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myOtaku.com: moonlessdaemon

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Well nothing much really happened yesterday. I had to finish a lot of work because I missed two days of school, but I’m up to date now so that’s good. Tomorrow I have to take the PSAT’s… I’m not looking forward to that at all.

As I told all of you I went to see man of the year over the weekend, and an actor named chrstiopher walkens was in it, not sure if any of you know hiom by name so heres a pic of him
christopher walken's

but anyway, I have a funny story that my cousin told me about him that I have to share with you all ^_^. My cousins friend was an intern on the set of one of his movies. And one day when they went on lunch break, her friend watched as Walkens walked outside to a fountain type pond that was next to the set, and he stripped down to his underwear and got into the water up to his nose and stayed like that the whole hour long lunch break. with just the top of his head sticking out of the water.When the lunch break was over someone asked him “chris what did you do for lunch.” And he said “ for lunch … I was an alligator” I don’t know if you can really picture how absolutely funny I found that, but I hope you found it as amusing as I did lol

well that’s all for now ttyl

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