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Tom, AKA Raid, Moogleboy, Tomu
I'm happy with my life. I'd call that an achievement.
Anime Fan Since
About 1999.
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Stay happy.
Video games, drawing, and reading (novels or manga)
I'm kinda good at video games and drawing.
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
4:18 AM - 4:36 AM
Life, for the past few days, has been very surreal. It seems like... like everything is falling apart at the seams. I haven't talked to my friends in days, because I haven't been able to get to a computer during the day, only late at night. And there's been a lot of arguing... I hate it.
So, Jani had a party thing for the 4th of July, despite the fact that it was the first. There was a lot of preparations, and unfortunately despite her best efforts she still had a lot of last minute stuff to do. One of which was picking up her son, Bob, who cannot drive and has no car. I hate Bob. He treats Jani like crap, and tries to be buddies with me, and it just.... he's really trashy. I can't stand being around him. But Jani wanted me to come with her to pick him up, so I did.
We were in a hurry, and he kept demanding- not asking, demanding- that she stop at McDonald's or wherever because he was hungry. It was like 5:30, and we were going to eat at 6:15. So he's basically a spoiled brat. Also, whenever she said that we needed to hurry back to get everything ready before people got there, he kept saying that it was her fault for not doing everything sooner. What a nice son he is. Asshole. And then he had the nerve to tell her she was overreacting when she told him to stop saying it. He tuned to me and said something about how she was "over-reactin' " (he's a fucking hick), and asked me to agree. Obviously I sided with Jani.
So there was that fucking stupid argument. Then the people came for the party, blah blah blah... And then Chrissy came and rescued me! I went with her and her sister back here, to her house, and we watched a movie.
We had made plans to go out to a Coney Island to get some fries and hang out or whatever after the movie, but we were waiting for Matt, so he could come with us. He was supposed to get off work at 1 AM, but we knew that he rarely actually can leave then, and usually has to stay another half hour or even an hour. We waited until 2:30, had made multiple calls to his place of work, and had even called a coworker, who told us that they got off at 1. wtf?
So we went without him, and came back with our food and ate it. Chrissy said she was going to bed, but later came back and told us that she was going to see if his car was in the parking lot at his work, because in her words, "I know he's not, but I don't want to be mad at him and find out he's in the hospital." Which I believe was rational, because I was getting a bit worried also.
So she leaves, and a while later I heard the door open, so I went over expecting to find Chrissy and ask her what happened. But it was Matt, asking where Chrissy was. I told him that she was looking for him and he muttered something like "she's not my mom." Then he went to wait for her in the hall so they could talk and not disturb Leanna and I. Which didn't really work, because I've heard a lot of their argument. It's really annoying.
Matt's been less cool lately... he stays up way too late playing World of Warcraft, then the next day he's all moody and tired and crap, and he never wants to do anything. And now this. What the hell, Matt? Wake up, man. Chrissy is your wife. She worries about you. I was worried too! If you're delayed, call, so that people can rest, knowing that you're safe. Hopefully, the fact that your conversation with Chrissy has quieted down means that you two worked something out, or something....
*sigh* I miss my friends... I hope they're alright...
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Friday, June 30, 2006
7:09 PM - 7:33 PM
I slept for 14.5 hours last night. It was nice.
*yawn* I'm actually still a little tired... I think I'm still catching up on all the sleep I missed during the school year. I should probably be reading right now... Oh well. I'll get to it soon enough.
There's some pizza sitting over there... I'm hungry, but not hungry enough to have a whole piece... bleh.
You know what bugs me? Pride. And I'm not talking about the character from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Pride, in all its forms, is nothing but bad. While I don't agree with many parts of many religions, I have to say making Pride one of the Seven Deadly Sins was one of the better moves of Christianity... or was that another belief that carried over from Judaism? Either way, it's one of the few things about religion that I respect.
Well no, not really. Because religion is one of the best arguments you can make against Pride. Like a lot of things, these religions look great on paper, but they suck when implemented. A lot of messages in religion are greatly distorted. Pride is one of the worst things in some religions, but you don't see anyone trying to be... not proud.
Don't be proud. Of anything. It leads to nothing but bad things. I mean... It's okay, I suppose, to be proud of your grades, or your kid, or something. As long as you don't take it too far, like religion does.
I should elaborate; most religions will tell you that they are the only right one. Other religions? Nah, they're crazy and stupid, as far as whatever one you believe in is concerned. People are willing to kill each other over religion; that's how much they believe that theirs is the only right one. I'd call that Pride.
This brings up a point about something related, but different: Relgious hyprocrisy. I'm not talking about condradictions in the bible or whatever, I mean... Things like Pride, for instance. It's in people's religion to not be proud. Yet they are anyway. People don't listen to a lot of their own religious teachings. Especially Christians.
I'm not saying all Christians are like this, just a lot are. Like being intolerant. If you are prejudiced against someone because they're gay, black, female, or whatever else, then I don't think you can call yourself a good Christian. It's not like one of those differences that make you a different type of Christian, like catholic, protestant, etc. Not being prejudiced, also known as tolerance, is one of the things that make christians... christians. Wasn't tolerance something that Jesus advocated?
So racists, sexists, homophobes, and other prejudiced people can't possibly be Christian, because they're going against a "teaching" of fucking Christ. So they're pretty much just Jewish assholes, without the community thing.
Actually, another thing I don't understand is how people like that, that believe someone else is somehow inherently inferior to them, can still hold said belief after being confronted with evidence from their own religion that said belief is wrong. What's up with that? It's the most blatant hyprocisy I've ever heard of. It's fucking ridiculous. Grr...
Well, being that this is an extremely disorganized rant, I totally lost my line of thought there. I'll reread this tomorrow, or maybe later tonight, and figure out if there's anything left to say. For now um... I'm probly gonna go play Baten Kaitos.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
10:59 PM
I could post about how horrible my day was, but I'm in a good mood, so I won't. (but I'll probably bitch about it tomorrow)
Kirby 64 music makes me happy.
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
12:27 PM - 12:30 PM
Dammit. This sucks. I'm going to a park again, and I could ride my bike, but I'm lazy, and Chris needs a ride, so my grandma's supposed to take us. She told me yesterday that I should call her today to remind her. So I've been calling her every half hour or so since 10:30. She hasn't picked up. I got her cell number, and she hasn't picked up that one either.
I really hope she didn't forget... cause if she did I'm screwed. Dammit. Dammit... >_< gah!
She's supposed to be here in 15 minutes. I guess now I just... wait...
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Monday, June 26, 2006
1:46 AM - 2:02 AM
Dammit, why am I still awake? I mean, it's not that late, it's just that I've been bored out of my skull for like an hour now. Yet I'm far too stubborn to just go to sleep. Bleh.
Well, I could just write about the crazy bullshit that my dad decided to talk to me about today, but by now it's pretty redundant.
"Your mother doesn't understand what I've been going through," for instance. I've heard this a lot, and it's totally... he's just a freaking idiot! He divorced her, not the other way around. It's his problem that the consequences of his actions didn't begin having an effect on him until two and a half years later.
Oh, and he threatened to kill me or something if I kept telling my mom what he talks to me about. First of all, he only told me not to repeat what he said once, several months ago, about something completely stupid (and I didn't tell anyone, cause it wasn't important anyway). He's just... I mean, what? His exact words, I believe, were something like, "Don't you dare tell your mother what I'm telling you, and I've asked you twice not to do that and you have, and if you do it again, I'm serious, I'll kill you."
Pff.. whatever. It doesn't matter, cause if I ever feel threatened by him (which I don't), I can just... not go to his house anymore. Heh.
I'm not upset about his constant bullshit anymore, really I'm just more amazed that he keeps trying to make it look like he's some kind of victim here. He tried to tell me he didn't want the divorce again... *sigh* What a fucking moron. Oh well. His problem, not mine. I just kinda wish he'd stop bugging me about it...
Sooo... let's see, I don't think anything else is going on in my life. Oh, I got all A's on my report card. Yay, I guess. Hopefully that means I can get my mom to agree to pay for half of an iPod... I need an mp3 player. My phone sucks, because the volume, well... the lowest above muted is still loud enough to hurt my ears. Bleh.
Oh, and I'm going to a park again Tuesday... Cam is going, uh... maybe some other people... I still have to ask Chris, Kora says maybe... um...
Hmm... oh, one more thing, my mom wass like.. drunk-ish again tonight. But it wasn't entirely her fault, she always has a little to drink at night, not enough to actually affect her, but... well she's on medication, so I guess it messed with her and stuff. Nothing as bad as last time though, I didn't need to help her off the floor... though I did need to almost make her go to bed again... meh.
So, that's all. Nothing else to report from my life. I might actually go to sleep now. Byyyyeee!
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
2:10 AM - 2:16 AM
Okay, I'm probably completely insane as I write this. I told Kora I was going to bed like more than an hour ago, but I'm still up, because I've been at this one site. It's all these incredibly funny videogame quotes... oh god it's too much, I keep nearly falling out of my seat laughing. But a large part of it is probably all the coke I've had today (the beverage, obviously. Who needs drugs when you can get this high off of coca-cola?).
Mah, anyway. Oh yeah, so I was gonna post a link to that site and then go back to laughing my ass off. It's Oh, and seriously, check out the FF7 quotes. There's crazy shit in that game, dudes. Bwhahaahahaha... oh, how deliciously unpolitically correct it is...
You know, these poptarts I'm eating will surely only add to the madness. It's kind of a good thing that my buddy list is empty, because if anyone was on they'd be going insane if they hadn't already blocked me. Bwahahahaha. I'm so out of it...
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Saturday, June 24, 2006
12:33 AM - 12:58 AM
I'm bored as hell. I'm also at my dad's. The two kinda go together more often than not. Blehh...
I'm using a laptop. It has dialup. They have wireless internet in the house, and the compy upstairs uses it. It's in my dad's room, which is so full of smoke that walking in there gives me a headache, so I obviously don't use that computer.
Now, you might be wondering why I'm using dialup when there's wireless internet in the house. It's because I'm not familiar with the type of wireless thingy they have, and my dad and Jani are far too "busy" to do anything about it. I mean... She uses this compy too. So it would be in her interests to get the fuck away from AOL and get this thing on broadband or whatever the hell they call it.
I could be playing video games right now. Unfortunately, I don't have a setup here like I have at home. By which I mean the laptop isn't in the same room as the TV, so I can't be on the lappy and play video games.
"But Tom, laptops are portable! Why can't you just take it into the other room?"
Because the fucking cord that attaches the lappy to the phone jack thing isn't nearly long enough.
I don't want to leave the compy for two reasons:
One, someone might actually come online, thus I will no longer be bored.
Two, I don't want to stop listening to this music. Ordinarily I wouldn't care, because I usually listen to whatever music is in the game (music is a very important part of gaming for me). But the music in Harvest Moon gets old really fast, and I'd rather listen to the stuff I have on here. Bleh.
There's nothing to do. I don't have any books to read, there's no way anything more would have fit in my backpack, which I pack in for coming over here. Can't play videogames, can't read, nothing to do on compy... Well, crap.
I find it funny that I've written such a long post, and it consists entirely of me detailing the reasons why I'm bored, and the reasons why I can't do anything else. It seems that I post a lot more when I'm over here. It's probably the boredom.
So... I hope all you people have a nice weekend.. or something.
Do you ever notice how pointless some of our formalities are? People see each other on the street, total strangers, and feel the need to say "good morning" or something. That kind of stuff is fine, it's, you know, nice. But the people that you don't know that ask how you are or whatever? What the hell is up with that? It's always the same conversation:
"How are you?"
"Good, how are you?"
Then they part ways. What's the point in asking "how are you" if you never expect an actual response? And I find that people do this with acquantinces as well as total strangers. I guess it's usually the way a conversation starts. Or something. But it's stupid and pointless, because they don't expect a response from you other than "good" or "fine" or whatever.
When I ask my friends how they are, I actually want to know how they're feeling. It's not some thinly veiled attempt to look like a nice guy. And I assume that when they ask me, that they generally want to know. If I'm not feeling well, I'll tell em. I don't just say "good" and move on. Blech.
And these people that don't care how you feel and ask anyway... what do they gain from this? It's not being nice, because they don't care. If you're walking by someone and he asks how you are, if you reply, "Oh, I'm terrible, I just found out I have testicular cancer!" do you think that they'll actually stop to talk to you? Hell no! Most likely this person would be a little disoriented, clearly not having anticipated a non-robotic answer to his question.
I'm socially awkward with anyone not in my group of close friends as it is, I don't need these people that don't care about me or my problems inquiring about them. It's just so pointless! Why did this start happening? What's up with that? Bleh.
Well, I think I've said quite enough for now. You know you're bored when you start ranting about stuff like that. I'm gonna go.. check my friends' blogs again... even though I know that they haven't updated them since a half hour ago... I'm soooo pathetic... meh.
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Friday, June 23, 2006
1:03 PM - 1:08 PM
Oh man I'm so bored... No one has been on in hours. And I don't mean no one as in the people that I normally talk to, I mean that my buddy list is totally empty. Or it was for a few hours; Siyu has been on for a few minutes, but I've only talked to him twice since like January, so he doesn't count....
I've been playing Harvest Moon more efficiently though. So that's a HOLY CRAP. I've been sitting here, hoping that as the night drags on a little, someone will sign on and talk for a few hours, but it just dawned on me that it's already after 1 AM... bleh, I seriously doubt that anyone is going to sign on soon...
Bleh... I need to go find something productive to do...
Gah.. can't think of anything to rant about... oh, there is one thing, but actually I'm kinda tired so it can wait til tomorrow... bed for Tom...
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
10:24 PM - 10:29 PM
Odd. I haven't posted nearly as much in the past few weeks as usual. Well, it is summer... which means that nothing is really going on. >_<
I worked today... I'm working Wednesdays and Thursdays this summer... it's REALLY boring, but I get money, so it's worth it. First thing I'm gonna buy is an iPod. My CD player is broken and I hate listening to music on my phone...
So, let's see... anything else happen the past few days? Nope. Just a lot of talking to Kora. And a bit of playing Harvest Moon. I'm... kinda boring... meh.
Well, I ran out of things to say pretty fast. So um... bye, I guess....
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
12:33 AM
Today was uneventful. Well, no it wasn't, but nothing happened worth mentioning. Chris is awesome. I should get to bed soon... Meh. Kay, well, I don't have anything else to say, so bye.
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