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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
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It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
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Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
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Friday, July 2, 2004 subject title, I suppose ^^;
I kinda just got up from sleeping in today feels good! I am SO tempted to jump back into the bed. And do you know why? Because I CAN!!! Bwahahahaha! Yep. Once again, I am SO happy that it's the weekend, for me at least ^^;
I ended up spending my 'Happy Thursday' evening cleaning up my Aunt's house before she returns & watching a bunch of Prince of Tennis episodes. It was NICE *^^* I am SO addicted to this show.
Tezuka -- Team Captain, from Prince of Tennis
The guy above is Captain Tezuka of the the Seigaku Team. This man always has a cool and serious demeanor. He's also the first person other than Ryoma's dad who actually defeated Ryoma himself! I was shocked. I was impressed. I was very turned-on ^^; *sighs* are SO full of mysteries. *wipes her fangirl drool* Sorries ^^;
Back to the topic: And again, I didn't get to bed until after Midnight. Before I went to sleep I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and I was like "Man, I look SO dead tired." Seriously, my eyes were red and looked a bit hollow too *cringes*
Well today, Friday, I shall do my laundry and start the huge pile of math homework. *ick* And then, I will drive home until Sunday evening *^^* That's all.
I'm in the United States, so the 4th of July weekend [Independence Day] is this Sunday. I'm looking forward to the display of fireworks--it's also fun *^^*
Okies. My tummy tells me to eat. I'm gonna go dive back into my bed for another 5 mins, and then continue on with my day.
Have a great weekend everyone! And if you live in the US, then please take the necessary saftey measures for the 4th of July celebration on Sunday. I don't want anyone to a) damage parts of their body via explosion, and b) get hit by drunken people or drunken drivers.
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
Another Happy Thursday *^^*
And a happy Thursday to everyone who happened to stopped by my site my site today! *^^*
I've pretty much decided to celebrate every Thursday from now on until mid-August as the last day of classes for the week! Woo hoo!
Before I drive home on Friday night [and before my hosts return from Mexico] I wanted to stop by the Sushi Bar for dinner. It's a particularly GOOD Sushi Bar too--Mmm...However, would it look wierd if I were to go there and eat by myself? ^^; Kinda sad, right?
Anywho, as marked with every weekend during this summer term, I'll be spending most of it studying and doing schoolwork. Now THAT is sad. *sighs*
Today, I'm gonna see if I can catch the free Streetcar to the bookstore--and let me tell ya, it's a HUGE bookstore! I've never encountered a bookstore as large and massive as the one in downtown! Never.
OR, I could go back to my Aunt's place and sleep ^^; I SO need to catch up on my hours of sleep. *yawns* Seriously.
Hehe. My weekend is right around the corner--and it feels GOOD. Perhaps after classes today, I'll just gorge on more episodes of Prince of Tennis and then just go to sleep. ^^;
Gotta clean up my Aunt's place on Friday before I drive home for the weekend AND before they return from Mexico.
All in all, I survived the week without them. My day is SO busy that I haven't really had the opportunity to freak out at the house, alone.
Tee hee.
Ock! *gasp* My birthday is in LESS than a week! *sighs* I'm getting old!
Happy Thursday.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Finding Your Happy Medium *^^*
You know, I could've sworn I heard the line, "You must find your happy medium!" in some Anime series I watched a while ago--but I forget which series. Wah!
I think that I found my 'Happy Medium' to this whole 'summer school' routine. I had a bit of a hard time the first week simply because a) I had been outta school for a while, and b) My main class was 'super' accelerated. But despite that, I was able to locate a good routine to make things work out *^^* Yay!
Anyways, I'd like to thank all of you who sent your good fortunes my way *^^*
In the end, I found out that I did pretty well on BOTH my Lab Practical Exam #1 and Midterm #1. Not and A-grade, but not a C-grade, either. *^^* I'm happy with my B-grade. The lady from the Pharmacy School said that I only need at least a C-grade in order for the classes to transfe. With my current progression, I think I CAN manage to get at LEAST a C. If not, then I'm truly a bum. ^^;
The next lab unit is on Muscles. To say the least, Muscles are a bit more trickier than Bones. I have a quiz over Muscles 1 on Wednesday.
Disappointingly, I'm having a hard time remembering ALL the facts. SO I shall take a...*gasp* gamble.
I shall memorize a little over 80% of what I need to know AND hope that I won't be quized over the stuff I didn't study. There's about 15% to 20% that I'll be ask the unknown stuff. BUT I must ensure that I know the other majority of the material first.
Pheww. Gotta go.
Question for Thought:
-Do you gamble on anything? If so, then when was your last gamble?
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Did you have a case of the Mondays?
Okay. According to my watch it is NOT yet Tuesday ^^; Actually, it's Monday night right now.
Mondays. I dislike Mondays. Have you guys ever watched a movie called Office Space? It's has great 'office' work humore. And after having watched it, I told myself that I'd probably die of monotony if I were to be an office worker [my apologies to those who work in offices ^^; But aren't I right? Monotony.].
Anywho, in Office Space the main character is approached by an onboxiously, cheerful female worker who frowned at him and commented, "Aww...looks like someone has the case of the Mondays"--to which the guy promptly replied in his head, "Case of the Mondays? Who the hell ever gets a case of the Mondays."
Haha. I'm sorry. Perhaps you all don't get but I find it hilararious. Case of the Mondays. Bah!
Well, I did NOT have a case of the Mondays. In fact, it went rather well. I think that I did good [minus maybe 5 points out of 50] on my Lab Practical Exam #1 *^^* Yay! On Tuesday we''l be moving from the Skeletal to the Muscle syetem. Muscles. I gotta bring my gloves into lab so that I can get to poke at the Cadavar *smelly*.
On Tuesday, I have another exam--the Midterm! *yawns* I'm studying for that darn thing right now, too ^^; Actually, my visitation her at MyO is my break. Afterwards, I shall leave this computer room and resume my rote memorizations of terms. Ick! I gotta study Histology next--BORING. Not really, Just a bit
more laboring.
Hehe. I managed to sneak in Prince of Tennis episodes 6-10. I'm downloading Anime like a mad woman. ^^; Hey, as long as I can get my bishie fix, right? I think I managed to work out a system in which I can both study and watch Anime in one day. Today worked--will tomorrow?
I think I shall study for about another hour and a half, and then get up at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow morning for review.
If you notice mistakes, typos and weird typing abnormalities in this post, then you have just witness the beginnings of my brain shutting down ^^; *yawns*
Sleep, or Study. Study, or Sleep. THAT is the question. *yawns*
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Monday, June 28, 2004
I'm back for Week 2!
*hops into her MyO account*
Okay. I'm officially back up at my Aunt's place *^^*
My Weekend:
So all in all I'd have to say that it was a pretty good weekend! I got lots of rest, obtained my 'fix' of bishies, ate Mum's food, studied, and hung out with my family--sort of ^^; Yes. I AM refreashed and recharged to face the oncoming week!
My Aunt's Place:
It's true. I will be house-sitting for the next 4.5 days! Strange, really. This is the first time I'll be *gasp* ALONE!!! Luckily, I'm in school most of the day so when I get home I just eat, study, and then sleep ^^;
As mentioned before, I caught up on some Anime watching *^^* Finally watched Saiyuki was GOOD! We're finally nearing the end of the Homura Arc and...I want the next disc--which will also be last of Season Two! *sniffle* My main curiosity lies in the event of Hakkai removing his power limiters--what's gonna happen???
*runs around in circles*
Okay. So I have 2 major exams at the very beginning of this week! I've studied well for them so I don't think that I'm stressing out or anything. So then why is it that I've suddenly develop pimples!?! Honestly, my skin is much better than it was when I was a teenager. I usually get pimples when I stress out. But I'm NOT stressing! You know what I think? I think they resulted from eating beef. I ate beef for 2 days straight last week. ^^; And was getting kinda sick of it too. Eh. The best cure I use for pimples include daily cleansing and Austrailian Tea Tree Oil [it smells horrible, but hey, it works!].
Car Gender and Naming:
You know, why is that guys often refer to cars as females? I don't get it, seriously. Yes. Guys say that cars are female and give them female names. It bothers me. So I decided to give my cars a male gender, and to name them too *^^* I drive a car named Ted and another named Drake. The names actually came from a Manga a read, but I think that they have a pleasant ring to them, don't you? ^^;
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
Home for the Weekend
Yay! I'm home for the weekend! And just how MUCH studying will I accomplish while I'm there? Umm...probably not as much as I'd like ^^; but I'll survive. There is no other ULTIMATE distraction than being at home. It's okay. My little brother wanted me home so here I am *^^*
While I'm here, I shall fill up on my weekend Anime [since my Aunt's place does NOT have cable TV]. ^^ Good, good.
My sister also just picked up Saiyuki 11--more Sanzo & Co.!
Lastly, I did some shopping at the Mall. I love it when stores have their grand-openings because that means wonderful sales *^^* and I LOVE sales *^^*
Alrighty, have a great weekend y'all. I shall return on Monday which is also the day of *gasp* my Lab Practical #1 Exam! ^^;
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Hehe, what can I say? I'm in a total Prince of Tennis mood!
These guys below comprise of the 9 members of the Seigaku Tennis Team. It's a great show. I encourage you all to watch it EVEN if you're not all that much into tennis. Good stuff. Want more!
Ryoma, from Prince of Tennis
Tezuka -- Team Captain, from Prince of Tennis
Oishi -- Team Co-Captain, from Prince of Tennis
Momoshiro, from Prince of Tennis
Inui, from Prince of Tennis
Fuji, from Prince of Tennis
Kaido, from Prince of Tennis
Kikumaru, from Prince of Tennis
Kawamaru, from Prince of Tennis
That's all. Bishilicious! |
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Friday, June 25, 2004
The Friday Weekend, at last!!!
I am SO happy that I have no classes today! I don't think I've ever been this happy before--even when I was back in Undergrad College ^^;
You have no idea how ridiculously FAST a Human Anatomy & Physiology class goes during the summer. One weeks worth of lecture is condensed into a days worth of class! It's not a hard class, BUT it's SO time-consuming. I am truly putting my 'rote' memorizing skilles to the limit!
Hectic, but fun. Fun, but exhusting, I LITERALLY have NO free time during the week--which why I am SO happy today! *^^*
*does a very, very happy dance*
I've decided that I will be a TOTAL BUM today!!! I will sit in my pajamas infront of the computer, download and watch Anime!!!
I so NEED my fix of bishies!!!
Hmm...Thus far, I have completed watching the first 5 episodes of Prince of Tennis--need more tennis bishies...Momo and Tezuka...mmm...
And just a while ago, I managed to sneak in episode 2 of Saint Beast--another bishilicious show!
*massive mouth watering*
*insane laughter*
This fangirl [me] is truly going INSANE.
Between the massive memorization of the human body, little sleep, and NO BISHIES during the week...I am very weary about my ability to remain SANE.
Ah well. I HAVE NO CLASS TODAY!!! I'll save all my studying for Saturday & Sunday.
*looks at herself* Man, I need to shower. I've been camping infront of my computer for almost 3 hours since I got up.
^^; Silly me.
Showered. Dishes. Laundry. Watched some Anime *^^* [sad episode though *sniffle*].
Gonna head home tomorrow. I'll see if I can post up some pictures of bishies--it's been a while since my last I paid my last homage ^^; |
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Almost there...
This will be another quickie ^^;
THURSDAY will be my last day of classes for this week. I am so HAPPY to have survived this first week--and it wasn't easy!
I absolutely had NO idea how insane it would be to take Human Anatomy & Physiology in super-accelerated mode.
It's like, "Okay students. Here is a name list for bones and structures. Know by them by tomorrow 'cause you'll be asked to identify them for your quiz."
I did good on my first lab quiz about the vertebra column, ribs, and pelvis. I did NOT do well on my quiz for shoulders, arms, and legs. AND on Thursday, I'll be tested over the TINY bones of/within the skull. *sighs* If only there was more time during the day...*yawns*
It's kinda sad, actually. I have almost NO time to enjoy manga or Anime anymore. I'm either sleeping, eating, or studying. BUT, I have managed to maintain my daily 'fixes' in very minimal amounts.
I am currently re-reading Fake during the 15 minutes before my 8:00am lecture ^^
I am downloading Kyou Kara Maou while I study from a website.
And today, I got to sneak in and watch the episode 1 of Prince of Tennis. *^^*
Hey! THIS fangirl has her needs to fulfil ^^;
Now, I shall go to sleep and study some more in the morning for the Skull Quiz.
P.S. I am SO excited for the weekend...NO CLASSES!!! BUT...I gotta a midterm next week!!! Darnit it!!! |
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Monday, June 21, 2004
My First Day of Classes
*major yawning*
I finally got to my Aunt's place late last night. After I unpacked and settled in I went straight to bed 'cause my classes start at 800am the next morning.
Sadly, I wasn't able to get my desired hours of sleep. I tossed & turned restlessly! And then the horrid birds were chirping at 500am! (@@) Very little sleep!
First Day of Class:
The classes I'm taking are Human Anatomy & Physiology [A&P] and Statistics [Stat].
I had my A&P at 800am this morning and it was LONG. Not only that, the lecture was held inside of an old decrepit cinema building. Eww. And the AC wasn't even turned on (~~) Eh.
Next, was Stat. So far it's alright. Seems simple enough *^^*
Now, I'm at break. I have about 2.5 hours before my A&P lab--which is why I am here.
Oh yeah, another good thing about being here on campus is that the computers aren't as primitive as the one I have at home ^^ Yay!
But yes, A&P lab is gonna be LONG too! I get to examine body parts for another 2 hours.
*sighs* I'm SO tired. I need food and sleep. Then I gotta read and do homework...and start studying for my A&P midterm next week!
*sighs* Something tells me that this summer is gonna fly by quite fast!
And in the end...:
I'm gonna meander some more on the NET and run off to get something to eat before my next class.
Such is the life of a student-returned ^^; |
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