Monkey Orange
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
A bit of holiday entertainment...for myself
Hi guys! *waves*
Well, it looks like Christmas shopping is almost complete *^_^* I finally got something for my sister ^^;; even though it wasn’t what I initially had planned. Later us siblings are gonna go to the electronic store to pick up something for dad -- hopefully he’ll like it *^_^*
Yesterday, my sister and I [and mom and cousin] went to watch Phantom of the Opera -- it was good! No, I didn’t watch the Broadway musical, instead it was the Movie musical ^^;; The acting in the movie was okay, but the music was superb. Man, I think that it’d be SO cool to able to actually watch the live production *^_^* …*hums some Phantom songs* Good stuff. Although the Phantom had some personal issues, I still think that he was cool. *sniffle* …I teared up at the end of the movie. Go watch it, guys *^_^*
So, what else have I been up to? Aside from insane Christmas shopping, I’ve been playing a computer game with my brother and sister -- Diablo II. We’ve set up a LAN among our rooms, and have been playing since about a week ago. Overall, it’s pretty cool…and addictive. We only have one more act to complete before we beat game. *^_^*
Not much has happened in terms of anime ^^;; No true. My sister is currently watching Hunter x Hunter -- so I’m re-watching with her as well. I’m also finally half way into Full Metal Alchemist. Man, it feels pretty good to be able to watch my stuff without having to worry about a quiz or exam. *^_^*
Alright, I gotta shower and prepare for the next shopping event ^^;; I’ll try to return for another post before Christmas *^_^* |
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Friday, December 17, 2004
It's the holidays! Go out & and hug/call/write to a friend!
Sometimes it’s really tough to keep in contact with friends from a school that you graduated from – like high school or college.
I only keep in touch with ONE friend from high school. The last time I spoke with my high school buddy was during the beginning of the school year ^^;; Bad.
As for my friends from college,…well, there’s only ONE good friend that I keep in close with *^_^* and the rest…it’s mainly via correspondence. BUT, I’ve been kinda lazy in my correspondences because of pharmacy school and such. Ock! I feel SO bad ^^;;
However, I did run into THREE of my college buddies on AIM. *^_^* It was SO good to hear from them. AND they are ALL doing well, too! The first one is in the middle of Law school; the second one is in the middle of pursuing her Ph.D…and freaking out ^^;;; and the last one is finishing up his third year of Medical school.
*sniffle* I’m SO proud of them *^_^*
So, when was the last time you contacted your old buddies? Don’t be shy. It’s the holidays, so you should definitely take advantage of this time and to rekindle your friendships.
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
Monkey Orange x Winter Break x Too much?
Hey there, guys!
You’d think that since I’m home for winter break that I’d actually have more free time to do whatever, right? Wrong. I’m actually caught in the middle of an insanity otherwise known as, Christmas shopping ^^;;
Do you remember when I said that I was gonna get some online stuff for my sister? Well, as it turned out…everything was ‘out of stock’! Sheesh. >_> Looks like I’m back at where I started…with nothing ^^;; Anywho, I gotta complete my ‘sibling’ shopping today because they’ll be on break by tomorrow.
Umm…here some quick random occurrences that happened in the past several days:
Library: Paid off my overdue fees for this year *^_^*
Insane shopping events: Shopping with the family during a ‘Midnight’ special; getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to retrieve free ‘gift-money’; arguing with the register chicks that my price is the correct price; getting mowed down by crazy mothers with the carts and/or piles of clothes.
Bathtub clog: Dad pulled out a wad of hair the size of a rat! …that’s just nasty >_<.
Grades: Yippee! NO ‘C’s! I got: W, A, P, B, B, B. Yosh! *^_^* [P = Pass; W = Withdraw from my horrid biochemistry class which…I will be required to take this winter term *cries* No more escaping!].
Gotta go shower, eat, and shop. If I get back early today, then I’ll try my best to visit you guys ^^;;
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Sleeping In x Feeling Better x Going Home
Hi guys!
I'm definitely feeling much better today! Yesterday was just plain horrid! (X_X)
Bowling was great -- despite my icky tummy. I scored the most points in 2 out of 3 games [whatever that means ^^;;]. Not bad. Of course, my high score was only possible because I used the 'special' lane -- you know, the lane with the gutter-guards. Yeah, that's kinda sad ^^;; But hey, it worked out! of my classmates got drunk from 2 glasses of beer -- 2! I was like, 'Man, this guy doesn't have much of a tolerance.' His name is Rick, and he's usually pretty serious. BUT last night, he was pretty euphoric...and red ^^;;
Yeah. It definitely felt good to loosen up after finals. It's been quite a while since i returned to being a fill-time student that I had forgot about all the associated stress ^^;; NOW, I know what to expect. Yep.
I'll be going home today for winter break. Gonna pack up my old desktop and give it to my sister. When I return next term I'll be using my lovely new laptop that I got from Best Buy *^_^*. Yay!
Ahh...winter break! I'll finally get to work on watching my backlog of fansubs. Yippee!
Alrighty, I shall now be off to visit y'all! |
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
Finished...but a bit queasy
It was a tough journey, but I am officially done with both my finals and fall term *^_^*
I'd like to thank you guys for your encouraging words *^_^*
Man, finals. *cringes* All in all, exams weren't that bad. I think that I did reasonable ^^;;
BUT, these past few days have been insane! Mia and I were studying like crazy...and I think that the both of us got sick from stress. Mia's stomach problems started flaring up, and she also got a canker sore. And this morning...she didn't look too well. For myself, I was nauseated and got heartburn! And...I still have heartburn ^^;; tummy isn't doing to well today ^^;; I took some Tums,'s not really working.
So anyways, I'll be going bowling tonight with my colleagues from school. It should be fun...even though I'm a horrid bowler.
And speaking of horrid, I got a 'B' on horrid 10-page paper. *^_^* It wasn't my best paper so I can't really complain.
Alrighty. The queasiness is getting to me so I'm gonna get going (@_@). I shall return tomorrow for a more proper update, posting, and visiting.
...(@_@) |
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Monkey Orange x Finals x Death?
Finals are upon me!!!
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
Oh my golly, it's December!!!
*pops into the post*
Hi guys! Today I finished the 1st out of my 3 exams *^_^* Woo hoo! Only 2 exams to go before break! When I finished my exam, I went straight to my complex and took a very nice 3 hour nap. I definitely feel better – perhaps, a bit sluggish ^^;;
I don’t feel like studying today, so I think I’ll bum around and watch some anime. I was gonna watch either some One Piece or Full Metal Alchemist, but I left those discs at home ^^;; Ah well. I think I’ll just go ahead and watch some Kyou Kara Maou!. Speaking of KKM, I really need to download the last 6 episodes – but I can’t because I no longer have access to the FTP server AND my school computer sucks (>_<). Gosh darnit! I swear, once I start my internship this summer, then I’m SO gonna get myself some cable Internet!
Oh yeah! I forgot to mention -- Happy December 1st! *^_^*
Haru Glory [Groove Adventure Rave]
A nice picture of a nice bishie to get yourself into the holiday spirit *^_^*
Question for Thought:
Have you started your Christmas shopping?
Myself: Yes and No. There are still some gifts that I need to buy once exams are over with. I’m also pretty sure that mum will send me on some sort of shopping mission.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Hunter x Hunter Fangirl Post
The following post primarily deals with my fangirlness concerning the anime series Hunter x Hunter. Caution is advised.
Hunter x Hunter: What is it? :
From my gathering, not many people around here have seen HxH -- which truly is a shame.
This anime series is your typical Shounen anime that was, I'm pretty sure, created by the same guy who did Yu Yu Hakusho. Compared to YYH, HxH has a much better and a more in-depth storyline. It's definitely not as superficial as YYH.
HxH starts off as a story about a 12 year old boy name Gon Freaks who wants to become a Hunter in order to meet his father [who is a very famous and powerful Hunter]. In order to become a licensed Hunter, Gon must pass various exams that tests his physical, mental, and spiritual powers. Yes, there's lots of fighting action as well!
Along the way, Gon makes several friends. Of course, everyone has their own personal story which contributes to the overall plot. Yes, there's also the occasional creepy, bloodthirsty killer that must be dealt with ^^;;
The series is about 62 episodes long. But trust me, it doesn't end there! There are also 3 additional OVAs which are superb.
The story continually gets better as you proceed through the episodes. The first several episodes are a bit dull, but you'll definitely get hooked -- like me!
Okay. I think I'll stop there. If you time, then I highly encourage you to check out this show. The manga was recently licensed, so I'll be expecting to see the anime in the US soon!
Hunter X Hunter: the end?
Instead of studying last night, I ended up finishing HxH. It was SO good! I finished the last OVA and loved it! I'll defininetly be expecting to see OVA4 on fansub...some time ^^;; Want more!
Hunter x Hunter pictures
Here's a picture of the gang! Starting from the left: Kuripica & Leorio [top], Killua & Gon [bottom]
I TOTALLY adore Gon. He is SO cute *^_^*
Dr. Monkey Orange's Bishie of the moment
Remember the creepy, bloodthirsty killer I mentioned from before? Well, it's Hisoka ^^;; At first, I didn't even like Hisoka -- in fact, he REALLY scared me. AND, he continued to disturb me throughout the entire series...until later and then in the OVAs *^_^* I guess you can say that he got a very nice make-over ^^;; He also became a bit more integrated into the story, sort of. It was then that I became oogly-googly over Hisoka. Very nice!
Hisoka looking good!
Okay. I think that's enough fangirliness for me today *^_^* |
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Survival x Germans x Online Shopping
I was gonna start off by telling you guys about my school life, but then I figured that you're probably sick to death from hearing about it ^^;;'re gonna hear some of it anyways! *^_^*
Still kicking:
Today I:
-Completed my group presentation. It was okay. The worst part was that our instructor asked us some tough questions. Granted, we should've been more prepare's still nerve-racking ^^;;
-Turned in my horrid 10 page paper. Definitely NOT my best, least it's done and over with *^_^*
-Reflected about Fall Term. Hated it. Expecting lousy grades. Can't wait for Winter Term, for that will be when everyone starts out anew *^_^*.
Kuhlshrank Unterwasch
Okay. I'm not German so please forgive the inaccuracies of the heading ^^;;
I had forgot to mention before that my aunt's boyfriend is from Germany. Both she and he drove up to Oregon from San Francisco for Thanksgiving *^_^*
I'd just like to say that I completely adore this German boyfriend. He is so...cute! Both in looks and in personality *^_^*
My sister and I both learned some German in the car, and it was hard! We had a lot of trouble making the exact pronouciation.
But, I did enjoy saying 'Ich mag kuhlshrank unterwasch!' Again, that statement was most likely inaccurate, but it's fun to say. I think it translates to 'I like refridgerated underwear.' Err...something like that. *^_^*
Gotta get some more goodies:
Once I'm done with studying and exams, then I an definitely gonna partake in some online shopping. There are several anime goodies that I'd like to get for myself and my sister. Of course, I'll have to be careful with my spending too *^_^*
And overall...
I feel SO much better NOW that I've got all of my busy work done with! *^_^* Now, I just gotta focus on some major studying.
Thanks guys, for bearing with me and the good luck wishes. *^_^* I will also wish you the best of luck in whatever it is that you are/will be doing. And if you're travelling, then have fun! And if you're no feeling well, then cheer up, rest well, and be happy!
Pheww... |
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Vampire x Rage x Dead Week
Hey guys!
I'm not exactly feeling my best this morning -- nerves, i guess ^^;;
I finally finished my paper yestday. I swear, I was like SO dead when I finished that horrid thing. I've concluded that my paper was some sort of vampire that sucked out my energy as I typed it (>_<) Phwww! Thank the lord it's done!
*calms self* You know, I don't mind working on group projects BUT lately it's been seeming like I'm THE ONLY one who knows what's going on (>_<) Thus, I am the one who is freaking out about making sure things are complete and correct. And you know what else? There's a guy in my group that I REALLY do NOT like! Damn you, Red Head!!!
Finally, this Monday is the start of 'Dead Week' at my school -- also known as 'the week before finals' Why, oh why did they have it give it such and ominous name!
I may be disappearing for the next 2 weeks or so.
Wish me luck *^_^*
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