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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
Anime Fan Since
It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Another Summer-like Day
Pop Rocks. Do you remember this candy? You know, the candy that pops and fizzes in your mouth? Good stuff. I wonder if these are still sold in stores.
Ah yes, Wednesday [yesterday] was another warm, sunny, and beautiful day! And you know what? Pharmacy practice lab even finished early, too! Wow. *^_^* No complaints.
What? No exams for the next TWO weeks?
It’s true, I think. One of my colleagues informed me that we wouldn’t be having any major exams for the next TWO weeks! *breathes a sigh of relief* This is…good. On one hand, I won’t need to study like crazy, and on the other hand, I will finally have time to start researching for my herbal presentation/paper/project thingy for one of my classes. Happiness.
Also, the exam that I took last Monday [you know, the one I predicted to be a 77/100], well the score turned out to be 80/100. *^_^* Survival. Period. But…I’m still pissed about my biochemistry score, which was a 76/100. Grrr! I even went to see the grader and demanded points for a problem that I felt he graded unfairly. Alas, he would NOT budge. *hangs her head over in shame* Ah well. It’s the past.
Now, I gotta focus on studying for my next exam on Friday – the last exam before my two-week of NO exams *^_^* Tee hee, I have NO classes on Thursday, so that should give me plenty of time to study.
Field Trip?
Sort of. This Friday, myself and 9 other classmates are going out of town for an annual meeting for a professional pharmacy organization – for the entire weekend. I usually abstain from such activities, but I then again, I wanted to try something new *^_^* The annual meeting takes place at a pretty nice private ski-resort place, and will feature various pharmacy-related presentations, social events and activities. I guess I’m pretty excited to go. I love field trips!!!
Fangirl Outburst
Give me a break. I’ve been deprived of much needed bishie loving due to my insane studies. I’ve been listening to Atobe-kun’s character songs for the past few days, and felt that some attention should be given to this diva of Prince of Tennis. Roll your eyes, whatever. I am a fangirl at heart – always and forever. *^_^*
Atobe Keigo [fr. Prince of Tennis]. Atobe-kun is normally the captain of the Hyoutei Academy tennis club. In this particular cap, he is now a member of the All-Japan tennis team for the Junior assembly tournament during the summer. Mmm…nice and sweaty after his doubles match vs. the American junior high team. He won, of course *^_^*
Comments on Comments
Number 5: I think I’ve become numb to pretty much all tests results. It’s like…I don’t even want to worry anymore, you know? ^^;;
Raven8763 & Summoner Rekka: The hot guy…is married. Sad. He used to play college basketball, so he’s pretty tall and athletic, and has great fashion sense. He’s also pretty modest, so NO arrogant outbursts, or anything. WHO would have ever thought that a guy like him would even be in pharmacy school? Sexy, intelligent, and modest. *swoons* But, married. Hehe. My friend told me that she once had a dream in which she and I were stalking him. Imagine that. As if I would do such a thing. ^^;;
Hinaru: As you sort of predicted…I got an 80/100 instead of 77/100. *^_^* And yes, DOWN WITH BUYING TEXTBOOKS! Argh!!!
Mew Wem: No Trident in NZ? I am…agast! ^^;; Perhaps I’ll send you some in the future *^_^*
orangeaholic402 & animamundi: Thank you for stopping by *^_^* Life is life. It has it’s ups and downs. And in the end, Monkey Orange will try her best to survive.
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