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Student Pharmacist
Real Name
Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
Anime Fan Since
It all seems so long ago. . .
Favorite Anime
It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
What does it mean when your shoe laces keep untying during the day, regardless of how tight you tie them?

I’ve always been curious about this creature. This is Kon from Bleach. Yep, I finally met him in episode 7. *^_^*
Greetings. School is never-ending. Thus, I shall optimize this post in case I am unable to return to a normal, near-daily posting.
Will Monkey Orange have to repeat another class?
Never. Over my dead body! I will never allow myself to retake another class next year and be surrounded by first-years, while I am supposed to be a second-year. *ahem* Needless to say, my Pharmacy Practice midterm from Monday [yesterday] was a total bomb – and I am NOT being modest (>_<).
For some reason, my brain totally died over the weekend [which was most likely due to the after effects from BioChem last Friday] and thus, my studies were unsuccessful. Crap. At best I predict a C, and at worst a D, or lower. baka, baka, baka! The darn information just wouldn’t permeate into my brain – I was SO exhausted! Mental exhaustion and lack of sleep led to this academic downfall ^^;; *sighs* On a positive note, there will still be 2 more chances [via 2 more exams] to redeem myself. Therefore, I better make it good ^^;;
Revisiting Monday: Lunch, Movie, and…and an Interview granted!
Okies. Aside from the horrid exam mentioned above, my Monday was quite nice. Strange, I know. I had a yummy Mongolian-grill-styled lunch with my friends, and later during the evening we went to watch a sappy love-story movie called A Lot Like Love -- starring Ashton Kutcher. It was very cute, and made me mostly forget about my horrid exam. *^_^* Mind you, this is a romantic comedy, but for some odd reason this chick behind us started sobbing, quite loudly too. When did this movie ever get sad? Strange.
Ah yes, and BEST of all, I found out that I have been granted an interview for the Hospital Internship position!!! Yay! I’m quite excited, and at the same, I am…scared ^^;; I really want this position. *crosses her fingers; knocks on wood; rubs the Happy Buddha’s belly*
Manga: the Turn-on and Turn-off of Sensual Phrase
I have progressed further into my smutty, romantic manga series, Sensual Phrase. All 7 volumes were deliciously read…*^_^*…and yes, I indulged all the lovey-dovey stuff, and hot stuff, too. But you know what? There were a few themes that bothered me. First, what’s up with the brother-sister complex for a few of the characters [side & supporting]? This isn’t the only series I’ve read with this theme. And to be honest, this particular theme is getting a bit repetitive and annoying.
Secondly, why is it that the girl is usually the one who makes a mistake, or experiences a really bad situation that makes her look bad, and thus usually begs forgiveness of her love interest? This theme is also getting on my nerves. As much as I enjoy reading this series, if this theme continues, then I might have to drop it. *sighs* For once, I want to see Sakuya make a mistake, and then be forced to beg Aine for her forgiveness. Geez.
As you can probably tell from the picture above, that yes, I have been indulging in some Bleach. I am currently trying to download episodes 11-12. I also plan to watch my recently successful downloads from Monday [yesterday] which include Loveless 3, Tsubasa Chronicle 3, and Saiyuki Gunlock 2. Tee hee! Saiyuki. I miss watching that show. If only, though, the Reload DVDs weren’t so darn expensive. Stupid, Geneon. Eh.
I was also able to catch the premiere of One Piece on Cartoon Network, late Saturday evening. I was kinda hoping that since it was showing later, and on a different network, that maybe it’ll be different than the version that was previously shown on FoxBox. I was wrong. It’s still quite agonizing to watch because of the cut & culturally modified scenes. It’s also quite agonizing to listen to because of, not only the voices, but that the original music is GONE and replaced with kiddish-boingy-bubbly background crap. Honestly, one of the best features of this anime is the original orchestral and nautical music. *sighs*
Lastly, I managed to catch an episode of Full Metal Alchemist -- which is definitely one of my favorite shows. HOWEVER, I still cringe when I hear Ed’s dubbed voice. I mean, Al’s dubbed voice is tolerable, but Ed’s…I still do not feel like the voice matches the character. Eh. Overall, seeing FMA is now making me want to dig into my discs and to re-watch the entire series, again. Well…perhaps later. *^_^*
In the End…
Thank for bearing with me, and for stopping by!
*gives y’all some yummy freshly made cupcakes*
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