moogle claire
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Live at the Apollo!
I think Jack Dee's new live at the Apollo show is brilliant! It's great to see stand up on tv again and Im always up for a laugh on a Monday night lol.
I have never laughed so much - well not since my boyfriend left anyway. But yay it's only 3 days till I see him and it'll be great!
My friend Qula keeps telling me "it's only 78 hours!...It's only 70 hours till you see him again!" Which makes me feel alot better ^^
I totally recommend watching Live at the Apollo on Monday nights at 10-ish! You'll go to bed grinning loL! ^^
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Monday, September 19, 2005
My 1st anime dude

I have decided to put up some of my doodles. I wanted to play around with my favourite anime emothion: embarrassment. This was my very first manga drawing, I did it while watching tv - I got bored and started doodling and this manga man was born. But he still doesn't have a name.
Any ideas?
I'll put more of my recent stuff up soon. ^^

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Friday, September 16, 2005

My friend Attics has had alot of crushes but, I have never seen her drool so much over this man!
I can hear her saying "Omg look at his pecks!!!!!!!" lol
So here's piccy for her Enjoy and wipe the drool when you're done lol (joke)
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He's leaving...
On Sunday my boyfriend - greatest guy in the world is leaving for Uni. This is the time when I'll need all my friends round me - I don't want to cry. So I'll think about when we'll see each other again how great it'll be - like when Tidus and Yuna see each other again in FFX-2. So until then I'll have to just keep thinking of that.
I gotta keep on - keepin' on.
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Guess who's back.....
I decided to take a break from My Otaku site for a little while and concentrate on school.
But hey!! Now the exams are over the skiving can begin again!!!!
Well it's time that this site got back into action! So does anybody have any ideas?
Just let me know.
Toodles ^^

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Sunday, October 10, 2004
My search for the Rainbow Flower...
I have been looking for weeks for a trace of the first anime I saw, Flower Angel or Angel Flower.
I remember the main girl, she was called...Angel I think. She set out to look for a rare flower - The Rainbow Flower, she was helped by a talking dog (Perywinkle - I think he was called) and cat - who where faeries in disguise. She was given a magic flower pin - which bizarrely let her wear what ever outfit she wished for, like a fire proof suit etc.)
And then there was the bad guys, a tall brown haired woman and a short stubby racoon creature in a suit with a bowler hat. There was the usual hero/fellow traveler who Angel frequently went weak-kneed at meeting him. (This anime my sound stupid, but I liked it.)
So if anyone can help?
If anyone knows what anime Im talking about, please let me know? ^^ Thanks.
 You are Carbuncle! Rather than attacking, you help protect party members from taking damage. You're always there when you're needed, and you're a cutie to boot
What Final Fantasy summon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
[Heh yay! Cute] ~Pops lil green/red head out of ground and cheers~
Today's topic:
Can you remember your first anime? What was it?
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