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• 1991-02-12
• My basement
Member Since
• 2005-12-18
• none as of yet
Real Name
• Tom, AKA Raid, Moogleboy, Tomu
• I'm happy with my life. I'd call that an achievement.
Anime Fan Since
• About 1999.
Favorite Anime
• Stay happy.
• Video games, drawing, and reading (novels or manga)
• I'm kinda good at video games and drawing.
Monday, August 14, 2006
11:12 PM - 12:07 PM
Well, I'm back.
I could say that I regretted going and I didn't have any fun, but that would be a lie. Admittedly, Friday night, most of Saturday, and most of Sunday would have sucked completely if I hadn't brought my GBA and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance to keep me occupied. Fun stuff.
The only part that was really fun was Saturday night, at the actual reunion. My first observation was that this family seemingly consisted entirely of crazy old people (old applies to anyone above 50 in this case) and small children. I later discovered that there were people in their late teens/early 20s present; however they were all playing volleyball, badminton, and other such net-related sports.
After hanging around my dad for a bit, while reading and playing FFTA, I decided that I was sick of listening to old people talk about thier... whatever shit they were talking about, it was boring. You get the point. So I went off on my own to play my game and sit in the grass.
I had thus far been admiring the teens; they reminded me a lot of my brother and his friends. I could tell by observing their behavior that they were the kind of people that I hope I can be their age. Anyway, they had hit the ball oot quite a few times in my direction, and a few times I had been invited to join the game. However, because I didn't know any of them, and the fact that I'm not what you'd call "athletic" (I have absolutely zero hand eye coordination outside of video games), I declined. I believe it was the 3rd time they invited me that I accepted (for some reason the phrase "mario can wait!" made me long to join their game much more. *shrug*).
I think I made the better decision. It was very very fun, despite my goofing up a lot of things. But hey, I scored some points, so yay for that.
Shortly after joining the game, it was quite apparent that the one known as Hans was a gamer. The evidence for this was abundant (his friends referring to him as "gamer boy", for instance; other examples include their referencing the B button and such).
After several games that I don't wanna go into detail aboot cause I've already been way too in depth as it is... um... oh yeah, I had a nice talk with Hans about various videogames and such, and found out he's a content updater on a FF fansite. So he's pretty much everything I want to be when I'm his age (plays videogames a lot, has awesome friends that understand vg stuff, etc). Not that I don't have those things now, I'm just saying that I wanna still have that stuff in years to come.
For some reason the lot of them had trouble believing I was 15 (they were all 19 and 20), but I never got to find out why, since some small children came up and attacked the group.
So yeah. It was pretty neat.
That was not all that made the night good, however. One thing was the abundance of stars that I could see... it was very pretty. It's actually kind of sad that I'm impressed with it, as I am told that in many areas, seeing that amount of stars is normal... (stupid light pollution in my area!).
Also, I saw a flippin' shooting star! It was so sweet... um, nothing else can really be said aboot that one.
The last thing was that I saw a constellation for the first time in my life. Twas the Big Dipper, I believe... I am told that the Big Dipper is the most commonly seen constellation, which is only further evidence to me being too much of a city person. Ah well... nothing I can do aboot that til I'm 18.
So yeah. I'm pretty sure this was pretty long. So I'm gonna get back to this distracting game now. seeya
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