moogle claire
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Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Merry Christmas from a Moogle!

Here's one of many pictures of our Xmas dance (im the one in the silvery/black dress... the blonde girl lol)Hope ya like!
Well it's not long till Christmas and I hope you're all feeling well!

How are you all today?
Hope you're in the Christmas spirit!
I am totally am! Iain is home for the holidays and life is GREAT!
I feel whole again!
So this is just a quick post to say Merry Christmas and I hope you have a fabby new year!
Im off! I gotta finish my english essay likety split!
Have a great day!!

~claire *hugs*

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Friday, December 16, 2005
Get ready for the annual event: Rev and Clarff's Christmas Song!!!! (wo0t!)
Clarff & Rev's 12 Days Of Christmas
"Clarff and Rev's 12 Days of Christmas"
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me, A great big Bag O Shite! (lol)
On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Two Singin' Steves!
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Three Fluffy Triggs!
On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Four Steppin' Chickens!
On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, FIVE AREEBA-CHEEEEEEEES!!!
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Six Stags A Dancin'!
On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Joe's Buggies!
On the Eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Eight Phoebie's Fooooofin'!
On the ninth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Nine Rev's A Laughin'!
On the tenth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Ten Clarff's A Choppin'!
On the elevnth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Eleven Pidges Bobbin'!
On the twelth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, Twelve Peeds A Peedin'!!!!! (ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww run to the hill, run for your life!!!!
Yeah thank you thank you very much! *Rev and Clarff bows*
Dedicated to the whistling Mrs Adair, for giving us the idea through her whistle - lol!
Thank you and Merry Christmas one and all!
~Claire & Rev
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The Christmas Dance...

... was BRILLIANT!!!!
For weeks and weeks everybody at my school has been going crazy about this one night. One night where the guys have to wear Kilts...Those of you with faint hearts looks away NOW!

And us girls get to buy a lovely dress and show it of as you dance round that hall. At these nights, you see a different side to people, people are alot happier and you get to see how they look when they let their hair down and relax a little.
Well me, Danni (Jellybeansrock)and Rev (Revadoodle)all went to Stace Y's House (Blue Muffin). There, we got changed into our dresses...

....Here's a pic of mine if you missed it before!
I had my newly dyed blonde and black hair curled by Stace Y. It was lovely! Thank you El Staceo!!! *hugs*
When we finally got to the dance we had our picture taken infront of the Christmas Tree. I might post some of the pictures when we get them back, so stay tuned lol.
Anyway I think I did my good deed for the year by letting my friend (Im sure she'll appreaciate me leaving out her name *ahem* lol)
dance with the guy she TOTALLY likes. Lol you are very welcome my dear!
Well, now it's the morning after the night before and everybody is going on about what happened. Lol and all I can say now is....
I want my bed *yawns and curls up*
Have a great day everybody!
Not long till Christmas (gimmie and yay!!!)
~ claire
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Wednesday, December 14, 2005
If I'd known you were coming I would have baked a cake... lol

Today I am feeling VERY Christmassy! ONLY 10 DAYS TO GO! Yayeeeeeee!
Well about the cake, today in Hospitality we were decorating cakes we baked on Monday.
We had to roll out white icing onto our cakes. Then we got to be creative and make lil figures to go ontop - I really wanted to make a lil naruto but there wasn't any blue or enough orange or time for that matter so I decided to make a fairy, a snowman and a lil baby Jesus. *awwwww*
Well just now Im downloading FF MP3s onto the brand spankin' new XP system.
I know lol TSK TSK, shame on claire, but meh! lol
I've just downloaded Hikari (KH) and it sounds amazing I really really LOVE that game! I kinda wish I hadn't finished it...
Anyway have a great day and I'll see yall later!
Merry Christmas EverOtaku!!!
~ claire *kupo*
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Yay!!! Im no longer 100% blonde!!!
Today I got my hair dyed black underneath and blonde on top! It looks class I love it!
Everybody I met on the way home really liked it and wanted to touch it. I still can't believe I have actually done it.
I think it shows the two sides of me...
Blonde: Hyperness! Yay, me!
Black: Dark. Sadistic. Got to hell, me.
We all have sides to ourselves so I have decided to show mine through colour, just like an artist should!
Well well well, looks like I have time for a lil randon quiz, lemmie see....
 You represent... happiness.
Boy, are you full of cheer or what...? You have a sunny disposition and enjoy trying to spread your happiness. You have a tendency to be a little hyper, but you have the ability to make your own fun no matter what.
What feeling do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
Yeah that sounds about right! I love to laugh! ^^
I wanted a quiz that everybody could take so... Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Have a great day my lil Otakus!

See ya all later *kupo*
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Im back baby!
Well... what a week I have had.
I have been workinf my lil butt off to buy Christmas presents for my friends and family!
I meant to update a couple of days ago but I have been so tired and way too busy watching more Naruto! Lemmie hear you say: "Hell yeah!!!" lol
I wish I could perform some of their Chakra moves on some of the buttmunch customers we've had in the restaurant this week. On Friday we were fully booked OVER 60 people eathing and drinking - loudly may I add!!
I made this guy a Coffee and asked if he wanted and sugar...
He decided to be funny and say.
"Naw doll yer' sweet enuf!!"
YUCK! That is all I have to say.
That wasn't the worst! Im not going to mention what the other Old Letch said because this is a clean anime loving site. But I told the guy I was a purple belt in Karate. He blinked and left me alone! Yay for me! HA!!! for him!
Soooo hows everybody today?
Christmas is getting closer, only 12 day to go! Im not too worried Im about done with my shopping just a few more thingys to get and Bob is my Uncle! Lol
Plus the Christmas dance is coming up - it's on Thursday! So tomorrow i've decided to dye my hair black and blonde, I wanna have a change so... hope it looks good.
Oh yeah this is my lil dress for the dance lemmie know what you think huh?

Aparently it's called "Spooky Liner Dress" Lol reminds me of The Corpse Bride Dress.
Well Im off to bed because I am starting to feel sleepeeeeee. Lol I'll probably end up playing FFX-2 as usual! Lol Im getting really far in it now! Yay!!!
Well night night yall!

~claire *kupo*

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Friday, December 9, 2005
Foof... Im sleepy.

Yay it's FINALLY friday!!!! Yay! Not that it really makes a difference... Im working tonight, Saturday and Sunday...GAH!!!!!
I miss all my free time! I just want money for doing nowt! I know I know I know... Im lazy and guess what?
Lol I know it!!!
Well today's a pretty easy day, no major "eeeeeeek" classes (a.k.a no English today yay!!!)

So when I get home Im gonna watch more Naruto I still don't know who wins (please don't tell me!)
Random quiz (or a random as this crappy school restricted computer will allow - Damn those Powers that Be!! lol)

What Legendary Magic Knight Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Cool... lol but Im not little!
Well now Im off to watch some cool FF videos from:
(check it out - it rocks!!!!)
Have a kupotastic day lol!
~ claire
P.s ...why does nobody listen to me? T-T
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Lightning Speeeeed Post here!
Lol I got a busy busy day today!!
Lost is on tonight - yay!
Working tonight - boo!
Money for that - yay!
Going to see harry potter (again) in school time - mega yay!
(TSK TSK!!!)
~claire have a great day!
Im still all shocked at Neji beathing Hinatatt! SOOO NOT FAIR!!!!!!!
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Tuesday, December 6, 2005
Mass Hysteria Deletion At Clarff's School! lol

Our school has finally decided to spend some money on new equipment, so all the computers are gonna be installed with Windows XP...
Woweee *rolls eyes* I've had that on my computer for over 2 years! Great going lol!
Well... atleast they're trying?
When we all got told that if your personal files amounts to over the allowed KB, ALL your documents will be wiped.
Yup... so i had to say ta ta to my precious Final Fantasy and Naruto pictures and my music! No worries I've got them all at home lol! I can just bring them back once the instalation has been done lol!
So yup! It was mass hysteria as everybody was trying to grab a computer just to delete their *cough* hidden games *cough*
and so would not get caught lol!
Anyhow! Im now just having a lil mosey around MyOtaku and Im listening to this brilliant song called Sunscreen - Baz Luhrmann I suggest you all should listen to it. It's not really a song but it has alot of good points about life and makes you think.
Oh yeah random quiz before I go...
 You're a Moogle! Sweet ass! Moogles are great summons, and they are good friends. Kupo! KUPO!!!
Are you a moogle or a moomba? brought to you by Quizilla
Yay I really am a moogle I mean *kupo* lol
Well Im off to watch more Naruto! I wanna know who wins...
*Gets out pom poms and forehead protector*
Im all set!
Yay go Naruto!!!!! Wo0t!
~ claire

Have a great day and *kupo*
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
Clarff's Weekend - Ace!!!!!
The reason for my absence is that I was....

I loved being with him again! It was great! When I got off the train we huged for ages.
At his house we watched loads of Naruto episodes and today we completed an old Ninja Turtles SEGA game, lol nothing like the class games of today! We beat the last boss 30mins into the game lol! Yeahhhhha we rock!

Ph yeah! I gotta post about this because I am TOTALY SHOCKED!
I was watching the Fourth Exam in Naruto the one where everbody who survived the Third Exam is pitched against another student to fight.
I was watching Ino vs. Sakura.....
Not happy at all! Ino and Sakura were BOTH O.K'd meaning their BOTH outta the running!!! I was not happy about that one bit! I becoming a Sakura fan less and less! I would still kinda like her if Ino had managed to kick her ass - but nope!
Anyway! Neji vs. Hinata! Wow!!! I love Hinata, she's totaly my favourite female character now! She's just soooo cute and soooo cool! If the teachers hadn't jumped in I bet she could have beaten Neji. But.... I must say, Neji... very impressive but I didn't know he could be soo mean! I really like the close combat the two were using, instead of the usual Shadow and Replication Techiques.

I hope she's gonna be ok (I've only seen up to the part where Naruto gets his new teacher - the crap "pervy" guy)
Oh yeah and when Naruto finally noticed Hinata when she gave the ointment I was yaying sooooo loud I had to play it twice!
Gaara vs. Rock Lee.

Holly Mother of Naruto! That was one amzing fight! Rock Lee sooooooooo should have won! The fact the he actually hurt Gaara when nobody else ever has is an achievement in itself! I loved the part where Guy Sensai told him to take off his leg weights lol, they look tiny but when Rock Lee dropped them and they went crash I thought that was both funny and really coool! Gaara's sand coffin attack is impressive - good thing it didn't kill Rock Lee! I think it's really sad that he can't fight again - his arm and leg was crushed - but aparently he might get better so I can't wait to see that! He's ace!
Well this post is getting really long so I'd better wrap it up....
With a quiz!!!!
Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Hey... cool! But she did kick TenTens outta the exam! (lol as you can tell most of my favourites went out lol)
Well anyway have a great night, see you all later!
~ claire

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