Monkey Orange
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Sunday, February 18, 2007

CLICK the picture above to find me *^_^*
Yep, yep. Today is officially the first day of the new Chinese New Year. And this year is the year of the Pig.
Were YOU born in the Year of the Pig??
1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
LOL!!! I'm a Monkey myself *^_^* My youngest brother, though, is a Pig. So, this is his year.

TRANSLATION: Pretty much, for you to have great fortune in the Year of the Pig *^_^* |
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Thursday, February 8, 2007

CLICK the picture above to find me *^_^*
It sure is amazing how a good night's sleep can make you feel SO refreshed in the morning.
My professor was sick yesterday. He sent out an email last night about cancelling lecture this morning. Although I am still bitter about his exam, I hope that he's feeling better. LOL!!! And thanks for letting me sleep-in this morning. Those extra hours were nice *^_^*
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

CLICK the picture above to find me *^_^*
I was actually riding the 'high' earlier today after I took my midterm. And then I decided to peek at the answer key. ^^;;
The only truth that matters most to me, is the truth that I know. I have no regrets about how I studied for that exam. I only have bitterness towards how it is graded.
Heh, and here's the thing! It's NOT even graded yet ^^;; So, there is definitely still time for the professor to realize his own lunacy.
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Friday, January 26, 2007

CLICK the picture above to find me *^_^*
This is NOT a farewell. I am simply moving over to a different site that any of you can easily access and comment if you feel the desire to *^_^*
ANYWAYs, this account will remain here so that I can keep track of how you all are doing. I will not disappear. You can still contact me via comments to this account, PM through this account, or dropping by my other blog site by clicking onto the picture above.
I will still continue to post here...but only on rare occasions to let y'all know what I've been up to. With school, work and everything's just been a bit difficult to multitask my online life. But rest assured, I will still be here!
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Monday, January 22, 2007
It's been a good several Mondays since I last had a "Case of the Mondays." Unfortunately, today is one of those Mondays when I do have it. Joy, not (-_-) Whatever. I'll just go find something that I enjoy doing and do it to lift up my spirits *^_^*
Totally busy, but fun. I worked both Saturday and Sunday with an awesome pharmacist. His name is Derek and it was my second time working with him ever since I started interning at the hospital. This guy is SO laid back and giggly, that it's hilarious. I swear, no stress at all when working with him. Sadly, working with Derek is not common since his home base is over at the OR pharmacy. ^^;;
I have officially accepted two more pharmacy intern positions: Bi-Mart and Safeway. Both of these outlets deal with retail pharmacy which is the field I have few experiences with. These extra positions should help me out with the hours I lack of from the hospital. Yep, I now have three jobs ^^;; Luckily, I won't be starting the other two internships until several months later when I finish this Winter term at the University.
I talked with a good friend over the weekend and we agreed that we'll both try our best to arrange an awesome trip to Austrailia together this December 2007 or January 2008. I am SOOOOOOOO excited!!! The two of us have been wanting to do this since our Undergraduate years back in New York. *grins*
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Arg! I was planning on driving over to the gym early this morning only to find out that the streets and sidewalks are icey (>_<) How annoying! I hope it melts soon *^_^* Snow is fine. But ice is icky!
I have fallen in love with listening to Bi/Rain, SE7EN, and Jay Chou. I've also been enjoying Fahrenheit, BoA, S.H.E and Utada Hikaru. All very good stuff.
Jay Chou is very talented and original.
Fahrenheit is a delicious boy band.
SE7EN has an irresistable boyish charm.
Bi/Rain is an anomaly that encompasses both charm & sexiness with a powerful voice.
Utada Hikaru & BoA have amazing voices.
S.H.E is a fantastic female pop trio.
Okay. I'm gonna put on my MP3 player and head to class now. Laters!
EDIT: As I walked to class, I slipped on ice and fell into a puddle of freezing water. Lovely. I got up, turned around, and went back to my mole hole. |
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Friday, January 12, 2007
Love snow. Hate ice. Grr...
I...ate a gigantic chocolate chip cookie yesterday, and I...liked it! ^^;; No kidding, it was HUGE. *sighs* I feel better. LOL!!!
Is it possible for cold temperature to mess up car dials? At first my tire rotation and speedometer dial were dead shortly after I started driving. A few minutes later, the speedometer dial worked. But the tire rotation dial still isn't working ^^;; Heh, I'm not even sure if that's what you call it ^^;; Eh. I'll have my dad check it out over the weekend.
None this weekend, BUT I did get a job offer from a different company *^_^* Thus, two out of three companies I interviewed extended me offers. Now, which one should I select? Hmm...
I had my first swimming class yesterday. It was fun even though I was the only student who was using a kicking board ^^;; None the less, I shall endure this humiliation as long as I get to improve my skills by the end of the term! *^_^*
I am SO buying a subwoofer this weekend! I want one so that I can have 'somewhat' of a sound system for my laptop ^^;;
It turned out to be an okay-good week back at the University *^_^* I just need to keep up with being studious and being fit. Have a great weekend everyone and thank you for stopping by!
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Woo hoo!!!
I got up this morning, looked outside my window and saw that it's snowing!!! Pretty, pretty, pretty. I know that the snow won't last long but that won't stop me from enjoying it *^_^*
HanaKimi episode 4 has just been released -- excellent! I am SO loving this drama *grins* Additionally I just downloaded a S.H.E and a Fahrenheit music albums *grins* Yep, I'm a happy girl today *^_^*
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
My first day back at the University wasn't the greatest. I only had 2 classes and they were just fine *^_^*. I was after my classes that I got bummed out ^^;; I had recieved 2 letters in the mail: one was from the school and the other from the company I interviewed for a job with a few months ago.
Axe Drop #1
A letter from the Dean stating that I have been placed on ACADEMIC WARNING. Such placements are quite common to us pharmacy students, but it still pisses me off & makes me feel bad.
The Dean added a comment at the end of the letter, "Hi Monkey Orange, I hope next quarter is a little stronger. Let us know if we can help."
Heh, I bet the Dean thinks that I'm a moron since I only took 1 pharmacy class last term and only managed a pathetic 'C.' *bangs her head on the study table* Baka, baka, baka!!!
Axe Drop #2
The letter from the company I interviewed with for a job => "Blah, blah, you're a cool student, blah, blah...REJECTED...blah, blah and we hope you have a good future." Buttholes! Don't count me in for working for you once I graduate!!! *shakes her fist*
Yeah, I was a bit bummed. I then scurried off to my Basketball class to do some sweating. Man, it's tiring! I'm a complete newbie to Basketball so I naturally sucked ^^;; Ten minutes of continual game play and I was huffing and puffing. Man, those anaerobic activiies sure drain you quickly! I'm more of an aerobic girl, myself *^_^*
I wasn't satisfied with my workout from basketball class. The instructor spoke pretty much the entire class time with the exception of the last 10 minutes when we actually played. Afterwards I headed to the gym to 'kill' off some fat and frustration. And that was when I discovered...the rowing machine *^_^* I tried it and I liked it *grins* I shall incorporate rowing into my gym regimen *^_^*
I am SO gonna be sore tomorrow ^^;; Whatever.
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Monday, January 8, 2007
I finally packed up my things and headed back to the University campus. I moved back into my 'mole-hole' basement room yesterday. It's...kinda nice to be back at my own place *^_^*
::WINTER TERM 2007::
And it's back to the life of being a pharmacy student. But man, my winter break was sure nice *^_^* I feel rested and renewed for the new term -- bring it on!
My Classes: Biopharmaceutics I, Drug Literature Evaluation I, Japanese IB, Group Piano II, Night Club 2 Step/Hustle I, Latin Dance I, Swimming I, Basketball I. I forgetting anything else? ^^;;
I know it's pretty typical but I plan to lose more flubb. I melted off 20 lbs and sadly gained back 3 lbs over winter break. My goal is to melt off 10 lbs within one month with a total goal of another 20-30 lbs. *^_^*
::ANIME & MANGA 2007::
Yep, I've already made a mental list of the new series to pick up this year...Mwuahahahaha!!!
Anime: Nodame Cantabile, Naruto: Shippuuden, Devil May Cry, Claymore, Lovely Complex, and Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya II -- so far.
Manga: Wild Adapter and Gravitation Ex -- so far.
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