moogle claire
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Dodge Ball for Children In Need. -Yeeaouch!
Has anybody seen the film Dodgeball?

It's a great film, staring Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller I give the film 10/10!!(if you wanna know more about the film check out the main site:
- if the link doesn't work just copy and paste it into your topbar and Bob's your uncle lol)
Anyway the Charities Commitee at my school decided to have a Dodgeball match for children in need (a day where you do somthing silly to raise money for poor or ill children)
Well I was asked to join a team looking for a final member - me!
Well everything was going great, I had watched the film and I knew all the rules. So our first game I managed to dodge every ball thrown at me, until the oposition grabbed my dodgeball - sending me out. Our second last game was against team X-treme (LAME!!!!! lol) They'r throws can take paint of the walls! And as I guess I got hit right in the face. I couldn't see or move or even feel my face. It was horrible. But aparently in my moment of blindness the guy came over to chant sorry sorry sorry!!!! at me lol. But the thing that bothered me was that none of my friends even gave me a hug :(
Ouch! I felt like I'd been kicked in the head my eye was watering like mad, but I still got up and played our last game, which I am very proud of - I carried on, I didn't cry in pain!
Anyway I've been told to keep frozen peas on my eye to stop it from bruising.
Today it's kinda red and sore but it's getting better.

I just need a hug!
Plus I miss Iain :'(

Oh yeah don't worry the dodgeball didn't knock the random quiz outta my head....
 Your heart lies in the good. Eww *twitch* *twitch*
Where does you heart lie? (beautiful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Aww ain't that nice? lol
There was no Wo0t outcome so I guess Im good lol!
Have a great day and remember:
"Viva La Randonmess!!"
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Friday, November 18, 2005
My Papa...
...has cancer.
Remember when I said I was going to visit him in hospital a while back? Well turns out the nose bleed that wouldn't stop was a blessing in disguise, they found cancer cells in his nose.
But because there's bone it might not have spread - we hope. :(
Anyway he's going up to Edinburgh for Ceamo (I have not idea how to spell it and I don't really care!)
So he should be ok...
~ claire
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
School Of Rock -Rocks!!!
Me and HazelHart are sitting here in a study period listening to the soundtrack of one of the best feel good movies ever!!!
SCHOOL OF ROCK! I love it!!
You can't help but smile and want to rock until you're ready to throw up!!
I would love Mr. S to teach my last, oh yeah I gotta add one of my favourite quotes....
"Your kids have touched me and Im sure I have touched them." lol Don't worry nothing bad, if your on thr floor or about to faint then you're like those freaked out parents in the film, it's not the way you think it is! lol
Well this is a post to say....
"I pledge alleginace to the band of Mr. Sheebly
and will not fight him for creative control. And will defer to him on all music issues of the band!"

Have a great day!!!!
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In Memory of Eddie Guerrero.

He was a WWE Wrestler.
On Sunday Night he died in his hotel room.
I just wanted to post about him as he was one of my favourite wrestlers - when I watched it about 4 years ago.
He deserves to be remembered.
"He'll be lyin' cheatin' and stealin' his way through heaven."
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The School Reports are in...(great)
Today we got our school report, well my class did anyway (our neddish - a.k.a person that is totally impossible to like - FINALLY got her act together and gave us them - when the rest of the school got their's on Friday.
Ok News...
There's this little annoyance at my school who thinks he's hilarious and is upsetting one of my very good friends. If he's reading this I wanna tell him to quit it and leave her alone!
As I've said before, nobody needs extra worries in life.
Anyhow, last night I went on a MEGA Final Fantasy X-2 binge (played it non-stop for like 5 hours and got to level 13 and had 11%!) I have decided to start it all over again in hopes of getting a really high % and to get the ending I want so badly!
So I've decided to change my site theme yet again! I know, I know - but Im a Libra and I can't decide!
Ok! So again
Resident Evil: Survival Horror
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Hey that's comforting to know. Lol!
Well hope you enjoy the quiz as much as I did!
Have a great day!
~ claire *kupo*
"Viva La Randomness!"

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Sunday, November 13, 2005
My Weekend.
Howdy everybody!
Hope you all had a smashin' weekend!
I spent mine with my amazing boyfriend! It was great being with him again, as you know I miss him sooooooooooooo much when he's away at Uni.
Well, we messed around quite a bit, didn't really do anything, we played games on his computer, he did some animations and I did some Illustrations - now that my english Nab (little exam) is over I can finally start Illustrating "Ollie The Little Shopping Trolley".
Anyway, even though we didn't do much together, I loved every second of it, I love being with him, talking to him, hugging him, kissing him. Im in love!
I won't see him for ages, Im just gonna work my butt off and save up to go see him, even if it is only for a day.
We also had to make a little cross grave stone for lil Wriggles, we tied two sticks together with string to make a crucifix (not how you spell it - I know.)
Oh yeah I can play the start to Wake me up when september ends on thr guitar! Yay! (That song is on just now and made me think of it - lol randomness rocks!) Iain is teaching me some stuff, Im doing ok - for a beginner lol!
Well right now Im sitting here, talking to my friends Littlebopeep (Euuuu euuu euuuu!) (we're both watching this freaky thing called Child of Mine, on tv - freaky!! There's a girl in it that remings me off the little girl in The Ring. Eep!) Im also chatting to Revadoodle (Im sending her Buffy the Vampire Slayer music, lol.) and Attics (Her man of the month is Orlando Bloom - awwww cute! Good luck in bagging Legolas hun lol)
Well Im rabling waaaaay to much, Im just gonna go wander around MyO.
Lol I feel like a virtual walk.
Oh yeah and here's todays random quiz!
 By participating in this quiz, you have unwittingly proved your randomness and insanity. Good for you. CHEESE!
RANDOM! muhahahahhahahaha!!!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
This is one of the best quizzes ever! It's totally pointless but it's class! Made me laugh so much!
One of the was What would you do to annoy people at school.
I chose: When in exams, every five minutes tear up your paper, scatter it in the air, scream MERRY CHRISTMAS, then ask for a new peice of paper. Repeat until you are asked to leave.
Night night my lil Otakus!
Viva La Randomness!
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Friday, November 11, 2005
Poor little Wriggles.
Yesterday my boyfriend's cat was hit by a car and 30 minutes later she was gone.
I got a text from my boyfriend when I was at work (I've started a new job at an Italian Restaurant - not great but it's still money.)
Well this post is just to say goodbye to lil Wriggles.
Poor lil cat. :(

Have a great day!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
Yay!! We met Son Of Dork!!!
Yesterday a lil band called Son of Dork came to visit our little town! The brand spankin' new HMV music store opened and they were there to sign cds and stuff.
Lol my friend Littlebopeep absolutely LOVES with capital LOVES, Son of Dork! Me and Revadoodle skipped Art Study - I know, I know shame on us. I was totaly worth it though! We qued for like 3 hours and we all won prizes and got to talk on the radio. The DJ would ask for a band/singer beginning with a letter of the alphabet, I got Q....
"Queens of the Stone Age!" and yay I won a West sound and HMV, goody bag! Oh yeah and we also got to meet the HMV dog! It was so cute!
After ages of waiting Son of Dork finally turned up, it was so weird eve3rybody went crazy, I was just hyper and glad to be out of class!
We met them, it was great! I got my lil poster signed and I got to tell Dave "Your hair rocks!"
He replied "why thank you gilrfriend!" They were so nice!
So that makes 7 celebrities I have met

Howard The Halifax Man!

Nipper the HMV dog!!!!

And all of Son of Dork!
I soo wanna meet Vile Valo one day! My autograph collection is growing yay!
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Monday, November 7, 2005
My School Hostile War Ground!
What a day, it started off all nice and peaceful, I woke up and had a nice hot bath (nope I didn;t bribe the school - I have 1st period free on Mondays! yay!) Anyhow I got dressed and went into school listening to A Thousand Words on my PSP. I love that song!
So when I get there my friend Jellybeanrock told me that Mr Birch/Santa (our art teacher) had come up to her and rajjed at her (rajjed means tantrum, paddy (lol), hissy fit, hippy etc etc!)
Teachers these days love to pick on unsuspecting kids.
At break me and my friends finally got our hands on the year book comment book, ever student in the year get their own page and people can write stuff about them. If you ask me it's a bad idea, some girls got some really harsh and colourful comments - not like they're not true, but still nobody deserves to be put down.
I found my page, two comment on it....Eeeek....
"Asks alot of questions!" Lol true I am a curious person.
"She has pretty hair and seems to be the leader of her group!" A nice comment, my hair isn't that nice and in our group there is not queen bee (lol)
So no really bad things about me or my friends, good.
My friend "Qula" (I don't wanna publish his name, he's got enough to deal with) came in and told me that he was being shouted at by some of the "guys" - if you could call them that! A 5th year girl had told all about "Qula" in one of her classes. Now the lil "Byatch!" is "******* dead"
I don't really blame him for reacting violently, I'll be there for him, nobody has the right to put another down.
We don't need this kinda prejudice at our age.
It's just not right.
Here's today random quiz....(heeeheee love this part!)
 Janice Ian
Which Mean Girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Hey cool! Janice rocks!
Well Im off to visit my lil Papa in hospital. Hope he's ok...
Goodnight my lil Otakus.
~ claire
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
New site theme-
I have decided to have a site theme one every month, this months is Lenne and Shuyin Final Fantasy X-2.
Im listening to AThousand Words right now on my site so I decided to post the song words, sing along if you like.
I dedicate this song to anyone who's missing someone - like me.
Final Fantasy X-2
1000 Words - Official English Version by Jade
I know that you hiding things
Using gentle words to shelter me.
Your words were like a dream.
But dreams could never fool me.
Not that easily.
I acted so distant then.
Didn't say goodbye before you left.
But I was listening.
Don't fight your battles far from me.
Far too easily.
"Save your tears 'cause I'll come back".
I could hear that you whispered as.
You walk through that door.
But still I saw.
To hide the pain when I.
Turned back the pages.
Crying out a windy answer.
What if I cried my eyes out and
Begged you not to part?
But now I'm not afraid to say.
What's in my heart.
Cause a thousand words.
Call out through the ages.
They'll fly to you.
Even though I can't see I know they're reaching you
Suspended on silver wings
Oh a thousand words
One thousand embraces
Will cradle you
Make you no longer feel weary
And seem far away
They'll hold you forever
Oh a thousand words
Have never been spoken
They'll fly to you
They'll carry you back into my arms
Suspended on silver wings
And a thousand words
Call out through the ages
They'll cradle you
You're no longer lonely
it's too lonely days
They'll hold you forever
Good night...
~ claire
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