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myOtaku.com: moonlessdaemon

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hello Everyone ^_^

well yesterday was okay, in the morning i went to a physics review, which was acctually not that bad... i learned a bit more of the stuff that i had no clue how to do lol.
while we were leaving the review, my friend Elise made us stop in the hall, and she tought us how to play "ninja tag" lol... it was so funny. you have to stand in a cricle at arms length apart, and you have to keep your feet were they are and not move them, and then you have to try to touch the person next to you while they try to lean away from you... it sounds weird but its funny to do lol.

later on, my family went out to dinner, it was good, i got a chicken ceaser salad ^_^ i dunno why, but i really do love eating those lol.

well thats pretty much it ^_^ ttyl

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