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myOtaku.com: moogle claire

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

   Im all better now! (yay!
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Today Im feeling alot better, sorry I havn't been here for a while, I just havn't had the energy. -_-;

So, have you all had a good Christmas??

Hope you all got what you wanted!?

I got my MP3 player atlast! It's so cool and tiny and holds up to 300 songs! I also got the Rasmus's album Hide From The Sun - blooming ace it is!!!

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I also got to give Iain his xmas present... a skateboard! He loved it! So yay!
Oh yeah! I also got to meet his sister... eeek I was sooo scared but she wasn't that bad. No evil looks, or anything.
So it wasn't as bad as I thought it would have been. *phew*
But he was there to make me feel safe!
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Well I have lots of DVD's to watch so Im off to start on my box of Malteasers *licks lips* and then Im trasforming into cat burgler mode and liberate the PS2 from the enemy lol!

Stay safe!

~ Image hosted by Photobucket.com claire

CHOW *zips off*

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