Monkey Orange
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Thursday, October 26, 2006

And here is some nice fall season foliage from my University campus. I think that the gradual color changes of leaves is one of the most prettiest things in nature *^_^*

Man, is it me or has it been kinda quiet here at MyO? I’m not talking about my site, but for other sites as well. Heh, I don’t blame y’all. I have been busy with life as well ^^;;
My Japanese midterm was maa maa desu [it was so-so]. The verbal comprehension was insane *_* “Uhmm, slower please” Whatever, it’s done and over with. However, my Japanese group-skit went wonderfully. Our skit was probably the funniest one in our drill session *^_^* I got to use my stuffed Kon [from Bleach] as a prop. Kon-san desu!
And lastly, most fantastically, I think that my Pharmacokinetics Midterm went very well *grins* The results aren’t in yet, but I have a good feeling that I did well. At least…I think I did well ^^;;
I’m gonna make a quick trip home to watch my sister’s orchestra concert. This is her orchestra’s first concert with the new teacher. *suspenseful* dum, dum, dum… *end suspenseful*

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Greetings, friends! It's been a while since my last update so I thought I'd drop by today to say a few words about what I've been up to lately.
Last week was mellow. I got my Kinetics quiz back and got 100% *^_^* Yosh! I learned a few new steps for Single Time Swing -- which is actually quite fun, but I still like Waltz better. I was able to grasp a few more musical concepts in Piano. And my Japanese class is entertaining as always.
Thursday evening was quite fun. I took my floormates and a friend with me to the Haunted Corn Maze. My floormates are from Mexico, Thailand, and Japan. And my friend is from Burkina Faso. Yep, just me and a bunch of International students getting spooked out by monsters hidden amongst corn *^_^* Good times.
Saturday evening was also fun. There was a Fall Social gathering at my apartment. I made some Vietnamese chai gio, my Mexcican neighbors Alex and Joseph made yummy Mexican dishes, and my Thai neighbor made a yummay Thai noodle dish. We also had other neighbors from the other floors attend. It was quite a festive time.
Then on Sunday, I went into work at the hospital to cover for my friend who had to pick up his girlfriend from the airport. Work went by rather smoothly -- no complaints. There were two unfortunate occurances, though. The first was that there were three Code 99s. Sucks. I know that two patients survived, but the other patient...probably did not. Sadness. The second inccident was that I scarffed down three pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies and three peanut-butter filled Monster Eyeballs! Halloween is such a dangerous holiday. Who know what else I'll eat ^^;;
Lastly, I've got two midterms and a project due this week. They shouldn't be difficult, but pre-exam anxiety is always a little tough to fight off. Eh, whatever.

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Friday, October 13, 2006

::From yesterday’s post::
My brother is currently a college freshman. I think that she is his first girlfriend ever. I’ve actually met her briefly about a month ago. And from that brief encounter, she seemed like a sweet girl. Well, what can I say? My siblings can’t be babies forever, you know. I shall wish him good luck *^_^* Of course, the only family members who are aware of this news is my sister and myself. We have both been sworn to secrecy ^^;;
::Random & Strange Sightings::
Seriously, I should’ve had my camera with me. Earlier yesterday, I walked past a fraternity house and saw a strange structure displayed in front of it. I assumed that the structure was supposed to represent a pirate ship judging from the pirate flag. But the most baffling thing about that frat house was that they spray painted their grassy lawn the color of blue. I guess they wanted the ‘blue’ grass to represent the ocean in order to match the ‘pirate’ theme. Still…to actually spray paint your grassy lawn, blue. Hmm…you know, I think I will go back a snag a picture of that frat house. LOL.
The other strange encounter took place at the gym. I stopped by the drinking fountain after my workout and noticed a group of people down the hallway. It looked like a guy was trying to teach the group some sort of ‘moves.’ And as I looked closer, I realized that he was teaching them how to do the ‘robot’ dance. ^^;; Again, I should’ve had my camera with me – especially when all the members were doing the ‘robot moves’ with the teacher.
* * *
Yep. That was my day, yesterday.
Have a happy Friday, friends!!!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

My little brother has a girlfriend. college.
*still in a bit of shock*

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

NO MORE slow Internet at my apartment. I have teamed up with some apartment neighbors for DSL. Big difference. *^_^*
Other news:
Monday went by really fast – this was quite rare. I love it!
The time & key signature stuff from Piano is starting to click.
I’ll be driving back home today for the evening & night. I was invited to attend the Benefactors Banquet out of town for the scholarship that I received last year. Woo hoo! Perhaps I’ll get to see some of my old classmates *^_^*
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Monday, October 9, 2006

Brr…it’s totally cold today! And totally feeling like the fall season *^_^* I gotta remember to add on another layer before I head out to class.
Why is it that I can easily receive country and Christian radio stations while on the school campus? However if I search really hard, then I may be able to catch a different station. *sighs*
Cheers to Monday!
Did everyone have a good weekend?
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Saturday, October 7, 2006

It’s out! The first fansubbed episode of Death Note is available for download!!! Woo hoo! And here is a link to the torrent. Enjoy *^_^*
Yes, it’s only been one episode but I must say that I am not disappointed with the Death Note anime so far. The artwork looks great. The background music is pretty cool. The stories are matching up with the manga so far. And the voicing is good. In the beginning I was afraid that I’d get distracted by Light’s voice since his VA also played Tamaki from Ouran Host Club. But, I was quite impressed after watching this first episode. The VA voiced Light’s role, perfectly. The only aspect that bothered me a bit was the OP theme. It’s kind of a weird song, and the sound doesn’t really suit the series. Eh.
The first episode of D-Gray Man was awesome too. I can only describe this show as Bleach meets Chrno Crusade meets Full Metal Alchemist. Totally cool!
La Corda d’Oro was cute *^_^* I am SO digging the whole ‘competitive classical’ music theme. And like I said before, the Bishies are also a pleasant side dish. I was finally able to track down the first manga volume yesterday. I read it today, and am caught up on the story. Yep, this series is a definite keeper!
The Wallflower was a little disappointing. As a fan of the manga, I got a little annoyed when I saw how ‘whiney’ they made Sunako-chan. Her personality is supposed to be the opposite. And, Sunako-chan’s voice is a few octaves too high. I’ve always imagine Sunako-chan to have a lower voice than in the anime. That way, she’d be more convincing as her dark, slasher self. But, I shall continue to watch. So, hopefully the fansubs will be available soon!
* * *
Other than that, my Saturday is progressing nicely. My new mp3 came in the mail, and I am totally in love with it! *grins* This evening our family will head over to grandparents’ place and celebrate Autumn Moon Festival. And then tomorrow, apparently, my room will be moved down the hall and to the other side of the house. However did that happen???
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Friday, October 6, 2006

5 out of my 7 Fall 2006 anime series have already premiered in Japan. So far, only one of them was fansubbed while the rest are still RAW. YouTube is a great place to find the RAW episodes for online viewing. But…but…I want my fansubbed episodes, and I want them now! *whines* Patience is indeed a virtue.
Luckily, I am not scheduled to work at all this weekend so I may just go ahead and watch the RAW episodes online. True, I won’t understand the majority of the dialogue, but the sounds and pictures will be nice *^_^* Never underestimate the power of inference! Art & music are wonderful at communicating stories even if one does not have the underlying, linguistic background.
D-Gray Man - fansubbed. I read the first volume while visiting the bookstore the other day. I am very tempted to collect this series…but I shall resist. Gonna download the episode today.
I plan to watch the RAW episodes of Death Note and The Wallflower. I won’t understand what’s being said, but I am very familiar with the stories since I collect both manga. I will also watch the RAW episode of La Corda d’Oro as well. The first manga volume was supposed to have been released in stores this week, but I couldn’t find it yet. Still, I shall watch it. What’s more wonderful than an anime devoted to classical music competitions & Bishies? *grins*
Red Garden premiered last week, but I haven't located the RAW episode yet. I am predicting that the episode will be available in the next day or so, hopefully.
Unfortunately Hataraki Man and Bartender will not premiere in Japan until this coming week. But, when they do…I shall watch them subbed or no-subbed.
Lastly, I watched some Ergo Proxy [non-Fall 2006 anime] last night and it’s pretty good. I ended off with episode 3 where Vincent pretty much ‘fell’ out of the city ^^;; What…what’s gonna happen to him? What are Proxy? What’s with the conspiracy? Ahhhh!!!
That’s it for now *^_^* Wow, this post was quite…uhh…anime-filled ^^;; My apologies if you were bored. Anywho, have a awesome weekend, folks!!
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Thursday, October 5, 2006

Woo hoo!
As it turned out, my brand new digital camera is NOT dead *grins* I was so worried yesterday ^^;; But yes, it’s alive and fully functional. No need to get a replacement.
Other than that, my Wednesday was quite nice. I enjoyed going to Ballroom II class and learning new moves to the Waltz. The Waltz is such a lovely dance. It’s especially fun when you have a ‘lead’ that is confident in his moves – then all you [the follow-through] has to do is…follow. *^_^*
Other Wednesday stuff included:
-Me acing my Japanese quiz
-Attending the first Tennis Club meeting [this looks like a keeper]
-And most unfortunately, discovering that I owe the school about $1000 dollars for this Fall quarter. Ugh. I am seriously growing poorer and poorer. Darn you hospital job! How dare you massively reduce my hours! *_*
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