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A lil distant land called Scotland!
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Anime Fan Since
Hmmm... Since I was about 10!
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Someday I wanna be a famous Illustrator and to be a black belt in karate (make my Dad proud)
I like Doodlin', Reading, Karate (ShotoKan), Messin around! Listening to Rock music , I love spending time with my boyfriend, I love him soooo much! ^^ Oh yeah and planning world domination (lol joke dudes! You can put the knifes down lol.)
Kickin' ass in Karate, and drawing and being the best Clarff there ever was!! Heheh... and how!
| moogle claire
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Friday, January 27, 2006
Not good Not bad...
Today is my third bad day in a row, it's not anything that has happened, it's just my mood. It's dark and sad.
I really don't feel like myself.
Im in a very odd mood, very low, but it changes very quickly to kinda happy. I think it's because Im with my friends just now. They all make me happy.
I have some things to be happy about, I got £190 bonus today, so Im not longer skint.
It's a week today till Devil Kings comes out (Scottis just told me so)
I don't have to work tonight so that's a plus.
But the bad out ways the good in this little tale.
My boyfriend can't come home next week, which isn't good. When he told me I didn't really know what to say. I just settled for an "Okay..." I didn't want to make him feel bad. Buy anyway I've cried it out (doesn't seem to have worked though) and now I've got to get on with my school work. There's nothing left for me to do other than work...
A tip from me:
Expect the worst.
Set your hopes low.
Then you'll never be disapointed...
Have a nice day.
~ claire
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
"Let's go to work!" (Angel fans will know where I got this from lol)
In about 30 mins I'll be working GAH! I don't wanna go! Please send help and cookies! lol
Nah it's hopfully not gonna be that bad...
It's Thrusday today, worst flaming day in the week, it's a full day, no computer time (except now) and work till who knows what hour! But hey! Im a strong girl, so that's why Im gonna go work my ass off and get paid for it! Yeeeehaaa!
Well I do need the money to go out tomorrow, me and Blue Muffin and a few others (not sure who yet) are gonna go to a band night tomorrow, rock music and drinking... now that'll be a great night out! lol
Oh yeah me and Blue Muffin are gonna try to mosh lol!
It'll be class!
If you don't know what that is look it up... you poor poor being lol!
Ok today's random quiz plucked from MyOtaku itself (due to crappy school restictions lol)

What Naruto Guy is For You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Ooooooh Sasuke ^^ Yum... I mean yay lol! (joke!!!)
Ok and today's random quote...
"Don't make promises you can't keep..." D.L
Well I'd better skidaddle I've got about 15 mins to run to work lol! Eeeep!
(Lol oh yeah through the window in this classroom I can see an Air Blimp lol, for Tescos lol!!! Soz but it made me laugh!)
~ claire
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Moogle Vs. Teacher!

Today Im in quite a firey mood, don't worry it's a good thing, Im loving it so far.
Anyway in my hospitality class we were making Curry (Lol with goat lol) with Chicken and Naan Bread. Me and Jellybeansrock were messing around as usual and getting slow more and more pissed off with the Teacher's comments! GAH!
So... as time passed in the period the sauce in my curry gradualy dried up... I wasn't too bothered because I now do NOT eat Chicken (cause of the whole bird flu thing) and I was having to much fun throwing Sesame Seeds all over my Naan bread lol! (Wuh!) So eventually me and Jellybean decided to sling the whole lot of Curry in the bin. This is when the first round between me and Mrs. Towers started (a.k.a bitch face lol)
She started yelling at me so, unlike me I deicided to try to stay calm and just nod and let it pass. But then somthing inside me snapped and I went all out yelling back at her answering her back to hell! YAH!
So she called me and Jelly up to her desk (by this time I had cooled it lol) and then decided to apoligies, lol now THAT stumped her. lol
Well back top working on my site and to check out what you're all up to!

~ claire *kupo*

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Any Thin Lizzy Fans Out There? Or are you Just Too Young To Remember Him?!
A song I can't outta my head....
"Guess who just got back today?
Those wild-eyed boys that had been away
Haven’t changed, haven’t much to say
But man, I still think those cats are great
They were asking if you were around
How you was, where you could be found
I told them you were living downtown
Driving all the old men crazy
The boys are back in town
You know the chick that used to dance a lot
Every night she’d be on the floor shaking what she’d got
Man when I tell you she was cool, she was red hot
I mean she was steaming
That night over at johnny’s place
Well this chick got up and she slapped johnny’s face
Man we just fell about the place
If that chick don’t want to know, forget her
Friday night they’ll be dressed to kill
Down at dino’s bar and grill
The drink will flow and blood will spill
If the boys want to fight, you’d better let them
That jukebox in the corner blasting out my favorite song
The nights are getting warmer, it won’t be long
It won’t be long till summer comes
Now that the boys are here again
The boys are back in town!"

Have a fabby day!
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
I am a Baka (Idiot)

Today in english we were reading this play "Educating Rita" and I was chosen to play Rita.....Great(!)
When I was chosen I could feel my heart pounding in my chest because it's been almost a year since I have read out lines, since I dropped Drama this year. Well in my attempt to get it over and done with in the quickest time possibleI was reading very fast, not really looking at the words. There was this one line where the character was talking about the Gangster "Al Capone" and instead of that I said "Al Patchino!"
What a baka!!!!!! Gah!
So now I have earned myself a new catch phrase lol.
So to cheer myself up and to help me forget about it, when I got home I watched Naruto.
I watched my favourite match in the 3rd exam...


I thought it was an ace match the way the writers drag out the tension while you're screaming "I wanna know who wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Lol so yay I am happy Naruto won! I bet one day he WILL become Hokage! I believe in him!
I also liked learning more about lil Neji and how his Father died just to be free. That was so sad... Poor Neji.

I've just finished seeing Temari "win" her match

So now I can't wait to watch more! I wanna know what happens with Hinata!!
Ok now for todays random screenshot....

Aww yay the Black Mages... well no not yay cause they're evil in this picture... so run!!!!
Random quote:
"To be forgotten is a fate worse than death..." ~Freya
Well that's enough rambling from me! Im off to visit your sites and see what you've been up to!
Viva la randomness!
~ claire
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Monday, January 23, 2006
My Weekend, Dynasty Warriors , Creep and My Lil Site...
Hiya everybody!
How are you all, hope you had a good weekend?!?
I spent mine with Iain... yup the dude is back... well was back! It was soooo great to see him again. I met him in the park after school and it was raining so hard but we just stood there hugging each other. It was great!! That's the good part about him living far away, the meeting each other for the first time in age part. But each time it's getting harder to say "Goodbye" to him!
So anyway we spent most of the weekend messing around and watching Naruto... Lol I've got alot of catching up to do with Iain on that! He's seen like 100 more episodes than me! Im also trying to learn all the names of the characters... there are loads of them!!!
Oh yeah and we also carried on with our Two Player addiction with Dynasty Warriors 4! Hell Yeah! lol (thank you Scottis!)

This is my favourite Warrior Xiahou Dun from the Wei Army! He's sooo cool!
Anybody ever seen the film CREEP?
Hmmm let me think one word to describe it?
CRAP! lol! Just some randomer killing people and a woman in a skanky dress lol! But thank you Attics for lending it to me, it was kinda freaky but soooo blooming pointless!
Ok and now for news on my lil site!
Im still working on it, trying to make blogs etc and trying to find/make a background that does me justice! So tonihg t Im gonna fiddle with it and see what I get!
Ok so now for the random screenshot of the day...

Awwww memories... I miss FFIX I wish I hadn't completed it! I love Vivi ^^
Ok and today's totally random quote:
"Who died and made you Cao Cao!??!?"
(Me to Scottis lol)
Night night everybody!

(Random note here: because of the whole Bird Flu thing that's spreading I've decided to not eat anymore Chicken etc... So I am a Chickatarian!)lol told you it was random!
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Friday, January 20, 2006

Ok here's my explanation for that lil outburst there, I can do that in three words...
Iain's coming Home!!!! wo0t!!!!!
Im really excited about seeing him. I've flaming well missed the lil chappy lol!
Well last night was my first night working this year and was KAY NAKARD! lol
Oh yeah next Thursday Im doing Kick Boxing for PE and Im sooo excited about it! I've ALWAYS wanted to try it and me being a Purple Belt I think I would be good at it!
So here I am sitting in Hosp. Study and we've just been verbally attaked by NEDS a.k.a The traveling zoo.
Lil pricks!
Well the bell has just gone so I gotta fly!
See ya and have a nice weekend!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Happy Wednesday Everybody!!!!

Welcome to my site between sites! Lol!
Im still working on readecorating my site Im trying to mess around with different colours and themes to see what I get. So if you hear some weird music or see some odd looking background them you'll understand!
Ok that's the heads up done...
How are you all today?
Hows Wednesday treating you?
Im great today and a lil nervous about my last prelim exam tomorrow! Eeek!!!

But yay it's only two days till I get to see Iain again! I miss him soooooooo much!!!!!!!

Im also kinda bummed because tonight I would be going to see HIM in Glasgow, but poor Linde broke his wrist :(
Well today Im heading out after school to take loads of photos for my Advanced Higher Art & Design class. Taking pictures of lil pots and wheel barrows lol fun fun fun! lol
Ok I feel like starting a new thing on my site today....
I have the random quiz but now it's time for the RANDOM screen shot!! YAY! w0ot!
Today's is.....

Run Cloud Run!!!! Lol told ya it was gonna be random. I like this piccy because it takes me back to the early days of playing Final Fantasy VII... Ah memories.
Ok enough of these shinanigans! lol
Have a great day!
~ claire
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Yay!!! One prelim down... to go!!!!
Today in english we had an English prelim, close reading...GAH!
So that means I have tonight revision free!!!
Yaaay! I have no idea what Im gonna do...
I think Im gonna read the rest of "The Magicians Nephew" by C.S Lewis and then Im gonna watch Buffy and drool over Spike!!
Well just now Im sitting here worrying if one of my good friends hates me and I've just finished watching Scottis's PSM Demo disk and I sooooo wanna buy the three new games I saw.
They are:
Magna Carta

Final Fantasy XII!!!

(If you LOVE Dynasty Warriors like me you MUST BY IT!!!!)
Well I'd better go, lol!
Lol two of my friends are gonna slaughter each other lol!!! Danni vs. Scottis!
Have a great day!
~ claire

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Monday, January 16, 2006
Im not going...
Ok for all of you who didn't get what I was talking about yesterday, I was meant I was going to my Dad's grave, to put flowers there.

I got the feeling that most of you didn't quite get it.
But I've decided not to go today...
I am going to revise for my English Prelim for tomorrow.
I need to practise writing essays on the book "To kIll A Mockingbird" By Harper Lee.
Well I gotta go, I need to find some good Thia dishes for my Hospitality class.
Have a nice day...
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