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Cleening comertal kitchins.
Real Name
Mason Leadbetter
I've beat down 7 pepole. and slept for 24 hours then stayed up for 48.
Anime Fan Since
I was very very yong my first animae was salor moon
Favorite Anime
Sleeping, playing vido games trying to learn about 67 mustangs. playing my bass. writing music.
I never was a very nice to celf about this kinda stuff.
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Damn I'm nasty....
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im going to get a name on because i am a vamp, and a freak.
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3rd day.
At first nothing happened. The 22 year olds where hung over. LOL. But the rest of us where fine. Danny, Jo, Billy, mark, and the weird kid (A.K.A Purv) gave me the nick name Lance, SlipKnoT fan 101, and SlipKnoT fan 206. So for most of the day me and Zack played Halo. Got to level 6. And we kicked ass! But around 3 the sun was low enough for me to go swimming. So me and Zack where playing this game he made it seem like he was a Jedie, and I was the Syth. But in all it was an excuse to kick his ass! At first I couldn’t do any thing. But when I got the small noodle. Muwhahahahahahahahaahahahaah! I Kicked his ASS! I was doing power swings, and one time I came down so hard that I knocked his noodle out of his hands, and then it hit him right in the face. Gave him a bloody nose. It was cool. After that I and Zack went back to the room. Got to level almost dun with the game. So we where chilling, and its ‘bout 8:30 so we figure I wont even get touched by the sun. and we open up the blinds and it was dark. So we hoped in are close and walked to the pool. Pore us though, Zack’s all fat and crap. And I’m just the freak. Like the one u look at in the mall and say WDF?!!!! So we where just playing around with Danny and his friends. I speared any one whom I could reach. But Jo hit a guy on accident. So he came over and Zack and I where still hitting each other with the noodles. The guy asks me “did they accidentally let u out of the basement? We all laughed. I do have anger issues so it true. So I was still playing the game when he asked “witch one of u think u could bring me down?” Me being the CMF jumped at him. He did a fireman lift on throw me face first in to the pool. And me with my motto: “never surrender, never retreat, never give up!” I came back for more real fast. So he has me in the AIR and he was asking me “do u want to play with the big boys or the be nice?” I said big boys! He asked me again, again, again. I still said Big boys. I was getting bored so I said ill play nice. Then he gave me some comps like “this kid has nuts the size of melons. He asked if any one ells would take me on, so they pushed Mark up. I grabbed him by the face and put him under the water for ‘bout 30 sec. when he went down he only had ‘bout half a breath so I let him up. And then I hit him in the chest right above the solar Plax (I think that’s what it is, or how to spell it any way) he went down fast! So is got care less and let him make a move I would have seen if my god damn ego wasn’t so hungry. He got me by the arms so I could barely move them. I tried to get the back of his head but his arms are to long so I couldn’t. I tried to make both of us flip under water. Tried to drag him to the deep end, no luck then I said ill Kill U! He still didn’t move, so I started to bash him up against the wall then like after the 3rd time he let go. He held his arm out and said “truce” I did the same. So when the guy that started all this asked what did u fight for? He said what he believed in. I was going to say the same but I said my family’s honor. So we where really cool the rest of the trip. But the guy said this is man time now. “All little boys step back.” I was starting to but he said “no stay”. Now I guess I am a “Man”. But back to the story. He said “do you know that u can go die for your country but u can’t have a god damn beer?” I was the only one who said yah. “Is that not Bull Shit?!” We all agreed. So he got in to a story. (all I’m about to say is what he said but I’m going to make it make sense, he was shit faced when he told us this.)
All good things must come to an end….
“I had a friend we where friends are hole life. From kinder garden to are 12 grade. ( just cant spell the last year of high school thingy). Now how I met him is my mom held me back one year. So I went to kinder garden 2 times. (But the drunk guys friend Tom had leather moccasins. So the drunk guy when he was little didn’t like him do he was going to kick his ass). So the came home crying and said I need new shoos. I cant run in these. But the next day the drunk guy when he was little had his arm around his neck. Like u would a brother. So one day the drunk guy goes over to Tom’s house and he got the new album “tattoo you” (they where ‘bout 16 now). So his mom walks in out of the blue and asks do you to know why u are best friends? They both said no. but that night Tom went to a party. The drunk guy was going to be the DD (designated driver). But he couldn’t go because he had to stay at work. So Tom got shit faced and passed out. So some kids put him in a car and he sat there for a while. But then a kid tried to drive him home. This kid was drunk. So they accidentally hit on coming traffic. The drunk kid turned the wheel wrong and they rapped around the street lamp. Driver side first. Some people that where walking heard them crying for there mothers.”
Funny dont ya think. she asked the question. and the next day he died.
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Monday, May 30, 2005
2nd night
My friend's big bro had a party. But they waited until Zack went to sleep. then they woke me up to go to the party. And they where play Mud vain. Better than chill music. But any ways. He let the same 22 year old girls over. And the rich one got laid. Because he gave them like $100 to get beer for us all. I only had one. it was cheep 'o beer. but the rich kid Jo. he still had like $200 on him! But when he was out of the room. Danny let like 3, 4 more girls in. and so most of um went in the other room. But 2 stayed and hung out with me. The one blond went in the other room. So the one like punk looking girl was in there I was like about to pass out. She started asking me bout what my name was. like how old I was. Shit like that. But we wouldn’t shut up when it came to music. It was cool. Danny’s one friend that likes good music. And then we just talked about what ever. Like if we like to burn stuff, what we wanted to do with our lives. Well it was cool. When she had to go she gave me her # but I lost it. T_T.
Me and my friend Zack beet till level 4 on Halo, on Legendary. We made this fighting style. Well Peace!
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It was kick ass!
1st day.
we jumped in the pool. some cute girls where flurting qwith me and my friend Zack. but there where drunk and 22ish.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
I was hopeing for a toung....
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I hated god. but then I found out i was god. and now im going to kill him.
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Im going to a party with my friend Zack. For his bros grad party. His school paid for it! HEHE! and there will be girls. spending the night. Tee-Hee-Hee. I’m felling naught. ^^!
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...I have a lot to say.
Ok that wasn’t my first kiss. It was the first time I kissed her first. Its was fun to watch her grip her binder and run off. Well I’m moving so who cares.
Yesterday was the last fucking day of school! Muwhahahahahaaha! I didn’t get to kiss Rachel though. T_T. well fuck it! She thought the note was a piece of garbage and she left to fast for me to call after her. Well fuck it...
Wednesday was the last time I dined with my friends. But I bought a feast they will never forget. And I almost killed an ass. I hate that kid so much. He’s the quiet one that pushes your buttons. That fucker! But there’s no more school! Fuckers.
P.S. I wont be on AIM for a while.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
i wrote a poem/ song..
She cut her hair.
She cut her self.
She cut me down.
She dose this ever time.
But yet is her life, so who am I?
To take it from her.
To break it away from her.
To yank it away from her.
But she isn’t in my life...
So I have no right!
To fight!
To smite!
But I see her walk I see her talk.
But she isn’t in my life anymore......
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