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Tom, AKA Raid, Moogleboy, Tomu
I'm happy with my life. I'd call that an achievement.
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About 1999.
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Video games, drawing, and reading (novels or manga)
I'm kinda good at video games and drawing.
Friday, June 30, 2006
7:09 PM - 7:33 PM
I slept for 14.5 hours last night. It was nice.
*yawn* I'm actually still a little tired... I think I'm still catching up on all the sleep I missed during the school year. I should probably be reading right now... Oh well. I'll get to it soon enough.
There's some pizza sitting over there... I'm hungry, but not hungry enough to have a whole piece... bleh.
You know what bugs me? Pride. And I'm not talking about the character from Fullmetal Alchemist.
Pride, in all its forms, is nothing but bad. While I don't agree with many parts of many religions, I have to say making Pride one of the Seven Deadly Sins was one of the better moves of Christianity... or was that another belief that carried over from Judaism? Either way, it's one of the few things about religion that I respect.
Well no, not really. Because religion is one of the best arguments you can make against Pride. Like a lot of things, these religions look great on paper, but they suck when implemented. A lot of messages in religion are greatly distorted. Pride is one of the worst things in some religions, but you don't see anyone trying to be... not proud.
Don't be proud. Of anything. It leads to nothing but bad things. I mean... It's okay, I suppose, to be proud of your grades, or your kid, or something. As long as you don't take it too far, like religion does.
I should elaborate; most religions will tell you that they are the only right one. Other religions? Nah, they're crazy and stupid, as far as whatever one you believe in is concerned. People are willing to kill each other over religion; that's how much they believe that theirs is the only right one. I'd call that Pride.
This brings up a point about something related, but different: Relgious hyprocrisy. I'm not talking about condradictions in the bible or whatever, I mean... Things like Pride, for instance. It's in people's religion to not be proud. Yet they are anyway. People don't listen to a lot of their own religious teachings. Especially Christians.
I'm not saying all Christians are like this, just a lot are. Like being intolerant. If you are prejudiced against someone because they're gay, black, female, or whatever else, then I don't think you can call yourself a good Christian. It's not like one of those differences that make you a different type of Christian, like catholic, protestant, etc. Not being prejudiced, also known as tolerance, is one of the things that make christians... christians. Wasn't tolerance something that Jesus advocated?
So racists, sexists, homophobes, and other prejudiced people can't possibly be Christian, because they're going against a "teaching" of fucking Christ. So they're pretty much just Jewish assholes, without the community thing.
Actually, another thing I don't understand is how people like that, that believe someone else is somehow inherently inferior to them, can still hold said belief after being confronted with evidence from their own religion that said belief is wrong. What's up with that? It's the most blatant hyprocisy I've ever heard of. It's fucking ridiculous. Grr...
Well, being that this is an extremely disorganized rant, I totally lost my line of thought there. I'll reread this tomorrow, or maybe later tonight, and figure out if there's anything left to say. For now um... I'm probly gonna go play Baten Kaitos.
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