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myOtaku.com: moonlessdaemon

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Hello everyone ^_^
I�m sorry I haven�t been able to update on a regular basis. School has been really time consuming. I�ve been taking a lot of tests and stuff, I also just joined the Ecology club today, it�s a lot of fun. It�s basically a lot of experiments with environmental stuff ^_^ I also have to take the PSAT soon, this will be the second time I have to take it. That�s on the 18th so far I have a very packed schedule during the week. I have school every day like usual, but on tuesdays I have PSAT classes, wed. I have community service, and Thursdays is drivers ed. Arg.. I have no free time anymore.
Remember that whole sweet 16 thing, well I got a dress for it, it�s a floor length black dress with silver flowers that flow out from the shoulder, but their not big , it�s just a little design.
This weekend I�m going to Pennsylvania, so I won�t be able to update, but I will update tomorrow. I have to do a still life drawing for art, so I�m probably going to draw it while I�m there. I�ll try to find a cool looking tree or root of something in the middle of the woods lol.
Well that�s all for now ttyl

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