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Cleening comertal kitchins.
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Mason Leadbetter
I've beat down 7 pepole. and slept for 24 hours then stayed up for 48.
Anime Fan Since
I was very very yong my first animae was salor moon
Favorite Anime
Sleeping, playing vido games trying to learn about 67 mustangs. playing my bass. writing music.
I never was a very nice to celf about this kinda stuff.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
This is me from SlipKnoT
Take the quiz: "Which member of SLipKnoT are you?"
 Sid Wilson You are pretty insane ! you love fire and jungle music or rave music! you do all kinds fo crazy stuff just cause you can...or think you can......and nobody fucks with you despite your size
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Well shit.
Yah My day wasn’t that great. However, I am in a good fucking mood. My, I fixed my bike I do not have to take the fucking bus. My mom might have ADEMA at her venue! And I’m going! But they might not come if she doesn’t find enough on ‘um
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Fuck it....
No one will fight. Therefore, I will not fight. This is no fun. However, the one who has betrayed me will stay my enemy.
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Monday, May 9, 2005
My fucking Kin! You betrayed me! The ones I trusted! I liked you. I cannot believe this! I fucking hate you! You must all die. It was a trick! For me to think... goddamn you aren’t going to bring me down! I am a god! You betrayed me! Nevertheless, I am more than you! I am fucking greater than any one of you! Me a god! But I have a question for the one who wont stand by my side or betrayed me. Why I will shed my blood for you? And this is how you repay me? This is bullshit! I cannot fucking believe this. This funny. People come and they go. so the ones who did do this to me. I laugh. Well ill, perform the process. And you will pay for your sins. Good night, for you will sleep, forever.
Mason Lynn Leadbetter of the pride.
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
This is the Fight!
My Friends we must stand! For I have found the ultimate sin. For him who has sinned against me must pay his debts. This mere mortal has insulted me a god! I do not fear him I fell sorry for the sin he must pay for. This Heretic’s name is Cloud Strife 7777. When you here his name only insult it. Do not stop and feel sorry for him. Only death on your mind! Fight, Fight, Fight! Kill Him. You are my right hand with out you I am nothing. It is only the truth I tell. I can not be an army. I can only make your harts turn to ice cold fire! Be cold blooded in your killing. But Fiery in the hate. Help me as I will you. Be strong in death as you are now. I wish all of us could triumph in this. But are efforts will not go unheard, but unseen. We know you your hate your pain. Some pain more vigorous then others. But be it not that I will owe my debt to, but you shall expect it of me. Help me pleas here my call, as I answer yours. I ask you. Ever one of you my friends.
AnimeCutie453: You for being with me for a year.
broken tears: you for extending your hand to meet mine.
Bulma. B: you for being there on my side.
Demon Goddess: you for being a friend when I was down.
EvildEadninjEttE: you for being a fellow Jugglo
InuYasha Fan019: you for taking the time to talk to me for the hell of it and extending the olive branch when I was an ass.
juggalo2violent: you for the arm you gave me when I was just getting started.
Meanxplastic: you for helping me with all I asked of you.
Miko666: you where one of the few to be with me on my crusades.
Spica Zodiac P.I.: you for being one of those people I could Talk to.
vampiremage666: You the second fried I had in this world.
VampireNursery: you for understanding my kind, my kin
Wekoronshei: you for being so full of scorn.
I thank you, you the people for my cause. If it weren’t for you I would be nothing. fight for me and ill show you the true froots. I will trust you with my life as you me. I will do all for you. I know I am the true faytfull. I do not start shit, i end it. Fell this. I beg you. I show you what he said to me. then ill show you what i wrote in my defence.
People like you pissed me off. You're a monster and you're going to hell. You think the Devil is going to welcome you? *LAUGHS* what a blunder. You're such an impotency. When the day comes. When you are sentenced to death. I will make sure bribe one of the guards so that I may shoot your testicles off to wipe your kind away from the human kind.
You think you've seen hell but you haven't seen sh*t. When you do see're going to be wishing you were never born. You're going to be pissing in your pants. You think you're one with the Devil? You are badly mistaken my friend. When you die and go to hell the Devil is going to f*ck you in the a*s for all eternity.
Why do I even waste my time with kids. Learn how to spell if you're going to insult back.
And what I wrot to him
You are a pussy. And when I do go to hell the devil will great me with open arms and a smile on his face. For we are one, the devil and I. And I already burn and burn in this hell called my life. Because of “Kaytlin” or what ever her fake name is. She is in my class and you do not know what hell she raises. Until to day I was in a good mood. Then I was trying to be nice and she basically sad fuck off. This is not my doing but my undoing. When its time to save her will you be there? No I will because she is my friend. And you can’t fucking come up with any insults, BITCH!
Yours truly, Mason Lynn Leadbetter
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i looked at my self in the bathroom meior after a shower. I hade my glasses on. not to make my ego big but i think i looked a lot fucking better.
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"Johnny The Homicidal Manic" is one of the best fucking comics.
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
I fucking hate Summer!
Its all most summer! And I fucking hate it! I go stir crazy. I get so fucking board ill lick the couch for something to do. And I feel that right now! AAAAAHHHAHAHAH I fucking hate it!
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There was a bomb threat at my school. HAHA! Fucking funny! Death Death Death To All And to All Burn in Fucking Hell!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Killing In The Name Of God....
A bullet and a cross! "My friends, we are at are finest hour! We must stand strong and fight furiously! Never give up! Don't die! Don’t retreat! Don’t run! Don’t give up! Don’t betray your country, your god, your family! The Only Thing That Matters Is That You Kill The Bastards That Did This To Your Country, Your Family, You! If You The People Will Stand By My Side I Will Do All I Can To Save Your Families! This Is Your Past, I Am You Past! This Is your Present, I am Your Present! This Is Your Future, I am Your Future! Stand Up And Fight! Feel The Venom Coursing In Your Veins! Use The Venom! Destroy All In Your Path! All That Stands In Your Way!
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