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• 1991-02-12
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• 2005-12-18
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• Tom, AKA Raid, Moogleboy, Tomu
• I'm happy with my life. I'd call that an achievement.
Anime Fan Since
• About 1999.
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• Stay happy.
• Video games, drawing, and reading (novels or manga)
• I'm kinda good at video games and drawing.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
8:31 PM - 8:46 PM
Life is good, overall. That said, life over here totally SUCKS. I can't stand being around Bob, and I can barely stand being around my dad. Fuckers.
But... well, Chris is on, so for now I'm... neutral-ish. I'd be happier if Bob wasn't in the other room over there... I don't feel at ease around him.
Youmacon is happening again this year! Oh man, last year it was freaking amazing. And this time there'll be friends! Yay.
Heheh... I'm going to cosplay as a Black Mage. A simple one though, not one of those crazy-ass complicated things from FFTA or FFIX. Like the first one, just a blue robe and a pointy straw hat... and some sort of mask thing. Luckily the convention is just a few days after Halloween, so I should be able to obtain any leftover parts of my costume then. ^_^
Kora is going to go as a Thief, and we're going to try to convince Liz to go as a Chocobo. heheheheh... Somehow I doubt that Chris would dress up as anything. I dunno... we haven't really talked much about it. I can't wait to tell the others... yay for Youmacon!
Well... that's all for now, I suppose. I REALLY want Bob to leave. I am so glad that he will not be here when I wake up... fuck, I feel like him sitting on the couch is defiling it. I have to fucking sleep there! aaaagh... bastard. goawaygoawaygoawaaaaaaayyy..... *sigh*
I'm going to go back to... I wasn't doing anything. I was bored. Right, that's why I started writing. Damn. Oh well... I'll find something, I guess...
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12:23 PM - 12:34 PM
Fuck. I just got up, and I don't know why, but I am in a really bad mood.
I want to go home, I can't stand being over here. Being able to sleep for 15 hours is not worth all the crap I have to put up with. I hate having two houses. People constantly tell me that this is my home too, but they're wrong. This is not home. Home is where you feel welcome. I do not feel welcome here, all I feel is anger towards my jackass dad.
Oh, and apparently I'm going to be over here until Monday. He didn't fucking tell me until he picked me up Friday afternoon. He never tells me anything until the last minute, then he makes fun of me for getting mad at him. Even when I was a little kid, I'd ask what stores we were going to, and he would mention 2, and we'd end up wasting the whole damn day at about 5 while he never found anything that he wanted. He made fun of me for getting mad back then, too.
He better have been joking when he said we were going to see my aunt. I don't really like her that much. As a person, she's pretty nice. But she is way too overprotective of her demon bastard children. My cousins suck. And I'm not just saying that because I hate kids, they seriously ruin family stuff with their little tantrums. At least they're not as bad as my cousins in New Jersey... *shudder*
I wish someone would come online... talking is the only thing that makes me happy here. Liz, Chris, Kora, anyone! agh... I think I was miserable last night until I saw that Liz was online, then I was like... really happy until I went to bed.
Yay, Kora's on! Fuck this, as long as I'm still ranting here I'll be unhappy. bye...
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
10:35 PM - 10:50
Well, I'm at me dad's. I have a million things to complain abote, but I'm not gonna, 'cause I'm in a fairly good mood. For now.
I saw Pirates 2 again today. Twas neat.
Um... not much else to report. Dunno how long I've played Baten Kaitos at the moment.
Hey.... um... dammit. Nevermind. Forgot. Heh.
I saw... oh, I already said that. Up there. A few minutes ago. Short term memory loss strikes again!
Ummm... So yeah. Nothin'. See ya. Or not. Cause some people read this that I don't ever see in person. And stuff. I'm gonna go now. Get some pizza. Piza o tabemasu and shit.
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Thursday, July 13, 2006
11:39 PM - 11:54 PM
So, not much has happened since last time I posted, which was um... I don't remember. Or care. Working again tomorrow... today wasn't the best day, as far as days off go. Really boring. Even Baten Kaitos wasn't enough to keep me not bored. Damn, I should have read... oh well.
Can't think of anything to write about. Working again tomorrow. Should go to bed now, I'd get about 8 hours in. Going to dad's this weekend... not looking forward to it the least bit. It sucks over there, all I'll have is my Gamecube and my books. Barely any food (but enough, thankfully), whole place is dirty, no privacy whatsoever, stupid neurotic and fat cats (except one), dial-up internet (if any)... *sigh*
I like being here. Why do I have to go over there? It's my decision to. I don't want to. I could do so much more here... and it's not like I go there to see my dad, he stays in his room the whole damn time, then blames me for never wanting to see any movies. He doesn't even ask anymore. I mainly go over there to sleep. Last time I slept 14 hours... I'm planning on doing so again. At least 14 hours. That's 14 hours that I don't have to put up with my surroundings. Hopefully I can get back here early on Sunday... doubtful. He's always late. I'll just tell him that I want to be back at noon, so if I'm lucky I'll be back at 3 or so.
Baten Kaitos update- played 35% of the time in the past 14 days, and 53% of that time while awake (assuming 8 hours of sleep). Played 60% of the time that I was awake and not at work the last 14 days.
Oh yeah, now I remember why I go over to my Dad's house. I pity him. If he keeps going the way he is though... well, I was friends with David for longer than I should have been out of pity. I'm not friends with my dad, and I've already lost the last shred of respect I had for him... The only thing left to stop giving him is my presence. It's up to him at this point though. If he can wake up and see himself for once, then I'll keep going. If he continues to delude himself with the thought that he's a great and flawless guy seen by others as a knight in shining armor (his words, almost verbatim), then... I'll stop going. That simple.
Well, that's all I have to say on the matter. Off to bed I go.
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
9:08 AM - 9:17 AM
Heheheheeheheh. I'm posting from work. I'm so bad... heh.
But it's okay, since my job is on the computer and I'm in another room than everyone else, so they all probly just think I'm working. Which I am, in between each sentence I write here.
So, I saw Pirates yesterday. It was pretty awesome. I don't know why Liz was confused the whole time, she saw the first one recently... I haven't seen the first one in a long time, so it makes sense for me to be confused. Mostly, I just didn't know who a lot of the secondary characters were. But it was funny, and good, and stuff. Yay.
Haven't done much Baten Kaitos-ing in the past two days. Haven't had much time at home, I'm afraid. And even when I am playing it, I can't find that damn sword!!! I'm only missing one sword in the whole game... I don't even have to have it, all I have to do is see it so it goes on the list of all the stuff in the game... snarg. But noooo, all I can find is the crappy fire sword that comes right before it on the list. Oh well. I'll get it eventually, then I can kick Malpercio's ass. Not that I can't now, I just wanna get 100%. Eh.
Can't think of anything else. Need to keep working, so I can get money to buy an iPod and FMA DVDs. And some videogames. Yep. Bye.
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
12:02 AM - 12:11 AM
Eh. I should be in bed. Oh well, I'm going soon.
I think I'm nearly done with Baten Kaitos... it looks like the last boss battle, but I'm not entirely sure. Meh, I'm certainly close anyway.
I haven't been posting as often as I used to. I guess I've just been too busy playing Baten Kaitos. Heh. Let's see... I started playing it the Friday before last, so that's 11 days, times 24 hours, 264. I now have 100 hours on the game. So I've spent roughly 38% of my time the past 11 days on that game. But wait... I didn't factor in sleep. Assuming I got 8 hours of sleep every night, that leaves me with 176 hours awake. Which means that of all the time I was awake during the past 11 days, I've been playing Baten Kaitos for about... 57% of it. Wow. Heheheheh... I have no life. Woot. I think that as long as I'm playing it that I'll keep a record like that... Yep.
Well, in other news... Liz is back. It's good to talk to her again. Hopefully things will finally be back to normal... no wait, they'll be better, because now I have 3 close friends instead of 2. Yayyyyy.
Hmm... I don't think much else is going on. I still need to read. Oh, I'm going to see Pirates tomorrow. Yay for that.
Well, I don't really have anything else to say. Off to bed I go.
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Friday, July 7, 2006
6:45 PM - 6:49 PM
*sigh* I feel really guilty... I've been putting off quite a few things recently. E-mailing a friend, summer reading, and cleaning the storage room are among them... I think there's more, but I can't think of any. Let's see... I don't really have a legitimate excuse for the last two, but the reason I'm taking so long to get around to the e-mail is because e-mail is... really awkward for me. I never know how to begin or end it... bleh.
Well... I'll get around to most of the stuff as soon as I'm done with Baten Kaitos. I think I'm nearly done, but I'm not entirely certain how much of the game is left... ah well.
The past few days have been really weird... but not bad. At least I can talk to my friends again. woo.
Enough of this now! I should be playing Baten Kaitos, so I can do other stuff. Byeeeeeee!
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Tuesday, July 4, 2006
1:10 PM - 1:15 PM
gah... I feel lonely again. I still haven't talked to anyone, except for about 5 minutes talking to Kora (followed by news that she won't be online for 2 fucking weeks), and a few minutes talking to Tim. He doesn't really count though, cause.. I don't normally talk to him anyway.
It just hit me that it's the 4th. I didn't care yesterday, but today I realize that all of my friends are probably off with their families and/or other friends doing stuff... *sigh*
So, I'm bored and lonely. I could go play video games, but I would be paranoid that someone would come online while I'm not here... dammit. Oh well... I have nothing better to do, and there's little chance that anyone will come on in the next hour or so, given that they're all probly doing stuff...
fuck, I have no life. to the videogames, away...
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Monday, July 3, 2006
3:05 PM - 3:09 PM
So, it turns out Kora has been camping for three days. O_o
Holy hell her parents are weird... she said she couldn't tell me because she didn't even know she was going camping til the day before... wtf?
What day is it? Monday... I can't keep track of anything in Summer, apparently.
Oh yeah, Matt's okay again (for now). We talked about arguing and stuff, and I think I was a bit harsh on him on here before. Oh well.
Crap... Kora just abruptly went offline... *sigh*
I can't think of anything else to say... even though I know there was something. I'll probably just remember later and post about it sometime tonight...
edit: Now I remember! Matt, get your own account. As much as I appreciate you commenting on here, it just looks weird if you use my account... Besides, last time I was over here you or Chrissy suggested that you make a "Matt and Chrissy" account here.... so yeah, do that. Seriously.
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
3:38 PM - 3:42 PM
I want to say that I'm bored, but that would be a lie. I have 5 books that I can read, I have 4 Gamecube games that I can play, and there are two computers with the internet in this very room. So it's not like I have nothing to do. I just feel... empty, I suppose. I haven't talked to any of my friends in days. It's really getting to me...
Why hasn't anyone been on? I mean, I guess they all have their own things to do in their lives, and they have other friends to hang out with, etc. But... it's just weird that they haven't been on when I've been on (or maybe not at all) in the past like... Since Thursday. It bugs me. snarg... I hope I get to talk to them tonight...
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