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Member Since
Student Pharmacist
Real Name
Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
Anime Fan Since
It all seems so long ago. . .
Favorite Anime
It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
Monday, April 18, 2005
White Stripes: Elephant
Yep. I bought the album over the weekend. *^_^* Love it.
Pharmacy Life
My exam last Friday was okay. I honestly felt that it was a 50/50 of either doing really good, or really bad. I then chatted and compared answers with my classmates following the exam, and ended up feeling a bit better because I only had a few differing answers than they did. I knew that I definitely got three questions wrong [out of 28], and possibly four additionally wrong at the worst. I was like, “It’s okay, right?” AND then…it hit me!
Those stupid questions were worth 3-4 points each, with no partial credit! That equals to a definite 12-point loss [from the 3 definite questions], and perhaps up to a total of 24-point loss [counting up the possible 4 questions at 3 pts each]! (>_<) That leaves me with the resulting range of 88-76%. Noo! I mean, the 80-range is fine, but I cannot slip into the 70s! You see, my goal is to do really well on the midterms, so that I can cover my precious butt during finals weeks [‘cause…uhh…I tend to slack off pretty bad during finals ^^;;].
I got two quizzes and another midterm this week. I also have to start studying for my other midterm NEXT Monday. Yep, this week is gonna suck. ^^;;
Weekend Life
Not too bad. Relaxing as usual, AND never wanting to go back to school ^^;; Nah!
Saturday morning, I went to my siblings’ orchestral District competition for States. They did superbly, as always. Although…I though that their music selection was a bit boring compared to the usual pieces they play ^^;;. Later, I went to my cousin’s 8th year birthday party, and had fun! I also got to poke two of my baby boy cousins, TJ and Aaron – so cute! I think that they’re both at around 5-6 months old, with lots of drool and goo-goo-gah-gahs! *^_^*
At home, my bothers rented Tales of Symphonia and were pretty much glued to the TV. I watched a bit of their game, and concluded that ToS is definitely a pretty cool RPG game. Afterwards, my sister and I indulged ourselves in One Piece 94-97, Bleach 1-5, and Loveless 1-2. All good stuff!
One Piece: Luffy’s brother, Ace, is totally awesome! Pretty strong guy, I must say *^_^*
Bleach: Yeah, yeah, Ichigo is pretty cool and all, but Rukia totally cracks me up! Seriously, don’t mess her *^_^* Hehe, I like Rukia. And Chad…now that’s one strong dude! Man, my sister is SO loving this show. I must…get more ^^;;
Loveless: Still a bit lost, and confused ^^;; But it’s definitely getting better with each additional episode. I must also…get more.
Tsubasa Chronicle 2 is out now! Must…get…it.

From Bleach. Rukia is trying to teach Ichigo the inner workings of Soul Society, ghosts, and Hallows, via her very cool illustrations. Unfortunately, Ichigo [who is literally ‘tied-up’] doesn’t think that her pictures are cool at all. Oh course, he pays for his snide remarks in the end ^^;;
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