dutch butter cookies & hot chocolate before opening gifts.
*Pants & shirts for work
*Key chain, CD binder and holder
*Smoked salmon & chocolate [Troy]
*Chobits Anime series [Shawn] *^_^*
*Lotion, lip gloss & body spray [Nhu]
Then, Christmas Evening was spent on dad’s side of the family. Again, a yummy feast, followed by some Christmas string tunes, and then gift exchange. Good times.
*Perfume, tooth brush holder, and a pair of socks
*Cash, cash, cash… $$$
And of course…the gifts to myself ^^;;
*Manga, and lots of it! Can you believe, I actually had the nerve to start collecting four new manga series!?! @_@ Earthian, Antique Bakery, Ouran High School Host Club, and Death Note. Yep, I’ve stacked them all in my little corner library. Now, when will I have the time to read them? ^^;;
*Clothes, of course! Only I can shop the best for myself in terms of clothing. LOL! My most favorite shirt purchased was the one of Sakura from Naruto that I bought from Hot Topic. *^_^*
::All in All::
Yes. This is one of those quickie and plotless post ^^;; I shall be back later to post something more…meaningful. I hope that you all had an enjoyable Christmas too. If I can’t make it back before the New Year, the Have a wonderful New Years! *hugs*
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
::Wishing You Folks at MyO a Merry Christmas::
It will be a long & fun day, so I shall keep it brief ^^;;
May you all receive lots of cool stuff. Have fun with your family & friends! Eats lots of yummy foods! And be merry!
Monkey Orange wishes you all the best!
*many hugs*
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
At last! Monkey Orange has successfully finished cleaning up her room *^_^* And it only took her a little over 2 hours ^^;;
::On the Comments::
Number 5:
Hey, your situation isn’t all that bad. Consider it…saving money ^^;; No worries though, I’m sure you’ll be getting some pretty cool stuff *^_^* Anything in particular you have in mind?
Solo Tremaine:
*^_^* Be sure to keep yourself warm where you are! Has it snowed yet? * wonders what England is like during the winter*
Yes. Christmas shopping is still quite horrid. I think I spent about a good 20 minutes yesterday just trying to leave the parking structure at the mall (>_<) Ick. Only…a few more days left! BTW, I got your package *^_^* Can I open it yet?
Blue Hawk:
Yay!!! You’re back *^_^* You ARE gonna stay, right? Hehe, I wish you a wonderful holiday as well! I will try my best to survive the nasty shopping.
You know, my family also buys each other stuff throughout the year. So sadly, within my family there really isn’t much else to purchase ^^;; But as for the extended family…well…that’s another story. I’ve got tons of aunts, uncles, and many many cousins ^^;; Is that the same with you, too?
* * * * *
::Life as the Pharmacy Intern::
Well, I gotta say that work on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday went jolly well *^_^* I actually had…a good time settling back into that environment.
On Saturday & Sunday I worked in the I.V. pharmacy – which is always neat. And on Monday, I worked over in the Outpatient pharmacy.
It was nice to work with the pharmacists that I haven’t seen since the summer. And of course…money is good, too *^_^*
::A Winter Storm for the Day::
We got our first snow on Saturday! LOL!!! Everyone at worked immediately ran over to the window and just stood there in awe…for 10-1 5minutes ^^;;
For myself, seeing the snow made me remember the times when I would walk to classes in the snow during my undergraduate years in New York. Yes, good times *^_^*
Unfortunately, though, the snow only lasted for a few hours and then melted away. Sadness.
::All in All::
I guess that’s about it for now. I actually wanted to post some more about some manga & anime stuff, but I’ll save that for later *^_^* I will try to come back again and post later this week near the holidays. Until then, enjoy yourselves & be safe. *^_^*
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Friday, December 16, 2005
::Monkey Orange vs. Christmas Shopping::
So, how goes my Christmas shopping? Slowly, very slowly ^^;; Mum & I managed to purchase some goods during this past week, but it's no where near the amount we need wrapped by Christmas. *sighs* I hate Christmas shopping. ^^;;
::Monkey Orange vs. Work::
Eep! I have to work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (>_<) Eww...10-hour shifts. Money = Good, but Lazy = Bad ^^;; 'Nough said.
::Monkey Orange Goes for More Smutt::
*fangirl giggles* Yes, I like smutt and I do NOT deny it! Sensual Phrase is my manga of choice for purely smutty purposes [well, it's not THAT smutty, if you know what I mean *wink wink*].
Anywho, just yesterday I managed to locate and download the first 24 episodes of Kaiken Phrase -- it's anime [and story prequel] twin.
*big grin*
Please excuse me while I grab myself a fangirl drool-bucket.
Err...did I just say that?
::All in All::
Thank you all for the warm 'welcome back' & supportive comments. *^_^* It makes me happy to know that you guys haven't totally forgotten about me ^^;;
*big, merry hugs to all who have visited*
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
::Monkey Orange – the Grand Supreme Survivor::
Yes folks, for the most part…I am alive ^^;; The nap that I took from MyO was very nice. But it wasn’t just a nap from MyO, it was pretty much a nap from everything else – confused, yet?
Simply to put it, I’ve had to go to through very difficult times at school, at work, and with my personal self. Hehe…it’s actually amazing that’s I’m still surviving and functional given all the CRAP that I’ve been through *^_^*
I’ve learned that mental breakdowns aren’t that bad as long as I have a wonderful network offamily and friends, and of course…the will to move on! Yosh!
::Monkey Orange vs. Pharmacy School [an extra year?]::
Hell yeah, I survived my first term of my second year of pharmacy school! NOT EASY. Lots of sweat, lots of tears, lots of frustration, and a partial contribution to my brush with insanity.
It’s tough. And for that reason, I have decided to flex my second year of pharmacy school. Meaning? I have voluntarily decided to stay one year behind from my class so that I can ensure my academic survival…and my sanity. Does it mean that I am a wuss? Maybe. But you know what? Better a wuss WITH future, THAN a wuss without one!!! Mwuhahahahahahaha!
::Monkey Orange vs. Hospital Work::
I finally managed to summon up the courage to talk to my pharmacy manager about some schedule changes. He agreed *^_^* So, instead of working 20 hours EVERY other weekend, I will be working 10 hours every Sunday – which shouldn’t be that bad. I will at least have ONE day off every weekend where I can sleep in, breath, and do some studying *^_^* Excellent!
::Monkey Orange & Entertainment::
SO much to watch, yet SO little time. With all the insanity I’ve been through, it’s been quite difficult in keeping up with my fansubbed backlog and my purchased backlog. ^^;; I will NOT discuss everything now because that’ll just mega-extend this already long post. But, here are a few notable notes from my viewings:
Fansubbed Anime
Bleach is getting very good – especially with episodes 59 & 60. Paradise Kiss is a new fashionable series that I just started & like a lot. Prince of Tennis -- I finally have ALL the episodes! So now I finally finish watching that deliciously damn good tennis-bishie series *^_^* Ooo…I also got my hands on the Prince of Tennis Live Musical -- very good stuff.
Purchased Anime
Man, I’ve been pretty bad with these ones *^_^* I still haven’t finished Full Metal Panic. I also haven’t finished the Azumanga Daioh that theMouse bought me *^_^* ON top of that, I went ahead and bought the first volumes of Sukisho, Gankutsuou, and Mirage of Blaze OVA. Yes, I’ve been very naughty ^^;;
Let’s just say that my library is constantly gaining weight. Since my last entries, I have added 2 new series to my collection. The first is Rurouni Kenshin volumes 18+, ONLY for the Remembrance and Jinchuu Arc. The second is Chobits -- a contribution from theMouse *^_^* Hehe, I love my manga!
::And In the End::
Okay folks, I think I shall stop for now. ^^;; Honestly, I can keep going and going…but then you’ll get bored. So until then, I wish you all a wonderful week! I shall now be off and attempt to visit your site *^_^*
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
::Meet Maestro::
Yes, yes. Life is definitely getting much better *^_^*
Give me a few more days, and I'll be back with a more thorough update and visits *^_^*
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