moogle claire
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Are you Lost? lol

How are you today?

Today is the day before I go of to see Iain! Yay!!! I cannot wait! I havn't seen him in almost a month! It's been driving me crazy lol!!! But now it feels like Christmas and I can't wait for the morning!

So today Im gonna get ready and then go to work, which isn't much because Im a light traveler and I really like my work! I know I know not many people say that. It's not like I wanna quit on my dream of being an Illustrator - no way!! This job will do for just now. I mean the money is great, I get alot of tips and I get pizza and to taste the Chef's new mixtures!
Anyway about work last night: I was the only waitress in and there was like 4 tables in a once, my Boss was a little worried that I couldn't handle them all myself - but I showed them! - aparently I did a brilliant job and I got the tips to prove it! lol
Anyway it was like 9:50pm when I started to worry that I wouldn't get home in time to see Lost - it's a show about a plane crash and follows the stranded on a very mysterious island.

It's one of the best things on normal Brit TV these days (since Buffy and Angel finished T_T) - shame Toonami isn't that good anymore! Anyway I worked hard and made it home just in time *fooof!!* ^-^ This weeks episode was about Hurley's life before the plane crash and how some werid random (yay lol) numbers seemed to give him alot of bad luck. It was one of the best episodes there has been so far and I can't wait fo next week. I have some ideas what the numbers might mean but Im not too sure if Im even close.
Does anybody else watch Lost?
What's your take on Hurley and Ruso's numbers?
Which Lost Character am I...?
 You are Locke. A mystery within a mystery. You're a fountain of backgammon trivia and an expert with knives. You might like pina coladas and definitely like getting caught in the rain. You prefer keeping to yourself mostly, but you'll tell your secrets to the right person. Are you evil? Your accompanying soundtrack sure is sinister.
Which Lost Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Yay!! I love Locke! He is so cool and funny. Plus I like his "im a good guy really smile" He seems to know everything and is hiding alot. But he soooo cool!
Anyway! Enough of the usual rambling...
Have a great day and remember....
Keep on, keeping on!
~ claire
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Clarff's Download Day!!!
Today Im doing major downloading!
Im downloading the new MSN messenger, The New WinAmp plus loads of cool skins, Desktop Themes, Screensavers and Anime Videos!
This'll probably result in my computer blowing sky high lol! Lets hope not huh? lol
Well right now Im enjoying my first lazy day of the Holidays.
Me and my lil bro are listening to (and singing along to) Def Leppard on Kerang! Lol loving their hair cuts lol!
I've got a random quiz for all thr guys on MyOtaku! All my quizzes seem to be just for girl so I'll choose one just for the guys...

Who's Your Dream Naruto Girl?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
I think Sakura can beyg somtimes, like when Sasuke was injured in the scrolls exam all she did was sit and say "Sasuke-San?!?!?!"
But she does have some cool powers snd I love her rivalry with Ino (she rocks!)
Lol well anyway, have a great day! *kupo*
~ claire
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
A Random Quiz...
Sin City: A great film!
~claire ^0^
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Guess what this silly moogles been up to?! lol ^-^
Lol on Saturday I got locked outta my site! Lol oopsie! I changed my password and it didn't work!
Anyway to cut it short - Im back! Yay!
Ok catching up time...
If I wasn't silly enough to have gotten locked out I would have posted about how BRILLIANY the new HP film was: Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire!

I don't wanna spoil the plot for everybody who hasn't seen the film or read the book (tsk tsk lol) but it was really really good! Mad Eye Moody was played excellently!! He looked great with his magical eye! The scene when Harry is trying to to get the golden egg from the Hungarian Horntail was excellent! The Dragon looked soooo real! Even though they changed thee scene and made it longed and more dramatic - it was amazing! Freaky but amazing!

But I have to admit I did have admit my eyes did water when Diggory died - and when his ghost asked Harry to take his body back to his father. It was such a shame.
Some people have been saying that Voldemort just wasn't evil enough. I think he was perfect, not too evil but evil enough. Some actors could have totally over played the part - ruining it. The way he looked - snake like was really well done, he didn't look the usually evil vilain which was ace!

So there's only one other way I can describe how good the film was and that's probably infringing on many many copywrite laws but here goes...
In the words of Ron Weasley:
Lol so sue me!

Anyhow I'll post more later - after a "tantalising" *rolls eyes* Study Period, R.E and Double English (great!)
Anyway have a great day everybody -don't work too hard!
~claire ^0^
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Friday, November 25, 2005
Clarff's Weather Report!!!!
IT IS SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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And relax..... *sigh* ^^
Today is the best day of the week: Friday.
Im not working I only have two classes and tonight me and my friends are gonna see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
I LOVED the book so Im hoping Im gonna love the film too!
Has anybody seen it yet?
Oh yeah so anyhow, about my fan art - tommorow Im gonna try and link my scanner up to my god awful PC and post some of them up!
So check back for that.
Expect loads of random posts - Im all hyper and happy that in a week I'll be on a train to see Iain! Yay! But the only bad thing is: I have tell my Boss I can't work Friday, Saturday and Sunday - their gonna kill me... eeeep. So wish me luck, I'll need it!
Anyway Im gonna go for a little wander around MyOtaku to see how everybodies doing!
Oh oh!!! Random quiz.... (almost forgot!)

What is Your Ideal Anime Weapon?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
wo0t I love magic and Sailor Moon! Yay!
In the words of The Great Albus Dumbledore I'll say...
"Nitwit, Blubber, Oddment, Tweak."
and see ya all later!
~ claire
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Reeeally Quick Post!
Today is one heck of a busy day!
I have a full period day.
Double Art
Double PE (sucks to the maximum!!!)
Double English.
Then I gotta work!
But hey it's money!
Im saving up to buy my friends family and the love of my life xmas prezzies! And so I can go see Iain - I miss him sooooo much! I can't take it!!!
Anyway I've been so busy that I haven't been able to go to karate in ages or even play FFX-2! I am sooooooo gonna get 100%!!!
Well anyway this might be my last post today. The stress will probably slay me into oblivion!
So have a great day Dude and Dudettes!!!

What Anime Medium Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Oh yeah!!
Randomness quiz time! Lol!
Yay! ^^
~claire *kupo*
"Viva La Randomness!"
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Stuff I like (contains clarff's ramblings....)
I like the way it smells on a hot day just after the rain.
I like the way the guys on the Watzers at the fare can put you round and around and still stay standing.
I like eggs (lol Jellybeansrock)
I like the way bus drivers wave to each other on their routes.
I like to laugh so hard that you can't help but cry.
I LOVE it when Iain holds me, I like feeling safe.
I love how love can make you feel.
I like how times stops when we're together.
I like the way you have to slirp when your eating noodles or soup.
I like the way my hair crackles when it goes static.
I like the curls of steam that swirl and dance in the air above a hot cup of tea.
I like how my friends are there for me, not always knowing what to say but still being there for me.
I like hugs.
But as you can see: I love to ramble!
~ claire
Have a great day!
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Yaaaaay! I got my ear pierced - again! lol
My good friend Thackery heard me going on about how I wanted my left ear pierced (for the 3rd time) he turned to me and said he'd let me get my ear pierced as his Xmas present to me!
Sp here I am! I've now got an ear with two studs and one with three! Yay! I've always wanted it and not all that's left is to get my tatoo yay! (But I gotta wait till Im 18 - By the ORDERS of The Powers That Be!!!! A.k.a My mum!) lol
Oh yeah! Now I got time to do my random quiz! Yaaaaaaaay!!! ^^

Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Lol aparently Yuki is the guy for me? Lol NOPE! pooky is lol!
Have a great day!!!!
And remember to:
Keep on: keepin' on!
~ claire
"Viva La Randomness!"
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I have no idea what to post but here goes....
Let the rambling begin!!!!
First thing outta my head...

I MISS IAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Second thing Im chuffed to bits with my Christmas Dance dress! I bought it yesterday it was in the £40 area, it reminds me of the Corpse Bride dress and it's actually my style!
So Im happy about that.
Well this is just a quick post (bells gonna go in a mo eeeeeek! Another day in this s*it hole! Lol Im trying to cut down on swearing -rev says "Well Done." lol)
So I ain't got time for the random quiz so I'll just ask....
Am I the only person who HASN'T started their Christmas shopping?!?!?!?
Have a great day!
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