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moogle claire
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A lil distant land called Scotland!
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Anime Fan Since
Hmmm... Since I was about 10!
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Someday I wanna be a famous Illustrator and to be a black belt in karate (make my Dad proud)
I like Doodlin', Reading, Karate (ShotoKan), Messin around! Listening to Rock music , I love spending time with my boyfriend, I love him soooo much! ^^ Oh yeah and planning world domination (lol joke dudes! You can put the knifes down lol.)
Kickin' ass in Karate, and drawing and being the best Clarff there ever was!! Heheh... and how!
| moogle claire
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Im Going!
Today Im making my final changes to my site before I go and visit my boyfriend! One huge YAYYYYY! all round! lol!! I really cannot wait! Im bouncing off the walls - feels like I havn't seen him in ages! Lol well we're gonna be meeting in the train station and we're gonna do the old move dash towards each other my hair flying everwhere pigeons flutter all around us.... ha! This is REAL life lol, but it'll be even better!
Oh yeah and since Im gonna live with him im gonna live like him too - I'll be a veggie for 5 days, just to see what's so great about it and if I can actually handle no meat!
Oh yeah I hope you all like my music - Im feeling very Kingdom Hearts-ish at the mo and Im proud to say that I love my background! ****KINGDOM HEARTS SPOILER**** It's lil Kairi remembering Sora at the end of the game, with the lil star fruit - I feel so sorry for her when she cries. But what an ending! The way Riku goes out (kinda) or more to the point gets shut in! "Take care of her." What a guy! And because Riku is such an amazing character I made a little banner with his last words:

Im gonna put this at the top of my sight along with alot of other cool piccys to keep you lil Otakus entertained lol!
Oh yeah Metal Gear Ac!d news: Im kinda up s**t creak with out a paddle (or with weapons) I've just defeated this great big chunchk boss guy - Leone...

...and now he's sending his cronies after us (Snake and Teliko)
So all I can do is run and don't get killed! Lol But hey atleast it'll give me a challange on the train!
Well I think that's all I really need to say. Im off have a great week and take care of yourselves my lil Otakus lol!
~ claire
Chow for now...
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Monday, October 17, 2005
You'll Be In My Heart ~ Phil Collins
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight
I will protect you
From all around you
I will be here
Don't you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm
This bond between us
Can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry
Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
What they can't explain
I know we're different
But deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
Cause what do they know?
We need each other
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together
Cause you'll be in my heart
Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on
Now and forever more
Oooo, you'll be in my heart
You'll be here in my heart
No matter what they say
I'll be with you
You'll be here in my heart
I'll be there always
I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always
Always and always
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I’ll be there always
~A song I love.
Hope you like it too.
~ claire
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Sunday, October 16, 2005

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You're looking at the site of a Purple Belt!
Yaaaaaay! Yesterday was my 5th Kyu grading in Shotokan Karate!
Let me tell you: It was a heck of a day!
I got up at about 6am, I couldn't sleep, I was waaaaaaay too nervous about what the day was going to bring. I got all my stuff ready and did quite a bit of practising. I battled the invisible man for about 2 hours and even got my lil bro to attack me.
Finally I got ready and met my friends in town - by this point the nerves were really starting to kick in.
We walked to the DK Centre - there was like 90 people there , all grading.
After getting changed into my Gi I started practising some more (yep again, going from green to purple is tough!)
Anyhow a while later, after one hell of a training course with Sensei Martin, the gradings finally started. Eeeek!
As all the grades went up, white, red, orange, yellow, green...
I sat and practised my moves with Scott (a purple belt).
I was all calmed down until it was my turn to go up.
My name was read out by Sensei Turner..."Claire Campbell"
Crap here goes...
It all went past so quickly. I faltered once on a double kick - I was SOOO sure I had screwed up! I kept shaking my head, Sensei Marshal caught my eye and saw that I was shaking my head at myself, she grinned and nodded, I thought she was just trying to make me feel better.
By the time it came to my Kata - I was so annoyed at myself over the kick - that I had the anger and energy to perform a "perfect kata". Finally I had to fight this guy called Lewis - it went well I think I scared him a little with my attacks. He looked like he was half asleep - poor dude.
It was over. I could sit down, there was nothing more I could do.
I had either passed or failed.
We were all told to gather round and the belts were handed out.
Red, orange, yellow, green, purple...
"Claire Campbell!"
Sensei Martin told me to slow down a little in my basic attacks and he told me I did really well and that I had really impressed him.
A 6TH DAN WAS IMPRESSED BY ME?!?!? I couldn't believe it!

So now I can finally let myself heal for a week - go visit the love of my life and have a non-dojo/non-karate related dream...
... well atleast not for a few months or so lol.
~ claire
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
I moogle claire am 2 days away from... Shotokan Karate Grading!!!
After months of training in the dojo (place where the class is held) and at home, I will be in 2 days be facing Sensei Martin (6th Dan.) I have to fight in front of him with my fellow green belt partner George, perform my Kata (series of moves)and show that I can handle the basic moves for my grade. If all goes how I am willing it to I will pass and be awarded my Purple belt!! It'll be my 5th belt and only 4 more to go until I face my Black belt grading. My kata for this grading is called Hyian-Yondan, the moves look so delicate and slow to begin with until I grab my invisible attacker by the ear and smash his head with my knee, before spinning round and landing back in double Shuto (Knife hand block).
I hope that wasn't too confusing on those non-martial arts Otakus?
Last night when we were all being told if we would be grading or not - after I was told I was grading- it was the purple belt grades turn to find out. There was this lil guy about 15 years old - a cocky little purple belt (his ego was 10 times as big as Spike Spigles!)- and when he found out that he wasn't getting to grade he put on in shoes, grabbed his coat and stormed out. He statred to cry and finally the Sensei's gave hiom a second chance. That was not right, if he thinks he can do that when it comes to Black belt grading - he's in for a HUUUUUGE shock! But it was funny watching all the other purple belts (who had worked hard and gotten through) trying to restrain themselves from beating him up - they settled with calling very colourful names. Can't say I blame them - he's a annoying piece of work. Lol.
Anyhow Im running around with a huge smile on my face trying to control my butterflies that continues to remind me of what's coming.
I guess I should just grin and say "bring it on!!!" but Im sooooo nervous!
Anyway I promised Dad I would be Black belts for the both of us.
And I want to make him proud.
And I will.
Here's a link to the site of my Shotokan Karate club. It's not the best but how many other Sensei's do this for their clubs?

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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Im totally hooked on Metal Gear Acid!
The one game I have for my beloved PSP is Metal Gear Acid. I've been playing it like veryday and now Im reeeeaaaalllly hooked on it. It must just be the Metal Gear series, once I play one of thier games I love them all! Im getting pretty far into it.
It's a little different from the very first MGS (The best one ever!!) It's graphics are better than the first one.
It's sorta like an RPG game you use cards to shoot and move and etc! Which is great for me as i LOVE RPG's!
Well anyhoo theres these freaky dolls called Frances and Elsie and there on a plane, they're holding all the passsegers hostage with some type of bromide gas and bomb to top it all off! The dolls are being controlled by sombody, they have so far killed the Pilot, the Co-Pilot, a Stewardess and a few other people. Each time they have killed they've carved a number into the victims body, so far I think the numbers are 4,12,11 and 5. I think this game is kinda freaky but really good and I've heard the plots gets even more confusing as it goes on.
The only prob is that my fave MGS1 characters aren't in it (only in card form)
Has anybody else played this game or any of the others?
Do they ROCK or what!?!?!?!?
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I just wanted to post to say Congrats to my lil Mum and to my new Step Dad, as they got married yesterday (and got me and my lil bro a day of school lol YAY!)
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On Friday night when I cam home from 2 hours of karate (oucheeee!) I went for a nice long soak in the bath to get the feeling back in my legs. After that I just lay in my lil bed watching the Two Ronnies.
The phone started ringing and Mum called on me...
It was Iain (YAAAAAAAY!)
I thought that I would have a really crap weekend but I was wrong!
We were talking and he said he was walking back from thr S.U bar - so I thought... hey he must be making some new friends, I was happy for him. ^^
Then he asked me what room I was in " bedroom... why?"
He told me to look out my window and down at the tree.
There he was, I couldn't believe it!!!!
He had six red roses for me. That was the most romantic thing anybody has ever done for me! I love him so much for it!
So I had like 1 min to get some clothes on (I was only in an old t-shirt and it was cold outside lol) I ghrabbed the first bits of clothing I could find, it's the quickest I've ev er gotten dressed for a boy in my life! lol
So I spent the whole weekend with him, it was great, I loved sleeping next to him again! We hugged for ages! It was great!!!!!! I think I kinda squished the roses lol.
Oh yeah and he got his eyebrow pierced it looks cool, but I keep getting my hair tangled in it lol.
Lol it was one of the bestest (Yeh I know it's not a real word!!!)weekends ever!
Here's a lil test dedicated for my lil Naruto lol:
 | You scored as Rock Lee. You are Rock Lee, the genius of hard work.
You believe that anything can be achieved through hard work. You can?t be the best at everything, so you have decided to master one skill better than anyone. Feeling constant need to prove yourself, you tend to be competitive and a little hard for yourself.
Rock Lee | | 88% | TenTen | | 81% | Iruka | | 69% | Naruto | | 69% | Sasuke | | 56% | Neji | | 56% | Genma | | 56% | Kakashi | | 56% | Shikamaru | | 56% | Hinata | | 44% |
Which Naruto ninja are you most like? created with |
Lol I didn't expect this result but yay coz I like Rock Lee, lol looks like one of the Beatles and kicks ass!!!!
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Wednesday, October 5, 2005
Stupid Web Restrictions!
Today I've been looking through Quizilla for a Quiz that will actually work (my friend Scottis is stting next to me getting pissed of at the restritions the school has on the Net! There's millions of them!!!!!!.... Lol yaay he finally got one! yay for him ^^)
Well here's on I found:
What type of tea am I (I've always wanted to know lol yay!)
 Chamomile Tea...
You are Chamomile Tea.
Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and always willing to lend a hand, you take action but not through violence. People listen to you for you have a knack for giving wonderful advice! Many look up to you and you try your best not to let them down. You have many friends steadfast or no who consider themselves lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in the past but you dont let that stand in your way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and try to see the good in people which is an awesome gift!
What type of Tea are you? {-With Anime Pictures!-} brought to you by Quizilla
Well anyway, today's been a pretty
good day, I've actually left my precious Adio Bam's at home and Im wearing little healed shoes! Im a slow walker today, no jumping over walls for me today lol! Well today in Hospitality we were doing an assesment and me group completely screwed it up lol. Oopsy, Im not very good (or patient) with Costing Sheets lol. Im also missing my boyfriend my Pookavitch! I can't wait until I see him... only... 13 more days! yay!!!!!! I cannot wait!
Well Im gonna round of my post with a really random quiz. The first one I see on My Otaku, ever if it is really guff.....

What is Your Japanese Novelty Item?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Lol yay! My japanese item is: a plushie! YAY! Made my day that has! Im a Chamomile Plushie!
 Naruto Uzumaki is Love
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Tuesday, October 4, 2005
Lol what a day!
Lol today me and friend IeyasuTokugawa1 kept fighting in English. Lol I penned his folder so much, lol! I know it sounds imature but it was fun lol!
Lol random huh?
Anyhoo! I am starting to get the impression that my house is haunted, or rather IM haunted.
Freaky things have happened to me and around me atleast 6 times.
Once I was sitting at my computer desk, all the windows and doors was closed and my little brother was asleep on the couch behind me. Suddenly I felt somthing cold running down my hair and over my back. My top was backless so I could feel it, it felt like knuckles, a hand, it was sooo cold. I looked round at my lil brother and asked if he'd pulled my hair or somthing. It didn't seem like it was him as I wo0ke him up by asking him.
It was so weird. That was only the first thing that has happened to me, pens go flying,a Lara Croft figure flew of my shelf onto me, lights go out and my Tv went crazy.

So here's my question for you:
Do you believe in ghosts?
Are they real?
Im starting to think so.
 Hinata Hyuuga is Love
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