moogle claire
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
This is hell of a boring day!
How are you all today?

Iam feeling weird today, I have no enerygy today, I don't want to sleep and I don't want to read much (even tho I was totally hooked on the first book in Chronicles of Narnia! What's up with me lol?!) I even turned down the chance of watching Naruto... Ok I MUST be ill! lol
Claire Lynn Campbell turn down Anime?!??!?!?!? WTF? lol
I think I know what the cause is. Im missing Iain!
I supposed to be seeing him on Friday but I can't wait that long, I just need a hug! I wanna kiss him and hold him sooo badly!
During my restless day today I've been doing alot of think among piles of home work and illustrations.
I've decided to do somthing I've been too scared to do for a few years. Im going to visit him, take some flowers to where he is (I don't want to spell it out, I'll just get upset, but you get the picture, right?)
I think Im just gonna stand there and talk, it's been almost 6 years and I have only been there once. I feel that if I talk to him, there, I'll feel better?
Anyway, I hope you all had a good weekend, I think Im going to go and listen to some music.
See you all later.
(Random quiz I did earlier)
 you are very pure of heart and a beaitful person (as long as you told the truth on this quiz)
what kind of person are you?nices pics brought to you by Quizilla

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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Random post.
Morning everybody!
I hope you all had a good Friday the 13th or "Black Friday".
Mine wasn't too bad.

I got to see the end of Resident Evil 4, without even needing to pluck up my courage to play it lol.
My lil bro bought it with his Christmas money, he played it and got scared so my StepDad he decided to give it a bash. He is pretty good at these kinda games. But he still jumps when there's a surprise attack in the game or somthing like that (lol so do I)
So anyway, he's been playing it nearly every night for about a week and last night he got to the last Big Bad. It was this HUGE spidery thing and you had to shoot all it's eyes and then jump on it's head and cut it (without getting thrown off.) Well after about 10mins this woman

yells to Leon (the main character) and slings him a Rocket Launch.... Nice.
Very Nice. lol
She runs off and BOOM goes spidey! I liked the ending, it definately went down with a bang! Leon and the girl he was saving hopped onto a Jet Ski and got "The hell outta here!!" Then the Island went boom!
After the game ended the first thing I said was..."I want a jet ski!!!"
It's game I's just wanna watch but not play myself, Im too chicken lol ^^
The one thing I noticed about the game is that the graphics are so seemless, and look great!
Plus the new undead are mega freaky, she scream and shout!

But the worst part about it was, Ashely ( the girl Leon was trying to save) kept blooming well yelling "HELLLLP MEEEE LEEEEOOOON!" But now I think about it I would be yelling if I was about to be chewed my a zombie!
Well enough o my rambles!
Have a great day everybody!
~ claire
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Friday, January 13, 2006
Friday the 13th
Today is Friday the 13th oooooooh!
*Thunder claps and the lights go out...*
Lol, but hey today's been an okay day! The day seems t have slowed down, oh yeah and I got paid today so I have a lil money to spend (hee hee hee I bought some yummy cashew nuts and a lovely smoothie!)
I thinking Im not having bad luck today because Im wearing my new Rose Quartz bracelet that I got for Christmas from my Mum.
Aparently it's meant to:
Make you happier (yup I have been every time I've worn it)
Make you calm (yup that too)
Oh yeah and for all those Naruto fans out there....
It releases Heart Chakra! Cool!

Lol oh yeah randon thing here, my Tutor teacher thinks I should go for a Carreer as an actress because Im "beatiful (HA YEAH RIGHT!) and because I got a B in Drama. No thank you! I wanna be an Illustrator and that's that!
So has anything bad or unusual happened to you today?
~ claire
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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Last night was the last two episodes of Lost Season One.
Blooming heck, it was AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don't wanna spoil it for my friend Stace Y (she didn't watch it TSK!!!)
But I LOVE channel 4 for showing the next series in Spring!
Before I go:
I can't believe Walt got snatched.
How can Jin speak english!??!?!??!?
Who are the Others!??!?!?!??!?
Sorry this is gonna have to be a really quick post (mum's being somthing I can't spell lol)
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
What sh*t day and it's not even 1st period yet!
Morning all!
Im surprisingly happy today, but so far this day has been the worst I've had in a while.
This morning I couldn't find my purse - me thinks my room has eaten it and is keeping the change. Lol!
That dagnabit (lol love that word) purse had all my lunch money in it so Im now surviving on 50p! Lol!
Oh yeah and at the bus stop I dropped my phone!!!! Eeeeep! Lol and now it has two lil dents in it. Lol!
But I still don't get why Im soooo cheery today!
Me thinks Iam weird!
Well I might post later on today and let ya all know how my day goes but if I don't then....
Have a great day! ^^
~ claire
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
What A Weird Day.

Today Im feeling weird.
I miss Iain and Im trying so hard not to get paranoid now he's gone back to Uni. Im worried Im gonna lose him but Im gonna stop thinking like that.
Well it's the 4th days back at school and it feel like forever!
Only 4 more months of this place to go.. wow... it really has gone fast.
So how is everybody today?
This is just a random post used for me to rant about how much I wanna go home and watch some more Naruto and Buffy (Im totally hooked on Buffy now - Spike is so cool and looks great!!)

Aww I miss the days when Buffy was on...
But hey I still got Naruto so yay!!!
Ok here's a random quiz...

What Magical Girl Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Hey cool! ^^ Looks kinda like Sailor Moon...
Well Im gonna make some changes to the site and then go site seeing around the Otaku!
Have a a great day everybody!
~ claire
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Friday, January 6, 2006
Happy New Year - Happy New Years Resolution...
Ok new year - time for new year's resolutions.
Up until yesterday I didn't think I'd need any and hadn't even thought of making any.
But yesterday I finally got so fed up of people ignoring me and not listening to me that I decided to make myself a promise...
To make people listen to what I have to say.
Why do people ask questions when they don't want to hear the answer??
Ok so from now on
I WILL speak up and make myself be heard!!!
And I WON'T waste my time and breath on people who don't listen.
I know I never swear on this site but I feel this would be an ok time to do so...
... Fuck them!
Because EVERONE deserves to be heard, nobody's opinion is unimportant. Don't let ANYBODY let you think that you are not important - like I have been made to feel. Your opinions matter!!
Yup, well this post was just to get this off my chest, and I am going to stick to it!!!!
Too long have I been ignore and now it's time for people to listen.
Ok... so with that over
So has anyone else made any resolutions?

(13 DAYS TILL I GO AND SEE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!)

Oh yeah NEWS:
Aparently Tarja has been chucked out of Nightwish, is this true?!?!?!?
Well Im looking at the site and....
Yup it IS true. :(
Have a great day!!!
~claire *kupo*
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Im all better now! (yay!

Today Im feeling alot better, sorry I havn't been here for a while, I just havn't had the energy. -_-;
So, have you all had a good Christmas??
Hope you all got what you wanted!?
I got my MP3 player atlast! It's so cool and tiny and holds up to 300 songs! I also got the Rasmus's album Hide From The Sun - blooming ace it is!!!

I also got to give Iain his xmas present... a skateboard! He loved it! So yay!
Oh yeah! I also got to meet his sister... eeek I was sooo scared but she wasn't that bad. No evil looks, or anything.
So it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. *phew*
But he was there to make me feel safe!

Well I have lots of DVD's to watch so Im off to start on my box of Malteasers *licks lips* and then Im trasforming into cat burgler mode and liberate the PS2 from the enemy lol!
Stay safe!
~ claire
CHOW *zips off*

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Thursday, December 22, 2005
I'm all Ill and Achy T-T
I think I might be getting the Flu again. Im aching all over, my skin is so sensitive and I feel like Im going to break.
I really hope Im not sick over Christmas.
But still even throught all the yeeeeouchieness Im still happy.

Iain is home and Christmas is coming! All that is missing is my Dad...

Anyway... (sorry about aht I just really miss him around these times of year.) I think I just need a hug.
But life goes on and I have some pictures here for you, Blue Muffin, fabby friend Stace Y sent me them...

You can spot me a mile off! But just incase you didn't Im the one at the end left.

Me and Stace Y!
Lol don't kill me for puttin the picks up! You all looked fab!!!!
Well enough of this tomfoolery!
Im off to my bed!

Im sleepeeeeee....zzzzzzzZ.
Night night everybody!
And if I don't post before....
Have A Merry Christmas and a Happy 2006!!
~ claire *hugs*
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Wednesday, December 21, 2005
*~*~*~*The Last Day of School*~*~*~*
The Last Day of school '05!
Today has been a complete skive!!!! (a.k.a easy - for thoughs of you who don't know what that means!)
To all my friends...
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas, I will miss you all alot. Be sure to keep in touch and let me know how you're all getting on!
I'll really miss you all!
Ok, ok no getting all emotional...
I just wanted to say to
Rev, Polly, Scottis, Danni, Stace Y, Laura, Creag and everybody at My Otaku...
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from a Moogle!!

~ claire
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