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Thursday, June 2, 2005
An idea!
Take a trip with me...
Where there is no reality...
A trip from normality...
Pleas take me from this place…
To find a new grace…
We stay in this place…
To make a new race…
We are looking for some freedom…
Because we could not beat them…
There game was to fast…
And only in the past…
So take this trip with me…
And we will make a new reality…
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I love this song. I spelt so much of this wron! >.
I swolw razor blades and spit up blood.
I cut my hart out and gave it to my love.
I hung my self with an extecion coard.
I was dangling high above the wegge board.
I heard the wind thro the trees and it made me scream.
Im wondering if this is real life or just another dream.
I need some one somthin' to help me with my brian because it falling apart.
Im falling to peaces and i dont know why.
And if you think about it will eat you from the inside out till you dont know what to do!
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Poor sole...
The Green Mile. Is the most depresing movie. Poor jhon. He didnt even kill the 2 little girls. he was just trying to save them. and he was crying for when the other ppl died. then he died because some killed the girls. He was an Instroment of "God". so now the gard is going to hell. well fuck it. PEACE!
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You lye there crying…
I stand here trying…
Trying to move...
With a single act I try to be loving…
And smile…
But all I can do is try…
My sick and twisted ways are finally shining thro.
But there all for you…
I stand here now dying…
And now where both crying…
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Great... -_-'
 | You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.
Satanism | | 96% | agnosticism | | 92% | Paganism | | 92% | Buddhism | | 79% | Islam | | 71% | Hinduism | | 71% | atheism | | 67% | Judaism | | 63% | Christianity | | 46% |
Which religion is the right one for you? (new version) created with QuizFarm.com |
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I was boared
Dose he watch porn?
Why is he so full of scorn?
Dose he know how to spell corn?
Or dose he watch to much porn?
Is that why he is so full of scorn? (for slow ones that mean fierily beating ur meat)
Or dose porn watch KoRn?
But why is it not corn or porn, but KoRn?
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My play ground...
It has swings made of hooks...
Full of these evil books...
The monster under my bed is now my best friend...
He will stay with me till the end...
So why is it that these cuts are real...?
I do not feel...
We all kill...
And have taken a pill...
So why is it that I am not real?
We cast our self out…
But we just play about…
Now we see this pain oh so sweet…
But we tremble, and fall to our feet…
So why do we need this pill…
It won’t give me a will…
This play ground full of pain…
It now has no chain…
It is no longer part of this world…
So I say my good byes though this one last message…
And hope some one will get it…
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I am so lost....
Take a trip with me… To a place where there is no reality…. If we are not here who is? Because Atoms are not really there. They pop in and out of existence…. There is no real… are hole lives have been a lie. To us to are families. Its not our fault now is it? We made this lie and now we live it. So whom is in control? Its not us. Because the chair you are sitting in is not there. The computer that I am putting this on, was never here. The earth is and was just a big joke. So if we are all god why do we have one?
Atoms are not solid matter. They are just a nucleus surrounded by protons, neutrons, electrons. But even those pop in and out of existence. So if we are not hear where are we? Because we are made of atoms. But they pop in and out of existence. So dose that mean we pop in and out of existence? Are we really here? The only face that is true is that all of us are one. This computer, me and you, my cat, your dog. So why is it that we don’t just except each other? Look at your self in the mirror. Now what you see is what I see. There is no defiance. We are not here. Is it not the ultimate sin to kill some one? But its like killing your self. The same matter. So why are we not just one big blob? We are made of the exact same stuff.
Nothing is solid. How can we define solid if the thing that is telling us it is intangible? Its not there. So why do we tell are self’s it is real? This is something I don’t dare to comprehend, but just ask. Don’t let your self’s get lost in the maze that we are.
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I need some one to talk to...
I wish to talk to some one deep right now. No one seems to be in the same mood as me.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
 | You scored as Marijuana. The most beautiful, chill drug out there. You want something that's not too harsh on your body, and soothes the soul. It's also not addicting, so smoke it up, baby! And never have to go through withdrawls.
Marijuana | | 75% | Inhalents | | 69% | Mushrooms | | 44% | Ecstacy | | 31% | Cocaine | | 25% | None! | | 25% | Alcohol | | 13% |
What's your ideal drug? created with QuizFarm.com |
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