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England, Bristol
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Rachel/Rachi-chan(to best friends)
hitting a Tennis ball over a fence boucing it on a car and flying into the river. Tripping over a video tape box
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yami no mitsumi, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away,Howls moving castle. Gravitation, All Gundam series, DBZ, X(1999), Escarflowne, Outlaw Star ,Fruits Basket, Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, Akira, Tenchi, Ranma 1/2, kare kano, DNAngel,Beyblade Cowboy bepbop Evangelion
Take over the world, or at least a small army of ants
Art, drama, music, video games, downloading and anime!
fake crying and getting out of trouble with this method mwahaha!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Anime I've seen and want to see:
KARESHI KANOJO NO JIYO (His and Her Circumstances)
Now I can't be fucked to find anymore pictures... it's probably pretty enough. I'll just list the rest I've seen.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
One Piece
Rave Master
Sonic X
Shaman King
YU-GI-OH (of course people!)
Spirited Away
Princess Mononoke
Howl's moving castle
Outlaw Star
Gundam Wing/SEED/X
Tenchi Muyo
Sailor Moon
Excel Saga
Ultimate muscle
I'm not sure if I've named them all but I've definently seen them all ^^
Ai Yori Aoshi
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell
Angel Sanctuary
Wolf's rain
The rest of Rurouni Kenshin
Tokyo Babilon in good quality
Escaflowne Movie
Fushigi Yuugi
G Gundam
Knights of the Zodiac
Boogie Pop Phantom
If I spot anymore I'll be on a downloading spree more than I am now!
Currently watching:
Toyko Babilion
Auzmanga Daioh
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Monday, July 4, 2005
Didn't go in on Friday because of Sports day... which means I have to bring in a note for why I wasn't in because they class you as ill if your not there. Pretty pointless really. The traffic this morning was really bad! It took like a 20min drive to school 45mins because of road works. I personally don't see anything wrong with the road so I don't actually think they need to recover the road. In the end I missed the whole of tutor and had to go start to first lesson instead. First lesson was Maths... I hate maths! My teacher is really annoying. She's young and blonde, not to mention that blonde teachers cannot teach or control the class! Well I've proven that in my school. I've named every blonde female teacher and none of them can teach or control the class. I got really annoyed and frustrated in maths. I mean my cough was bringing up flem and my nose started running, I also had a killer headache and lack of sleep. I wasn't exactly in the best of moods to be taught GCSE stuff for next year. I asked for tissue and she gave me the WRONG key to open up the cuppboard... I gave up and walked out to get some tissue from the toilet! Is that really so bad? So yeah it caused a fuss and she's all caring and sensitive so she thought something was bothering me. I hate that sooo much! "whats wrong"? NOTHING IS WRONG! I'M FINE OK?! She really annoys me.
Been watching more Star wars... I know I said that the new ones didn't exactly appeal to me, but seeing the third one was a real eye opener! Theres sooo much to the third one, it just makes you fall in love with it... and sexy Anakin. Sexy man, sexy man I love my sexy man. Oooooo yummy!!
Another movie I've started to watch again is Akira. I haven't seen it in ages and I'm forgetting the plot line! So I'm currently watching that... but it's on pause at the moment. Not to mention I had to delete the Japanese one I had to make room for all the other movies I've got on this computer, so the only one I could find and download in time was an English version. Me being me, I love the original stuff and I love the original voices for the Japanese ones. They just seem to work, unlike the English dubbing. The dubbing just sounds too outta place and doesn't fit the character. I guess the only anime I've seen where the voices fit in with the characters is Princess Mononoke!! It's one of my all time favourite films and I don't mind watching it in English... though San's voice does piss me off! Especially when she says "pretty" when she gets given that pendant/necklace... thing.
I was playing Dead or Alive 2 on my dreamcast and normally I'm really good at in. But today I think my brain must be sloppy or something is affecting me, since it took me sooo long to beat any opponent! I need a nice white chocolate chip cookie that I bought on Sunday, yummy!
Hope you all had a nice day ^^
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Yay For Today!
My day started off when my mum came into my room and dropped my sisters present infront of me, telling me that it's her favourite book. I was like "mmeh eh fumey moo mah?"
She sat down on my bed and inspected my room, commenting on how it was soooo clean when she cleaned it a few days ago and how it's really messy now. I told her "I like it messy *coughs*" She was just groaning on and on about it until I "accidently" kicked her. What? It was irriating!!
She went... 3 mins later I got up and opened my door to go downstairs and Kitten was there! Kitten is this ginger cat that comes round my house for food and cuddles. He loves me and follows me everywhere! Anyways, he ran into my room, so I ditched going downstairs and climbed back into bed. He soon jumped on my bed and was purring like mad. Dawww I love that kitty!! I want him! But parents are saying "no. No catnapping, he has an owner." But, but, but...!! Nikki got Jazzy!! No fair! Ah well, I'll steal him anyway!
I was in for a pretty wasteful Saturday... though my sister did ask me to do her hair and maybe her make-up, for when she goes out to get wasted/fried/pissed/drunk etc. I said yeah, but that wasn't until like 5/6 so I was planning on wasting the day playing devil may cry 3, \m/>.
That was until my best mate Jaz (aka known on here as RachAteMyPants), she called me and asked me if I wanted to go out for Chinese and to the cinema. I kindly accepted, but then remembered that I had plans to do my sisters hair so I couldn't stay out for long. By that time it was already 12 going on 1! I checked it over with Nikki, she said it was fine so I went along with Jaz.
Aww it was a good time! Got chatted up by old Chinese guys... ehh ehh even the chinese chat me up! But it was just a good laugh! In the cinema we went to see Batman Begins... not the best movie I've seen this year! The best movie I've seen this year has to be between Star Wars epi III and Howl's Moving Castle by Miyazaki.
We laughed at it... since we made a few jokes here and there. I would of rather seen Star Wars again but... I guess you can't have it all.
I promised my sister that I would be back for 5:30pm but the movie ran over that time. So I was abit screwed on timing! When I got back she had already washed her hair and mum had to go out to get her some mousse. Basically I was stuck since I promised I would do her hair but mum was doing it for her instead. REJECTED! Not quite... I got to do her make-up instead! Ha sooooo proud!! I chose sivler eyeliner on the bottom and Gold on the top. With gold shimmer on her eyelids and bits of sivler on the corners! Man, do I know how to make people look sexy?! Yes... I believe I do ^^. Well... until I decided to put bronzer on her. But that was my own secret revenge! As my sister has natural pale skin I made her look really funny by putting an over dose of bronzer on it. muahahhaha! Urgh! My mum was treating me like her slave! I had ago at her like 5 times! Because she fucked me off sooo much! "oh Rach can you do this, can you get that"... no I'm not your slave you stupid slag! Get it your fucking self!
I'm watching the live 8 thing on BBC1 with my dad right now... I went crazy in the middle of writing this when Velvet Revolver came on, so I started dancing around the room singing along. They rock so hard \m/>.<\m/
Sting is on at the moment. It's now my mums turn to sing along with the oldie music. I'm not a fan of the oldies stuff... half the time I feel like dying when it's on!
ahhh kill me!
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Friday, July 1, 2005
How sexy is he?!

I love him!! Aww... sexy man!
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Tomorrow is my Sisters birthday... she'll be 18 and out of my life!
I guess you can say me and Nikki are close... at times. Though other times, like now for instances, I can feel really distant from her! She can be sucha a fucking cunt when she wants to be though! It just really pisses me off! Not to mention she's the favourite of the family and I'm like the complete opposite!
I'm glad she's now 18! Because this means she's gonna go off to University!!! I won't see her at all!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!! Now I can watch all the anime I like and download all the manga that I want without her commenting!! She always makes me watch the anime she's found and shit! It's like I don't care! Then when I download something I really like and want her to watch it she is always stuck up about it!! I wanted her to watch an episode of Neon Genesis Evangleion... she watched part of the first episode and walked off! I tried to get her to watch Gundam SEED, she wouldn't! Then same goes for Escaflowne! She said she didn't like the noses on the characters! ARRRRGH!!! I watched the shit she put infront of me! I'm the one who introduced her to a Hayao Miyazaki film!! I'm his biggest fan so she can fuck off to uni!!
Everytime I try and hug her she always pushs me away and calls me clingy! CLINGY?!?! I just got home and hugging is how I greet people!! How is that being clingy?! She wants me to do her hair as well... I'll do it and fuck it up for old times sake! Just to get revenge for the time she stole my phone and started writing down all the numbers in the phonebook! So I got done for the phone bill and I was banned for 2 months!!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
My science teacher is a knob! I hate him! Urgh!
It was last lesson of the day, science obviously, it was near the end of the lesson. I was messing around with Lara, (who kissed me again! Don't worry she's not a lesbian, she loves boys too much) we were chucking things at eachother. Then when Lara was walking away I chucked something at her back, sir caught me. Asked me to pick it up, I told him I didn't know where it went. He pointed it out and was getting pissy. I told him to calm down and he got all worked up about it, telling me to see him after the lesson. I was laughing at him since I couldn't help myself. He just looked so funny, hee hee. So yeah, it's the end of the lesson... I try to seek out and don't quite make it. I'm left standing there waiting for him to finish talking to his fat daughter with a massive "deliberate" rip in the back of her jeans and just lecture me. When he talked to me, he asked me a question. I wasn't listening to him so I missed the question and kept slient. I wasn't planning on talking to him in the first place! What did I do? Refuse to pick something up? What's the point?! That's what cleaners are for, fuck sake! I always get given the excuse that they aren't there to clean up "our" mess... then what are they fucking there for?! Fucking stupid! I didn't even do anything bad! Yes, I threw something at my friend and yes, I didn't want to pick it up. BUT I DID IN THE FUCKING END! What does that count for? Jack shit! Honestly, teachers! I don't actually understand what I did wrong! I didn't even argue back or anything! So I don't know why he was acting like he had a racoon stuck up his ass!
Well, what happened when he was talking to me went something like this:
Sir: blah blah blah?
Me: ....
Sir: blah blah blah?
Me: ....
Sir: it's a simple yes or no I'm looking for
Me: ok then, yes *walks away*
Sir: Rachel, come back here! Thats an hour detention if you don't get back here!!
Me: Yeah yeah yeah, whatever!
Sir: Right! That's an hours detention!!
Yep... that was how it went. I was soooo pissed off when I got into the car though! I was fucking furious! How dare he threaten me with an hours detention!!! I have fucking tried so fucking hard to be nice to teachers this year and what do I get done for? Picking up something I threw and walking away from a conversation I've heard... I dunno 15,000 times before?!
I feel like chucking Ethanol over his face then lighting a match! BANG! EXPOLSION!!
See I know science! That's what I learnt today thank you very much! So if I get a department detention letter home... I'm gonna fucking loose it! Besides... he's going on the french trip next week! How will he manage to send a detention letter home then?! HA! After that it's one more week of school left and like hell am I going to a detention on my last week of school! I'm not doing that detention!! Even if that means I have to fucking complain or take this into my own hands!
Taking this hate thing onto another note of my day... in English we are designing our own "superhero", mines basically Goku... like anyone in my English class, especially my English teacher watches DragonBallZ is very doubtful! So I can easily get away with it by just drawing a picture of Goku and explaining his "super powers". We were drawing it today... I had to draw Goku from memory and I haven't watched DBZ in aggggggggges! I really need to turn on the TV and see what saga it is. If it's the Trunks saga I'll sit down and watch it. But it all depends!
Tomorrow is sports day. I'm not doing anything in it though. Like hell I'm gonna run in front of the whole school just to win some meaningless trophie. What's the point? Isn't P.E enough?! You gay cock suckers want me to come to sports day even though I'm not doing anything to support canynges house for what? Nothing?! We loose every year! I'll tell you who will win! FRANCOMBE! They always win and we always come last! I don't need to sit or stand around waiting for that to happen! Supporting a bunch of people that piss me off and I don't talk to, so you can shove sports day up your arse I'm bunking!
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Masterplan officially rock!! Been listening to them ever since I got home! If you haven't heard of them check them out!
My day:
In Art we were finishing drawing our projects, it was really boring! But I managed to finish mine and start something new! It was some cool graphic designs!! Yay! I did a pick of this girl and guy about to kiss. Though I concentrated more on the girls face and hair. My teacher was pleased with it, so I was like "yay!"
I also got to find out whose gonna be in my class for next year!!
How cool is that? I got one of mates in the same class as me! So I won't be on my own! ^^
Ben Quintin is also in my class! I thought he was fit at one point, up until the point where he had ago at me for being mean to Stefan! I'M NOT EVEN BEING MEAN TO HIM! I just don't talk to him, that's not exactly mean. He's gay, (Ben). His voice hasn't even broken properly yet! So ha!
Though he is really sexy when he's playing the guitar, *slaps face outta daydream mode*.
Umm who else is in the group? Oh yeah HUW! Pronounced Hugh, but spelt Huw, obviously! I love Huw! Well... watching him in P.E! He has really nice legs! What can I say? I have a thing for guys with lush hair! It's all about the hair for me!
Like this guy I saw with my brother! He was fit! I love him! I want him!! *drowls* His hair was sooo lush! I completely fell for him... in front of Laine and Sumy. I told them... wow! He's fit! With his sexy hair!
Anyway enough about guys and their hair.
Lara kissed me in science!! On the cheek but she still kissed me! I thought she wasn't gonna do it and was just messing, but nooooooooo. She actually kissed me! I was in fits of laughter! That young Lara (though shes a few days older than me).
Tom wouldn't stop flirting with me in History. It was really sweet but a little annoying! He kept hurting my arm! Grrr, but whatever!
Oh My God! In P.E, swimming. I was talking to Elina because we weren't doing P.E outta girlie issues. Anyway, I was talking to Elina about why I was upset before and she totally didn't get it at all! She was just saying stuff like "oh you should of just hung around with me and Jenny if you didn't like Kirsty", it has nothing to do with Kirsty! Well it does partly, but that wasn't the real reason why I was upset at all! Everytime I have a problem everyone (including her) has told me not to worry about it and just ignore it. So thats what I've done for all this time! The only thing is that everytime I've ignored something and not worried about something I should be paying attention to, it always builds up. In the end I just have all these problems built up at the back of my mind and when something major happens to upset me, it affects me big time!
It really hurt that Elina didn't get it! Not to mention that I had to explain to her why I was upset and everything! I was almost in tears! I was just getting upset all over again, argh! Friends... fuck 'em! They don't know jack shit! I'm not even gonna bother digging up my past because it just makes me feel crap! If they keep insist on knowing... fuck them!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
How embarrassing was history? After about 10 mins of adding my last post I started looking on peoples websites and commenting. I went on one (Ebony, to be exact) and started to read the post until... music started up then everyone was looking at me! I was like AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOO!! Damn those laptops! I always manage to get the ones with the sound on! I claimed it was a advert and everyone soon lost interest. Close call, aye?
Ummm... nothing else happened today. My mum, dad and sister went to see star wars. My mum paid a ticket for me, but I hate Star wars, it annoys me so! My mum got in a piss with me and frankly I think she still is. I went to bed as soon as she finished complaining about paying for a ticket I didn't ask for. Then my dad woke me up saying it was dinner, I didn't want to go downstairs and eat because I felt really really sick. I still feel a little grogey. When peepz came home my mum found I didn't eat the pizza (which was my dinner) she got mad all over again. I told her I felt ill she didn't listen! At all! She never listens to me so I don't even know why I bothered.
Urgh! Tomorrow I have swimming for P.E I won't be able to do it since I'm on. I'll probably have to make up another swimming lesson, since I missed the last one as well! I hate P.E, I really do!
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I didn't quite get to post anything yesterday, even though I said I would.
Sumy was reading all my post yesterday, she seemed pretty annoyed when she got to the archives. Only because she started to read about the time when I was upset and I wasn't going into school anymore. I was talking to her online as she was reading it as well. I was like.. have you got bored of it yet? Obviously she said "no". She also told me to that I would be a good writer... I told her no, since I'm really crap at English. Whats the point of being a writer if you're bad at English?! The sense... there is none.
Ahhhhhhhhh I don't wanna do any stupid history work! T_T nooooooooooooooooooo!!! I've gotten down to the Korean war though I'm suppose to write in my own words. Me no know about the Korean war, I still have Science after this! How dull -_-
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Monday, June 27, 2005
I'm in History... I'm suppose to be looking up war stuffs, e.g. Cold war, Berlin Airlift, Berlin Wall, Korean war, cuban missile crisis, the vietnam war and so on. The list goes on and on!
I'm really glad I didn't chose history in the end... I find it really hard to concentrate these days. Everytime I come to school... it really feels like I'm doing the same thing each day. Though things do variey now ande again. But it's like... get up go to school and just one lesson after another. Nothing special or anything!!
Not to mention every lesson I keep having to tie my hair back! My hair is shorter now though it gets in the way alot!
Does anyone actually know what happened in the cold war?
Argh! This laptop is soooo annoying! I hate school laptops, they're sooo gay... it's really hard to type anthing on them!
Well... don't think this is my last post for today, I have yet to add. But I can't afford to waste too much time on here. I haven't even started my work yet!
Oopsi! AHH IT MADE A NOISE! Oh great! I got a noisey laptop *sign*
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