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moogle claire
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A lil distant land called Scotland!
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Hmmm... Since I was about 10!
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Someday I wanna be a famous Illustrator and to be a black belt in karate (make my Dad proud)
I like Doodlin', Reading, Karate (ShotoKan), Messin around! Listening to Rock music , I love spending time with my boyfriend, I love him soooo much! ^^ Oh yeah and planning world domination (lol joke dudes! You can put the knifes down lol.)
Kickin' ass in Karate, and drawing and being the best Clarff there ever was!! Heheh... and how!
| moogle claire
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Friday, February 10, 2006
Moods and Music
Today I've been thinking about moods and how music can change your mood. So here's a post for me to show what music makes me feel angry/sad/etc!
What song makes me happy ~ Let's Get Rocked! ~D.L
What song makes me sad ~ Keep your heart broken ~R
What song makes me wanna shout ~ Crawling ~L.P
What song makes me cry every time ~ Not now! (B182), I miss you (B182), You'll be in my heart (PC) and Where ever you will go (C)
What song makes me hyper ~ Don't stop me now (Q)
What song makes me nostalgic ~ Hysteria and Animal (DL)
What song makes you feel like me can do anything I ever wanted to do ~ Im every woman and It's raining men! (hell yeahaa!!)
What's my favourite song? I have too many of them, probably all of the above and more. It is the curse of the eclectic! lol
Well have a great day and remember to listen to music at least once a day, life is better if it has a sound track to it!
~ claire

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Thursday, February 9, 2006
That Girl
For about two/three months there's been this girl getting on my bus in the mornings before school. At first I did't really take notice of her. But after about a week, I began to kinda recognise her face.
I used to have a best friend named Justine Wilson, me and her used to do EVERYTHING together, we used to dress up, fight, play with our dolls, stay at each others' houses and eat until we were ill.
All the great things you did with your best friend.
But we kinda lost touch when my parents split up and Dad moved house. But I definatly know it's her now. I sat beside her this morning, we kinda gave each other side glances, I think she recognises me too.
I just hope one day I'll have a courage to turn to her and say "Hey it's me!"
So here's today's question?
Have a you ever lost a friend?
Well have a great day!
~ claire

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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
What's wrong?
Hi everybody.
How are you all today?
Im alright, Kinda. I have had an up and down day, I was happy before I got to school but people just kept dragging me down, along woith teachers. Now I just feel like crying. It's been a long day and I failed my exam by 8 marks and to top it all off...
I miss the one thing that makes me happier than I have been in a long while. I miss my Iain, and yes I really DO love him.
I just wish he was here right now, I need a hug to feel safe, like Im wanted, doesn't really feel like Im wanted by anyone here. I feel like I annoy them all and that they just put up with me because Im at the same school.
But if you ask me, "what's wrong?" I won't really know where to start, there's so much going wrong, things that I know will happen but can't stop them and that makes me sad and scared.
Im going now, hope you all had a better day than me.
See you...
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Devil Kings... Wow!!

This week is looking great so far!
I have all week off work which deserves one great big Wo0t! for a start!
So this means I can play as much Devil Kings as I like!
Has anybody played it yet?! It is fricking amazing! I thought Dynasty Warriors was good but this tops it!
I've completed Devil King's story...

Lol I really liked it! Lol I thought uit was funny how he wanted to take over the world lol! But something that surprised me was when Devil Kings health was running low he actually started to show emotion which was weird. He starts talking about his “Lady” meaning Lady Butterfly his wife. Never thought I’d see Devil King care about anyone.

^Venus kicking butt^
Oh yeah and now I've started Venus' story, lol weird start but Im doing great, I've just kicked Puff's butt lol!

Here's some fabby screenshots:

^The Devil Kings^

^Vs. Muri!^
Have a great day!
~ claire
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Monday, February 6, 2006
The Good, The Bad and... My Weekend!
The Good: I spent yesterday with Iain and stay over at his house. It was soo great! It felt like we'd only just started dating again. I loved it! We went walking out in the country, he wanted to show me the hill where he used to play as a kid. It was a really nice view from up there, even through the mist you could see alot.

Oh yeah and I DEVIL KINGS finally came!!! I love it!!!! Wo0t!!!Lady Butterfly rocks!

Even though she has so little health she can still kick butt! Plus she looks cool doing it!
Hey but don't get me wrong Venus is cool too! lol

The Bad: Iain's gone back to Uni, yeah I know, I know i've only just seen him this morning but I miss him sooo much already! I can't wait to see him soon tho!

Oh yeah more of the bad is... At work we have these new card pin number machine, I screwed it up on my first shot! The card was void so I lost money for the Restaurant! What an idiot!!! I felt so bad that I could help but cry! I cried AT WORK!!! The night was going not too bad up until then. I just felt like I'd let everyone down. But we got the money back...But I still feel awful about it.
Well all in all Moogle's weekend wasn't too bad! lol Iain cheered me up alot! Well I'd better skiddadle (im meant to be looking for pictures for my design concept in art lol TSK TSK!? lol yup!
Have a kupotastic day! lol
~ claire

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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Mrs. Love ON THE RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!
Today instead of going to P.E I decided to do som research for Art. I was looking for close ups on flowers and plants.
All was peaceful and quiet...
But a rumble came from outside the computer room.
Lol.... it was Mrs. Love, the P.E teacher and she was NOT happy...eeeeek.
And poor Jellybeansrock and Revadoodle got cause in the fire, she went MENTAL at them!!!
We could almost here every word.
Poor Jelly and Rev cam up to the computers afterwards to tell me that Mrs. Love was looking for me especially!!!

But everythings ok now I went and grabbed the bull by the horns and went to see her and to tell her waht had happened!
It's all over now... Foof.
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Howdy everybody!

How are you all today!?
Im feeling sleepy, I wish I was back in my bed! lol Well it's thrusday again! THE most worse day in my week! It suck ass but hey lol!
Oh yeah! Devil Kings is coming out tomorrow and yesterday Scottis made me two fabby CDs full of Devil Kings and FFIX music - lol courtesy of the schools computer lol hehehehehe!
Just so ya know: I loved it!!!!
Ok so today's random question is....
What's your favourite TV show?!??!
Have a great day and remember...
Viva La Randomness!!!!!

Lolololol! Look at it bouncing up and down! ^^
~ claire

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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
What do you think of my site?
I think I've finished it! Iwant it simple and nice to look at...
Hope you like the graphics!
~ claire
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Morning lil minions!

Hope your all feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed this very cold and slippery morning?
Im feel ok, except from a burnt tougue (hot tea yeeeeeouchie!) Well I have great news!
Iain has decided to come home today! I feel happy and important again yay!
Oh yeah and Im chuft because it's not long till Devil Kings comes out on PS2! It's gonna rock!!!
Ok quick random question:
Who's your favourite warlord/fighter? (deosn't have to be from a game!)
Mine is probably Nina from Tekken and Xia Dun from the Wei tribe in Dynasty Warriors 4!

What's your favourite weapon? (anything you like!)I likes swords and Sniper Rifles!
Anyway! I gotta dash! I have a "Fabby" study period next...wo0t(!)

~ claire
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Sunday, January 29, 2006
Howdy all!
How are you all?
This is moogle claire reporting for duty. Just to let you know I've not fallen off the edge of the earth!
Im feeling alot happier today, I got out all my extra anger on Friday night. I ended up going to the Band Night. I head banged until my neck ached and we got sucked into the mosh pit! It was great! All my anger went straight away!
But, however the next morning.... Ouch! And I had to work!
My neck and legs felt like led! I've got a bruise on the back of my leg but it's not hurting much just now! So yay my first mosh pit! wo0t!
Oh yeah about today... what have I been up to?
Resting! No work, because the Chef is sick! No Chef, no food, no food, no restaurant! lool!
So I've been messing around online, recording funny stuff with Revadoodle on my mp3 player and playing Metal Gear Acid on my PSP (I'll prob post about that later! Im hooked the story line is sooo weird and sooo great!)
Anyhoooo speakin of weird but great I am off to watch the Labyrnth!
Ok and and now for a quick quiz of the day....
 You are Sir Didymus!! A Fearless and valiant
warrior who will fight to the death if you
feel strongly enough about it. Your friends
rate you very highly and so they should
because you are a loyal and wonderful person.
"Which 'Labyrinth' Character are you?" brought to you by Quizilla
Oh yeh!!!!!!!!!!! Sir Didymus!! Get in there cause he rocks!!!
Todays random quote:
"I'll fight anyone anyhow, anywhere!!!" ~ Sir Didymus
Have a great night and stay safe!
~ claire
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