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Student Pharmacist
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Juno K. Huang
Still surviving Pharmacy School.
Anime Fan Since
It all seems so long ago. . .
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It really depends on my mood. . .
Pharm D: Licensed drug dealer
manga, novels, baking, dance dance revolution, asian dramas and music *^_^*
Creative writing, memorizing chemical mechanisms, and harassing my siblings ^^;
| Monkey Orange
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My first two days of classes went fairly well *^_^*
Health Data Analysis & Epidemiology
I was actually pretty excited to take this class. Unfortunately, it was already at full capacity. I went to the department office to see if they could squeeze me into the course, but they said ‘no’ because the course is not within my major. So I guess I won’t be taking this class at all. Whatever.
Japanese I
Crowded. Lots of students were squished into a small classroom. I felt sorry for the 10 or so students that had to stand or sit on the floor. And still, this is supposed to be the primary lecture class? I gotta make sure to arrive early from now on. Other than that, my instructor is a hyperactive fifty-something year old Japanese woman.
Ballroom Dancing II
Mainly a review of the dances we learned from Ballroom I, like the Waltz, Fox Trot, Single-Time Swing, and American Tango. I’m looking forward to learning them in more detail.
Piano I
Besides the fact that the air conditioning died & that the room was blistering hot, the class went smoothly. I learned sitting posture, hand position, and some rhythm stuff. Afterwards, I started practicing a very simple song, and even looked ahead in my book to learn the piano keys, Excellent. I can’t wait to learn more!
Pharmacokinetics I
It felt very strange entering that class and barely knowing a large majority of the new second year students. I sat in the very back and noticed a classmate from my original class *^_^* At least I was no longer alone *^_^*
Japanese I Recitation
Crazy. The entire class was verbally drilled on words and sentences we had to memorize. Quite nerve racking, but I survived *^_^*
Tennis I
I love my tennis instructor! She’s the coolest. I took the same class from her last spring term, and decided to take it again to improve myself. But somehow, this class turned from a 50-minute class to an 80-minute class. A little tiring, but I still love it!
Medicinal Chemistry & Pharmacology – Review
I am NOT officially taking the class. The only reasons why I am present is because I was highly encouraged by the College to keep my brain fresh on the material and because I want to so as well ^^;; The awesome thing about this class is that I was able to meet up with some of my other classmates from the original class. Again, I am no longer alone *^_^*
Guitar I
I am 1 of 4 girls in the entire class. Whatever. Apparently I had a ‘distressed’ look on my face so the instructor decided to pick on me – in an encouraging way. Did I really look that freaked out? He told me to change my fingering for the G chord, which is very awkward feeling. Apparently my present fingering is not as optimal as the way he wants it done. Eck! Fine, you old man! I’ll do it ^^;;
West Coast Swing I
This is SO not an easy dance. It wasn’t until the end of class that I was finally able to accomplish the basic rhythm of this dance. Okay. I must practice more and more. This class only meets once per week, so I gotta make sure I don’t forget!
This fall term is going to be fun and physically exhausting. I think that having to wake up every morning at 5:45am to go to the gym and then having evening classes at 5pm OR 6pm-9pm will make my day that much longer. *collapses* I’m alright, really.
I really meant to visit your sites earlier, but with my classes and this SLOW connection at the apartment…I just couldn’t get to it sooner. Sorries ^^;; I will try again.
So, before I depart, I would like to congratulate Enin on his most recent announcement. I think that what you’ve decided to pursue is absolutely wonderful. I am very happy for you!
Okay, folks. I’m now off to collapse into a corner so that I can rest up.
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