Monkey Orange
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
::THURSDAY,January 3rd 2008::

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My first post of the New Year, and I'd like to wish my little sister a happy 18th birthday! Yay!!!
Dearest sister,
I'd like to say that I am very proud to be your big sister. You've worked very hard to accomplish your goals and to pursue your passion. Keep up the good work!
Love, Ni.
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Monday, December 31, 2007
::MONDAY, December 31th 2007::

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I wasn't on planning on posting tonight, heck with ^^;;
Anywho...Mario Galaxy is the featured picture for this post. is probably my favorite game, for the time being, for the Wii.
I haven't enjoyed a Mario game since...Super Mario 64 for the N64. The game itself is very well developed. The visuals and the actual play is pretty amazing. Yep, yep. I endorse it. Go play. And come now...the creators even brought back the classic Fire Mario *grins*
FYI: I'm not a true gamer really. I 'play' through my brothers. Kinda pathetic, but it's safer that way because I'm a recovering addict from ages back. If I start now...I won't stop ^^;;
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dramaqueen15460 - thanks for visiting my site! *^_^*
Ikyuu-Nyuu-Kon - hehe, yeah. Thanks. We'll see how long I can keep this up since school is starting again next week >_> Anyways, my X-Mas was niice. No complaints *^_^* *hugs*
Arduous - hahaha, thank you! I've always had an attraction towards the odd ball ones ^^;; Yes, I, too, am forgetful. Thus my dependence on an organizer of some sort. Ack! I just remembered. I haven't bought on for 2008, yet ^^;; Bleh. *cheers to 2008*
bunraku - Ugh. Making a list is one thing...actually following it is another thing ^^;; Goodbye money? I hold tuition bills, mandatory health insurance, and unsubsidized school loans responsible for that! >_> And speaking of which, I need to make a whoop-arse payment for this Winter Term bill *_* My savings are SO on the rapid decline. *whimpers*
Solo Tremaine - *blinks* Be still my heart! It's my favorite British actor *^_^* Hehe. Such is the busy life, ain't it? I'm glad you visited...which reminds me, I need to visit your site and see what you've been up to. All is going well, I hope. Not too many stunt-related injuries, I hope *^_^* And have a good New Years.
SomeGuy - oh puulease ^^;; He was probably bored that day and randomly clicked on my site - LOL! Thanks for the 2008 greetings *winks* Yep, yep. Despite the financial hardships I may experience this 2008, I will definitely be going to Sakura-con, again. The girls will be coming too, of course. And hopefully, if all goes well, I may also be featuring a brand new costume -- mwuahahahahahahaha!!!
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
::SUNDAY, December 30th 2007::

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*grins* guys are still around! Yay!!!
I made a few small changes to the appearance of this site. Simpler, I suppose.
There are several things I'd like to update on, so I made a mini-list above to remind myself. I shall strike the list as I make my way through it, hehe.
Anyways, thank you very much to those of you who visited and commented. I hope that you've all been well these past several months -- in school, work, life...etc *^_^*
Happy belated Winter Holidays to those of you who celebrated. And...have a wonderful New Years in case I can't make in back in time for a New Years post.
*hugs all*
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Friday, December 28, 2007
::FRIDAY, December 28th 2007::

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*enters the post*
*blows off the stagnant dust*
Hello, hello. Anyone still around here??
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
::TUESDAY, September 18th 2007::

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I have less than a week before classes start. I'm pretty excite. But before I make my move up north, I have to update myself in terms of doctor and dentist visits.
I went to visit my physician yesterday. We had a lovely chat about my 'going-ons' and such. But in the end, I mainly wanted to renew some prescriptions for this school year ^^;; And yep, i finally got my steroid-based nasal spray, the generic equivalent of Flonase. It's the commercial on TV with the flying bee and sneezing people ^^;;
And today, I shall visit my dentist for some long overdue dental cleaning. In general, I dislike dental visits. But...I love having clean & healthy teeth, more.
Lastly, I've been oogling and fangirling over a new Japanese music group called w~inds. Their music genre is mainly urban hop/pop. And I loooooove them. These guys debuted in their adorable early teens back in 2001, and have grown successfully as artist [and drool worthy young men] even now, 2007.
Yep, yep. Good stuff.
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
::WEDNESDAY, September 12th 2007::

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CrystalFlute - My laptop is almost 4 years old. ^^;; The processor isn't as sharp as it used to be. The battery life is almost non-existent. And it's caught some strange incurable bugs from the Internet. Poor thing ^^;;
Ikyuu-Nyuu-Kon - It's still slow after you cleaned it? Strange. I'd check out the processor and RAM.
the fizz - tis definitely time for a new laptop *^_^*
::Yippee 1::
Well, I finally decided on and bought myself a new laptop. It was a tough decision between the Sony Vaio, HP Pavillion or Toshiba Satellite. The winner was the Toshiba *^_^* It was $1000 dollars less than the Sony Vaio and featured a much better processor and battery life than the HP Pavillion. So yep, I'm quite happy about that *^_^*
::Yippee 2::
Yesterday was my last day working at a certain pharmacy. My preceptor was so nice that she bought me a yummy slice of carrot cake. There was a also a note attached to the cake that pretty much thanked me for my help during the summer and that I'll make a great pharmacist in the future *blush* She is such a wonderful person. I totally adore the entire staff at that pharmacy. They are awesome, and I will miss them *sniffle*
::Yippee 3::
My manga collection has now exceeded over 100 different series. Whoa. I've read every single volume from every one of those series. And I have absolutely no regrets about choosing them. Every story/every series is wonderful *^_^* Many joys.
::Yippee 4::
I had an swim yesterday morning at the gym. However...I'm thinking that I'll be quite so today. ^^;; Yippee, really?
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Sunday, September 9, 2007
::SUNDAY, September 9th 2007::

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::Back to School Toys::
I have been wanting to purchase a new laptop for a while now. Why, you ask? Simple. This thing is getting old, slow, and's huge & heavy. I'd really like something more lite and compact *^_^*
I've actually identified my laptop of choice's very pricey ^^;; Makes me want to cry, actually -- $2200. Ick. 10 inch; Sony Vaio. *sighs*
I also want to get me a PDA so that I can quickly access drug information when I'm at work or on rotations.
And of my classes is requiring their students to purchase a very specific type of calculator [Texas Instruments, of course], otherwise they'll think you're cheating. So stupid! I already have a fine calculator, and now I have to purchase another? Bleh.
The only positive thing so far about these back-to-school stuff is that I already have the required textbooks *^_^* And therefore have saved hundreds of dollars *^_^* Yay.
But, yes, I seriously want a new smaller laptop. I so gotta find cheaper alternatives to the Vaio. I think I'm gonna check out some of the Toshiba and HP stuff. I think I've seen some of their smaller compact laptops *^_^*
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
::Wednesday, September 5th 2007::

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::My Goodness, it's September?::
Wow. Time sure does fly by quickly, doesn't it? ^^;;
I've been out of the classroom setting for approximately 6 months. And in those 6 months, I've been working non-stop. And now, and now...I have less than 2 weeks before I head back to school for my 3rd year of pharmacy school.
Mwuahahahahaha!!! I'm actually pretty excited and eager to get back to school. I want to learn as much as I can in order to become an awesome pharmacist *^_^*
And then I'll finally become a real grown-up. Err...actually, I don't like the sound of that anymore: grown-up = adult = old person. ^^;; Ugh. I feel old.
Anyways, thank you for dropping by *^_^*
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007
::TUESDAY, August 28th 2007::

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::Holy Crap, SHE'S still here?::
Yes. I do plan on making a more consistent return, I think. Gotta settle some stuff at home first. But in the mean time, if you're wondering what's been going on with me, then "click" on Komui in the picture above.
I shall try to wrap up some things here, and return for a more elaborate post.
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Friday, July 6, 2007
::WEDNESDAY, July 6th 2007::

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::Reporting In::
la la la, laaaaaa!!!
I have just returned from my 12-day vacation to the Southwestern parts of the USA.
It was fun, and most definitely HOT!!!
From Anaheim, CA to Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, to Las Vegas in Nevada -- everyday the temperature highs ranged from 95 to 110+ degrees Fahrenheit ^^;;
Yep. I think I've got enough sun exposure to last me throughout the rest of this summer *^_^* LOL!
Okay, m'dears. I shall stop here for now. I shall attempt to play some catch-up 'commenting' tomorrow [a.k.a - the day of that officially marks yet another year of my existence on this terra firma]. Bah.
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