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myOtaku.com: moogle claire

Monday, January 23, 2006

   My Weekend, Dynasty Warriors , Creep and My Lil Site...
Hiya everybody!
How are you all, hope you had a good weekend?!?
I spent mine with Iain... yup the dude is back... well was back! It was soooo great to see him again. I met him in the park after school and it was raining so hard but we just stood there hugging each other. It was great!! That's the good part about him living far away, the meeting each other for the first time in age part. But each time it's getting harder to say "Goodbye" to him!
So anyway we spent most of the weekend messing around and watching Naruto... Lol I've got alot of catching up to do with Iain on that! He's seen like 100 more episodes than me! Im also trying to learn all the names of the characters... there are loads of them!!!
Oh yeah and we also carried on with our Two Player addiction with Dynasty Warriors 4! Hell Yeah! lol (thank you Scottis!)
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This is my favourite Warrior Xiahou Dun from the Wei Army! He's sooo cool!

Anybody ever seen the film CREEP?
Hmmm let me think one word to describe it?
CRAP! lol! Just some randomer killing people and a woman in a skanky dress lol! But thank you Attics for lending it to me, it was kinda freaky but soooo blooming pointless!

Ok and now for news on my lil site!
Im still working on it, trying to make blogs etc and trying to find/make a background that does me justice! So tonihg t Im gonna fiddle with it and see what I get!

Ok so now for the random screenshot of the day...
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Awwww memories... I miss FFIX I wish I hadn't completed it! I love Vivi ^^

Ok and today's totally random quote:
"Who died and made you Cao Cao!??!?"
(Me to Scottis lol)

Night night everybody!

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(Random note here: because of the whole Bird Flu thing that's spreading I've decided to not eat anymore Chicken etc... So I am a Chickatarian!)lol told you it was random!

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